IRG 1 Leaders:
Paul Voyles
Room: 219
Materials Science and Engineering
1509 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 265-6740
Izabela Szlufarska
Room: 262
Materials Science and Engineering
1509 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-1821
More group members
This group works to understand and predict mobility in glasses and supercooled liquids with atomic resolution over timescales of seconds or longer. They conduct unique, nanoscale, time-resolved experiments and simulations leveraging new methods in physics-aware, machine-learning.
The combination of atomic resolution and long times will lead to fundamental understanding of glass behavior including viscosity, fragility, and relaxation, as well as the ability to predict crucial glass properties such as plasticity and impurity diffusion from composition and thermal history.
The IRG’s scientific developments will enable rational design of organic and inorganic glasses, which the group will leverage to create high-mobility, anisotropic organic semiconductor glass films for organic electronics and stabilized, confined, drug molecule glasses for pharmaceutical preparations.
IRG 1 News and Highlights
Hagopian Presents at Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference
The MSREC Honored Scholar Travel Award enabled Nicholas Hagopian to attend the 2024 Microscopy and Microanalysis conference held in Cleveland, Ohio. Hagopian, a PhD student in the Voyles group, conducts research on characterizing materials and …
October 30, 2024MRSEC Graduate Student Gives Two Presentations at IMC20
Shuoyuan Huang, a graduate student in Paul Voyles' lab, recently attended the 20th International Microscopy Congress in Busan, Korea. While there, he presented two talks: “Momentum-Resolved Electron Correlation Microscopy Reveals Structure Dependent Dynamics in Metallic Supercooled Liquids” and “High-speed, Low-dose 4D STEM of Orientation Domains in an Anisotropic Molecular Glass.”
October 26, 2023UW will launch materials engineering research initiative with major NSF sponsorship
The University of Wisconsin–Madison Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) has received $18 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for interdisciplinary exploration of fundamental questions in materials science.
August 15, 2023- More IRG 1 posts