Nominee for Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Presents at ACS Spring 2022

Jian Sun, A graduate student in Materials Science and Engineering in Professor Padma Gopalan’s lab was nominated in the category of Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research under the division of Polymer Chemistry at ACS Spring 2022. As a nominee, Sun presented on the recently published work, “Synthesis of High Etch Contrast Poly(3-hydroxystyrene)-based Triblock Copolymers for Sub-5 nm Features.” Sun’s travel to the conference was supported through the MRSEC Honored Scholar Travel Award.

Sun’s talk was given on Monday morning of the conference in front of a large crowd. Following his presentation, the honor was recognized with the presentation of a certificate.

“The president of ACS, Angela Wilson, gave an incredible speech and encouraged us to take advantage of the in-person national meeting,” said Sun. “I had a short conversation with her and a group photo was taken including all the nominees, symposium organizers and ACS president.

Outside of the conference, Sun took advantage of the nice weather and ocean view in San Diego. Additionally, he enjoyed spending time with colleagues who also presented at the conference.

“I strongly encourage students to apply for the MRSEC Honored Scholar Travel Award and attend conferences to immerse yourself in other people’s research and get a fresh perspective to your own work.”