The University of Wisconsin – Madison (UW) Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) on Nanostructured Interfaces hosted two national events for museum educators at the Madison Children’s Museum and on the UW campus. The …
Month: August 2011
(2011) Transport in Ultra-Thin Silicon Membranes
Nanostructures are extremely sensitive to their surface properties. In the past year we have made extensive measurements of thin silicon films in ultra-high vacuum. We now have strong evidence that ultra-thin silicon with a 2×1 …
(2011) Semiconductor Nanomembrane Tubes: Three-Dimensional Confinement for Controlled Neurite Outgrowth
Semiconductor Nanomembrane Tubes: Three-Dimensional Confinement for Controlled Neurite Outgrowth (2011) In many neural culture studies, neurite migration on a flat, open surface does not reflect the three-dimensional (3D) microenvironment in vivo. With that in …
(2011) Phonon Scattering in Intrinsic Graphene using Tight-binding Bloch Waves
The overall interest in graphene as a material for devices has led to tremendous advances in the knowledge of transport in graphene. However, there are still questions about the intrinsic limit to electron mobility. Recent …
(2011) Mechanisms of Organic/Inorganic Interface Formation
Mechanisms of Organic/Inorganic Interface Formation (2011) Advanced organic/inorganic materials for applications including solar energy conversion and optoelectronics require the creation of interfaces with carefully controlled structural and electronic properties. Functional monolayers at these interfaces can …
(2011) Bridge-Dependent Interfacial Electron Transfer
Top: The kinetics of charge transfer from a rhenium-bypyridine complex to a TiO2 , measured for several molecular linkers (purple, black, red, and blue traces). Insets show the structure of the molecular systems, and infrared …