Two Superseed projects and one Seed project have been awarded funding to pursue research as part of the Wisconsin Materials Research Science and Education Center (MRSEC). The collaborative Superseed and Seed projects will enhance the ongoing materials research of the Center and support the exploration of transformative new directions.
Year: 2020
Social and Racial Justice and the Wisconsin MRSEC
The MRSEC Executive Committee has chosen to undertake the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge. The challenge is to take at least one action per day for twenty-one days to build equity and justice. What does that look like? The Challenge website provides a long list of resources, from articles and books to read, podcasts to listen to, and documentaries and interviews to watch, to organizations to connect with and activities to focus our attention on the racial context of the world around us. The Executive Committee commits to tracking our progress on the Challenge and to using it to help us form new habits of mind that will inform future decision making for the center.
Educational Games Take Stay-at-Home Kids to the Next Level
UW–Madison engineers and Field Day Lab game designers have developed options for productive screen time that kids at home during the COVID-19 pandemic can benefit from and enjoy. Educational and fun video games aimed at middle and high school students are available free.
Dallin Awarded the 2020 Wisconsin MRSEC Excellence in Open Science Prize
The MRSEC Open Science prize recognizes a researcher or research team that has demonstrated an exceptional effort or success in the development and dissemination of impactful data for the scientific community. With the transformative developments in data access and analytics, development and dissemination of impactful data sets is an increasingly important part of modern materials science. This prize seeks to encourage researchers to develop innovative strategies to share their data.