MRSEC Participates in Wisconsin Science Festival

Kristy Heine and her second-grade son Noah Heine (off from school recovering from a recent surgery) learn about liquid crystal technology from post-doctoral student Md Tahmidul Alam at a Materials Research Science and Engineering (MRSEC) table. Photo by: Jeff Miller

Wisconsin MRSEC researchers volunteered their time to run a booth at the Wisconsin Science Festival’s Hands-On Expo in October.

Coordinated by the MRSEC Inclusive Education/Outreach Team, the MRSEC booth at this festival featured activities around five scientific concepts:

  1. Magnetism
  2. Xray Diffraction
  3. Amorphous Metals/Metallic Glasses
  4. Liquid Crystals
  5. Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Properties

Participating is such events is a valued part of MRSEC participation. Outreach activities provide an excellent opportunity to share some of the exciting research from the center, practice communication skills, and make a positive impact on the greater community.

More information and photos from the event may be viewed in the full article on the University of Wisconsin – Madison website.