2011-2017 Posts
(2017) IRG 1: Controlling Metastable Complex Semiconductors through Chemistry
(2016) IRG 1: Full Circle of Innovation in Instrumentation: Atomic Level Imaging
(2016) IRG 1: Expanding the Palette of Useful Semiconductors
(2016) IRG 3: Templating Nanomaterials from Defects in Liquid Crystals
(2016) Education: Wisconsin MRSEC Outreach Impacts 255,000 People This Year!
(2016) Facilities: MRSEC Shared Facilities: A Vital Resource
(2016) Interdisciplinary Computational Group: Undergraduates Apply Informatics Tools to Transform Materials Science in the “Informatics Skunkworks”
MRSEC researchers are working together to integrate machine learning and other informatics tools with materials science while simultaneously providing project-based hands-on learning for undergraduates in cutting edge interdisciplinary science. The “Informatics Skunkworks” (http://skunkworks.engr.wisc.edu/) initiated by …