Facilities Days Open House 2017 – Speakers

UW-Madison Speakers

Felix Lu Headshot

Felix Lu, Faculty Associate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Co-Director, Advanced Materials Industrial Consortium (AMIC)

Felix Lu is the Co-Director of the Advanced Materials Industrial Consortium (AMIC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Assistant Director for Industry Outreach for the Grainger Institute for Engineering, and a Faculty Associate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. A significant portion of his job includes reaching out to regional companies to find synergies among the various industry sectors and connect them to resources, subject matter experts and students at the University. He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California at San Diego and his technical background is in processing of semiconductor electronics.

Erin Gill Headshot

Erin Gill, Administrative Director, Wisconsin MRSEC
Co-Director, Advanced Materials Industrial Consortium (AMIC)

Erin Gill is the Administrative Director of the Wisconsin Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) and Co-Director of the Advanced Materials Industrial Consortium (AMIC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to joining the MRSEC she worked as a Scientific Director at a startup company, in research support at IUPUI and the IU School of Medicine, and in technology transfer at WiSys Technology Foundation. She received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin- Madison and her technical background is in tissue multiphoton imaging.

Isabelle Girard Headshot

Isabelle Girard, Director, Office of Campus Research Cores

The Office of Campus Research Cores is a new initiative from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (VCRGE) to enhance access to and support of research services at UW-Madison. The mission of the Office of Campus Research Cores is to support, coordinate and optimize core structure and services for campus researchers and external clients.

Isabelle Girard has a Ph.D. in Organismal Biology from the University of California, Los Angeles and has formerly served as the Associate Director of the Biotron Lab at UW-Madison, Program Analyst for UW-Madison Office of Research Support and Compliance, and Associate Professor of Biology at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

Charles Fry Headshot

Charlie Fry, Director, Magnetic Resonance Facility, Paul Bender Chemistry Instrumentation Center

Charlie Fry is the Director of the Magnetic Resonance Facility in the Paul Bender Chemistry Instrumentation Center. After receiving his Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Iowa State University, he came to UW-Madison and has been the NMR Director at PBCIC for the last 24 years. The Magnetic Resonance Facility provides state-of-the-art NMR instrumentation to support research and research-directed education in chemistry. The Facility is exceptional in its support of multinuclear and variable temperature studies that are key characterization techniques for synthetic and mechanistic chemistry. Dr. Fry is also leading the addition of new techniques specific to materials research, such as solid-state NMR and SQUID magnetometry.

John Markley Headshot

John Markley, Steenbock Professor of Biomolecular Structure
Director, National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM)

Professor Markley received his Ph.D. from Harvard University and is currently a professor in the UW-Madison Department of Biochemistry as well as Director of the National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM). His research interests include NMR spectroscopy and its biological applications; structure function relationships in proteins; stable-isotope-assisted multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; processing and analysis of multi-dimensional NMR data; structural genomics and metabolomics. For more on Professor Markley’s research click here.

Bob Paulos Headshot

Bob Paulos, Director, UW-Madison Physical Sciences Lab

Bob Paulos is an alumnus of the UW-Madison Department of Mechanical Engineering. Since then he has contributed to multiple projects affiliated with the UW-Madison including the Hubble Space Telescope High Speed Photometer, the Hubble Axial Replacement Instrument, and the Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer project. He also managed the initial contract with NSF for the Ice Coring and Drilling Services here, and the $275M IceCube Project. In 2005 he became the Associate Director of IceCube responsible for technical leadership and management across the broad areas of engineering, implementation, and project support. Bob became interim Director of the Physical Sciences Laboratory in July of 2014 and accepted the permanent Director position there this past fall. The Lab is currently working on a number interesting projects including the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) and the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter (LZ) experiment, both funded by DOE. PSL has also partnered with the Center for Limnology here at UW-Madison on a UW2020 funded project to enhance the Fast Limnological Automated Measurement system (FLAMe).

John Valley Headshot

John Valley, Professor of Geology
Director, Wisconsin Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (WiscSIMS) Laboratory

John W. Valley received his Ph.D. in 1980 from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where he first became interested in the early earth. He and his students have since explored
the ancient rock record throughout North America and in Western Australia, Greenland and Scotland. Valley is past-president of the Mineralogical Society of America and Charles R. Van Hise Professor of Geology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he founded the WiscSIMS Laboratory, which includes a CAMECA IMS 1280 ion microprobe that enables a diverse range of research; besides zircons, Valley and his colleagues probe many rare or extremely small materials ranging from stardust to microfossils. For more on Prof. Valley’s research, click here: http://www.geology.wisc.edu/people/valley.html

Hunter Headshot

Jerry Hunter, Director, Shared Instrument Facilities

Jerry Hunter obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill in 1991 and was a Postdoctoral Researcher at North Carolina State University until 1992, and is now the-director of the University of Wisconsin – Madison College of Engineering Shared Research Facilities.  Prior to his current position, Dr. Hunter was Associate Director of the Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratories at Virginia Tech and Research Professor in the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering and Geosciences.  Dr. Hunter also spent 15 years in Silicon Valley where he had management and technical positions at Philips Semiconductors, Intel, Accurel Systems and Evans Analytical Group.  He has published over 40 papers on characterization of a broad range of materials.

Instrument Vendor Speakers

Ron Kelley Headshot

Ron Kelley, FEI, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

Ron has focused charged particle beams for nearly 20 years, starting in failure analysis labs to his current applications engineer position at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Availability of the high current Xe ion source has solved many traditional analytical challenges and opened up new application spaces. His main focus today is optimizing the plasma FIB for new applications, including large volume 3D data collection, TEM prep and large area cross-sectioning.

Gerry O'Loughlin headshot

Gerry O’Loughlin, SEMTech Solutions, Inc.

Gerry O’Loughlin is a graduate of Boston College and is currently the President of SEMTech Solutions, Inc. For 10 years, SEMTech Solutions and Elionix have worked together to provide sales, service, and applications in both North America and Europe. Gerry manages the Elionix Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) product line in North America and Europe. Gerry has more than 25 years of electron beam instrumentation experience in various roles. Prior to SEMTech Solutions, Gerry held positions at AMRAY, KLA-Tencor, Veeco, and Physical Electronics.

Greg Fisher Headshot

Greg Fisher, Physical Electronics, Inc.

Dr. Gregory L. Fisher is a Principal Scientist at Physical Electronics specializing in TOF-SIMS applications and instrument development. Greg attended college at the University of Wisconsin – LaCrosse where he earned B.S. degrees in Chemistry and Physics. He went on to study under Prof. Nicholas Winograd at the Pennsylvania State University where he earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry. While at Penn State, Greg participated in the development of TOF-SIMS analytical instruments as well as research concerning the fundamental physics of ion-solid interactions. He was independently funded to pioneer the use of TOF-SIMS to probe the dynamics of metal atom reactions at functionalized surfaces, pushing the limits of detection at high mass resolution. Greg was at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) for two years as a Post-Doctoral Researcher and for five years as a Staff Scientist. He was primarily engaged in thin film growth and surface characterization for the development of reactive targets used in the high explosive reaction chemistry via ultrafast laser-excited spectroscopy (HERCULES) project. While at LANL, Greg was at the forefront of the use of cluster ion beams as analytical probes for TOF-SIMS analysis. He established the use of a C60 analytical ion beam in high sensitivity measurements to understand the effects of ionizing radiation on the chemical properties of polymers. Since joining Physical Electronics, Greg’s activities have included the application and optimization of cluster ion beams in TOF-SIMS analysis for 2D and 3D characterization of organic and inorganic materials, and the development of 3D imaging by FIB-TOF tomography. An underlying theme of Greg’s work has been the development of TOF-SIMS as a practical and reliable tool for biological and bio-materials analysis. A hallmark achievement has been the introduction of TOF-SIMS Parallel Imaging MS/MS. This tandem MS imaging capability enables unambiguous composition and structure elucidation of molecules without sacrificing speed or performance in TOF-SIMS or tandem MS imaging. Moreover, since the TOF-SIMS and the tandem MS imaging are achieved simultaneously, no TOF-SIMS imaging data is lost or discarded in the course of a tandem MS imaging analysis. Greg is one of four patent holders on this new and exciting technology.

Thomas Kelly headshot

Thomas F. Kelly, CAMECA

Thomas F. Kelly received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with highest honors from Northeastern University in June 1977. He then entered graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received a Ph.D. in Materials Science in December 1981. After one year as a postdoctoral associate at M.I.T., he joined the faculty of the Department of Metallurgical and Mineral Engineering of the University of Wisconsin-Madison in January 1983. He was a Full Professor from 1994 until his departure in 2001 from the renamed Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Tom was also Director of the Materials Science Center from 1992 to 1999.

While serving as a professor of Materials Science and Engineering in the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering until September 2001, Tom Kelly founded Imago Scientific Instruments to commercialize atom-probe microscopy-a technology that enables researchers to analyze materials at the atomic scale. His invention, the Local Electrode Atom Probe, or LEAP, captures a three-dimensional atom-by-atom “image” of a material and renders that image on a computer screen.

Tom Kelly has been active in the fields of analytical electron microscopy, atom probe microscopy, rapidly solidified materials, and electronic and superconducting materials for over 35 years. He has published over 240 papers and 16 patents in these fields in that time. Dr. Kelly is an authority on microstructural characterization. He is expert in most forms of transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and atom probe microscopy and has brought innovations to the instrumentation and practice.

Tom was a member of the executive council of the Microscopy Society of America from 2000 to 2002, the International Steering Committee of the International Field Emission Society from 2002 to 2008 and President of the International Field Emission Society from 2006 to 2008. He has served as the inaugural chair of the Microscopy Today Innovation Awards Committee for the Microscopy Society of America since 2010. Tom was an Editor of Microscopy and Microanalysis from 2010 to 2015 and is on the Editorial Board of Microscopy Today. From 2010 to 2012, Tom served on the Council of the Microanalysis Society. In 2012 he was elected President Elect of the Microanalysis Society and is serving as President from August 2014 to August 2016.

Tom has driven the innovation in instrumentation for atom probe tomography over the past two decades. He continues to pursue innovations such as pushing microscopy all the way to atomic-scale tomography by developing new detector technologies and combining atom probe tomography with electron microscopy in a single instrument.

Murial Veron Headshot

Muriel Veron, NanoMEGAS

Muriel Veron received her Engineering degree and her Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering from Grenoble-INP, France. After completing her Ph.D. in 1995, she joined the department of Materials Science and Engineering at McMaster University, Canada as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. In 1996 she moved back to France to take an Assistant Professor position at Grenoble-INP and SIMaP Laboratory (Material Science and Process Laboratory). She was made a Professor in 2008. Since 2009 she has held the post of Deputy Director of the engineering school Phelma, with 1200 students and important international collaborations. In July 2011, she was awarded APERAM Rene Castro Prize for her contributions in steel phase transformations and alloy design. In the Metal Physics department at SIMaP, her research focuses on the coupling between microstructure and mechanical properties. She works closely with industrial collaborators on fundamental and applied topics. Muriel Veron has contributed significantly to the development of TEM automated orientation mapping in association with the pioneering work of Dr. Edgar Rauch (CNRS). This has resulted in orientation and phase maps at the nanometer scale, and provided the scientific and industrial communities with a new and powerful tool to investigate materials.