MRSEC Honored Scholar Travel Award
Apply for the MRSEC Honored Scholar Travel Award! The award supports travel to materials research and educational conferences. Click here for details.
Informatics Skunkworks
Undergraduates are encouraged to participate in the Informatics Skunkworks, a group dedicated to engaging undergraduates in realizing the potential of informatics for science and engineering. Skunkworks participants work together in project-based research, learning critical skills in teamwork, presentation, project management, software development, and applied data science, as well as driving data-centric approaches poised to transform the future of science and engineering. Click here for details.
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
UWAMIC LinkedIn Group
MRSEC Executive Committee
The Wisconsin MRSEC has postdoc and graduate student members on the executive committee – one representative from each IRG. Representatives gain the opportunity to develop leadership skills and ensure that students and postdoctoral associates in the center have a voice in decision-making processes. The student representatives of the MRSEC Executive Committee are selected on an annual basis. Interested? Contact Kerri Phillips at