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Previous IRG’s
2016 IRG 1:
The range of possible semiconductor materials and materials properties is extensive and barely explored. Materials processing routes that allow fabrication of single-crystalline semiconductor structures for which one or more dimensions are smaller than 100 nm (dots, ribbons, membranes) provide opportunities to realize material states and behaviors that are unconventional and unexpected. IRG 1 examines how the combination of nanoscale patterning and structuring, strain manipulation, and phase engineering can be used to push semiconductor materials from their natural ‘bulk’ states to realize unique and undiscovered functionality.
2016 IRG 2:
Glasses are ubiquitous across materials types and technological applications but their structure – property – processing relationships and underlying fundamental physics remain poorly understood. IRG 2 uses cross-fertilization of ideas and techniques for organic and inorganic glasses to design ultrastable glassy materials and use them to address these fundamental problems in glass science. These efforts include using physical vapor deposition to synthesize glassy thin films with widely varying stability, systematic coherent electron nanodiffraction to measure glass structure and dynamics, and high thermal ramp-rate calorimetry to investigate polyamorphism. Simulations and materials informatics guide the design of new glasses, and provide molecular-level insight into mechanical properties, thin film growth, and molecular motions. IRG 2 investigates both organic and inorganic glasses, including small molecules, metals, and ceramics, enabling identification of cross-cutting phenomena and mechanisms inherent to the glassy state.
2016 IRG 3:
By addressing fundamental issues related to soft, LC-based materials on multiple length scales via the integration of complementary experimental and theoretical tools, IRG 3 provides a foundation of knowledge with broad potential for impact on the design of hierarchical and active soft materials. Key fundamental issues IRG 3 investigates include the equilibrium and the non-equilibrium, dynamic behaviors of molecules at interfaces of anisotropic soft materials, interfacial ionic phenomena in LC systems, dynamic mechanical and transport properties of several classes of LC gels, including concepts of molecular frustration and surface-driven ordering transitions, and the structure and energetics of the cores of LC defects, including cores that host ad sorbates. The challenge of designing these complex LC material systems is addressed by IRG 3 through the development of new experimental techniques, multi-scale theory and simulation, and new methods of synthesis and processing.
Previous Center Highlights
International Summer Research Program
The Wisconsin MRSEC International Research Experiences Program (IREP) was initiated in fall 2013 to formalize and expand on undergraduate and graduate research-based student exchanges with partner universities. A particular focus of the MRSEC has been directed towards partner institutions in Asia, because these experiences provide students with skills necessary to work in countries that have cultures and languages that are distinct from the US. Partners currently include Zhejiang University in China, Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, City University of Hong Kong, and the National University of Singapore. Since inception, 24 students have participated in these programs.
Listed below are four research-based summer internship opportunities. The Wisconsin MRSEC offers scholarships to be used towards participation in these programs for eligible applicants.
~~~Applications are now closed for the Tokyo Institute of Technology programs for summer 2017.~~~
~~~Applications are now closed for the City University of Hong Kong and National University of Singapore programs for summer 2017.~~~
Outgoing Opportunity | Country | Partner University |
Term(s) | Deadline | Open |
Tokyo Institute of Technology Summer Exchange Research Program (SERP) |
Japan | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Summer 2017 | 1/2/2017 | N |
Tokyo Institute of Technology Summer Program 2017 | Japan | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Summer 2017 | 1/6/2017 | N |
College of Science and Engineering Summer Exchange Programme | China | City University of Hong Kong | Summer 2017 | 1/13/2017 |
N |
Summer Engineering Research Internship for U.S. Students (SERIUS) | Singapore | National University of Singapore | Summer 2017 | 1/20/2017 |
N |
Incoming Opportunity | Country | Partner University |
Term(s) | Deadline | Open |
UW-Madison College of Engineering Summer Exchange Research Program (SERP) |
USA | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Summer 2017 | 2/15/2017 | Y |
Study abroad (credit-based) programs are also available through the International Engineering Studies & Programs and more broadly through International Academic Programs. An extensive database of research-based and professional internships are available through the International Internship Program. These opportunities are cross-listed in the IIP and IAP databases.
Super Seed
Michael Arnold
248 Materials Sci & Engineering Bldg
1509 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706
8305l F Daniels & Jh Mathews Chem Bl
1101 University Ave
Madison, WI 53706
The “Active nanomembranes and their surfaces” Super Seed project addresses fundamental issues related to understanding and controlling the surface mediated interactions of atomically and molecularly thin nanomembranes (e.g. two-dimensional and ultrathin crystalline materials) with their environment. Fundamental aspects that the Super Seed investigates include understanding how the morphology, topography, chemical patterning, and composition of the surfaces of a nanomembrane synergistically influence its interactions with fluids, molecules, ions, and soft matter. This understanding will enable the realization of nanomembrane materials with new properties and phenomena that will make it possible to advance water purification, sensing, and energy storage applications and to address important questions in electrochemistry, microscopic fluid dynamics, and biophysics.