ICG Seminars


Izabela Szlufarska
242 Materials Sci and Eng Bldg
1509 University Ave
Madison, WI 53706

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2016 Seminars:

April 7, 2016 4 pm

“The materials genome and the transformation of materials science and engineering”, Prof. Gerbrand Ceder, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California – Berkeley

March 10, 2016 4pm

“Nano-bio interactions at the cell membrane interface”, Prof. Alfredo Alexander Katz, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

February 15, 2016 2 pm

“Multiscale simulations for soft matter: applications and new developments”, Prof. Kurt Kremer, Max Planck Institute, Germany


May 4, 2015, 3:30pm

“Protein structure determination using molecular simulations” Dr. Anders Christensen, Department of Chemistry, Professor Cui’s Group. Room: 1153 Mechanical Engineering

March 2, 2015, 3:30pm

“Brownian motion near interfaces: Insights from microsecond-long molecular dynamics” Kai Huang (in collaboration with Prof. Izabela Szlufarska), Department of Materials Science and Engineering Room: 1153 Mechanical Engineering

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February 2, 2015, 3pm

“Development and Application of Ab Initio Force Fields for Organic and Ionic Liquids” Dr. Jesse McDaniel (in collaboration with Prof. JR Schmidt and Prof. Arun Yethiraj), Department of Chemistry, UW-Madison Room: 1153 Mechanical Engineering

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April 21, 2014, 3pm 

“Fundamental Reaction Mechanistic Studies Towards Improved Catalyst Design: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Approach”
Suyash Singh, Department of Chemical Engineering, UW-Madison
Room: Materials Science & Eng 265

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March 10, 2014, 3pm
“Predictive Theory of Electronic Structure: Are We There Yet?”
Dr. Edward Valeev, Department of Theoretical Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Room: Chemistry 9341

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November 11, 2013, 3pm
“Insights on AlkB family and DNA polymeras enzyme from computational simulations”
Dr. Andres Cisneros, Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University
Room: Chemistry 9341

October 28, 2013 3pm
“Putting the statistics back in statistical mechanics”
Dr. Michael Shirts, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia
Room: Chemistry 9341

September 23, 2013, 3:30 pm
“Anomalous Dynamic Behaviors of Colloids in Complex Systems”
Dr. Bong June Sung, Department of Chemistry, Sogan University
Room: Mechanical Eng. 1106