(2010) Summer REU Program

The University of Wisconsin-Madison MRSEC and NSEC again teamed to host its annual REU in Nanotechnology and REU in Chemistry and Chemical and Biological Engineering programs. The two programs combined to offer 10 week summer research experiences to 18 students from around the country and Puerto Rico. The program also played host to two international students from Spain and Germany. The group included seven female researchers and 15 students from underrepresented groups. In addition to cutting edge nanoscience and materials research projects, the REU students participated in special seminars offered by the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network to help students improve their science communication skills. The summer culminated with a center wide poster session for the REUs to present the results from their summer research projects. Outcomes from the summer include students’ contributions to two publications that have been submitted for review.

Three different groups of people