These publications, published since 2017, acknowledge support of the previous Center’s grant, DMR-1121288.
MRSEC Publications (1121288)
Grant Number | Year Published | MRSEC Unit | Citation | DOI | Link to Open Access Publication | Link to Data | MRSEC Funding (Primary or Partial) | Author Who is MRSEC Primary Participant | Notes |
1.121.288 | 2019 | Abbasi, R., R. Jain, K. Nelson, D. Busche, D. M. Lynn, and N. L. Abbott. "Polymeric Films Containing Sodium Chlorite That Release Disinfectant Gas Upon Activation with Uv Light." Advanced Functional Materials 29, no. 7 (Feb 14 2019). | 10.1002/adfm.201804851 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Abdalilo-Uriel, J.C., Thorgrimsson, B., Kim, D., Smith, L.W., Simmons, C.B., Ward, D.R., Foote, R.H., Corrigan, J., Savage, D.E., Lagally, M.G., Calderson, M.J., Coppersmith, S.N., Eriksson, M.A., Friesen. M. “Signature of atomic-scale structure in the engery dispersion and coherence of a Si quantum-dot qubit”Physical Review B,no. 16 (2018). | 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.165438 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Agarwal, U. P., S. A. Ralph, C. Baez, R. S. Reiner, and S. P. Verrill. "Effect of Sample Moisture Content on Xrd-Estimated Cellulose Crystallinity Index and Crystallite Size." Cellulose 24, no. 5 (May 2017): 1971-84. | 10.1007/s10570-017-1259-0 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Agarwal, U.P, Ralph, S.A., Reiner, R.S., Hunt, C.G., Baez, C., Ibach, R., Hirth, K.C. “Production of high lignin-containing and lignin-free cellulose nanocrystals from wood” Cellulose,no. 10 (2018): 5791-5805. | 10.1007/s10570-018-1984-z | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Agarwal, U.P., Ralph, S.A., Reiner, R.S., Baez, C. “New Cellulose Crystallinity Estimation Method That Differentiates Between Organized and Crystalline Phases” Carbohydrate Polymers,(2018): 262-270. | 10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.03.003 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Alba-Rubio, A. C., J. L. G. Fierro, L. Leon-Reina, R. Mariscal, J. A. Dumesic, and M. L. Granados. "Oxidation of Furfural in Aqueous H2o2 Catalysed by Titanium Silicalite: Deactivation Processes and Role of Extraframework Ti Oxides." Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 202 (Mar 2017): 269-80. | 10.1016/j.apcatb.2016.09.025 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Aragao, I.B., Ro, I., Liu, Y.F., Ball, M., Huber, G.W., Zanchet., D., Dumesic, J.A. “Catalysts Synthesized by Selective Deposition of Fe onto Pt for the Water-gas Shift Reaction” Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,(2018):182-190. | 10.1016/j.apcatb.2017.10.004 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Arjmand, M., C. Benjamin, and I. Szlufarska. "Analytical Elastoplastic Analysis of Heteroepitaxial Core-Shell Nanowires." Article, Aip Advances 9, no. 5 (May 2019): 9. | 10.1063/1.5049479 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Arjmand, M., Ke, J.H., Szlufarska, I. “Control of Surface Induced Phase Separation in Immiscible Semiconductor Alloy Core-shell Nanowires” Computational Materials Science,(2017): 50-55. | 10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.01.005 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Auer, G. K., and D. B. Weibel. "Bacterial Cell Mechanics." Biochemistry 56, no. 29 (Jul 2017): 3710-24. | 10.1021/acs.biochem.7600346 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Ball, M. R., K. R. Rivera-Dones, E. Stangland, M. Mavrikakis, and J. A. Dumesic. "Hydrodechlorination of 1,2-Dichloroethane on Supported Agpd Catalysts." Article, Journal of Catalysis 370 (Feb 2019): 241-50. | 10.1016/j.jcat.2018.12.019 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Ball, M.R., Wesley, T.S., Rivera-Dones, K.R., Huber, G.W., Dumesic, J.A. “Amination of 1-hexanol on bimetallic AuPd/TiO2 catalysts” Green Chemistry,no. 20 (2018): 4695-4709. | 10.1039/c8gc02321b | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Boukahil, I., P. S. Johnson, F. J. Himpsel, R. M. Qiao, J. A. Bandy, and R. J. Hamers. "Unoccupied Surface State Induced by Ozone and Ammonia on H-Terminated Diamond Electrodes for Photocatalytic Ammonia Synthesis." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 35, no. 4 (Jul-Aug 2017). | 10.1116/1.4980041 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Boursier, M. E., J. B. Combs, and H. E. Blackwell. "N-Acyl L-Homocysteine Thiolactones Are Potent and Stable Synthetic Modulators of the Rhlr Quorum Sensing Receptor in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa." Acs Chemical Biology 14, no. 2 (Feb 2019): 186-91. | 10.1021/acschembio.8b01079 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Boursier, M.E., Manson, D.E., Combs, J.B., Blackwell, H.E. “A comparative study of non-native N-acyl L-homoserine lactone analogs in two pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing receptors that share a common native ligand yet inversely regulate virulence” Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry,no. 19 (2018): 5336-5342. | 10.1016/j.bmc.2018.05.018 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Seed | Boursier, M.E., Moore, J.D., Heitman, K.M., Shepardson-Fngairino, S.P., Combs, J.B., Koenig, L.C., Shin, D., Brown, E.C., Nagarajan, R., Blackwell, H.E., “Structure-Function Analyses of the N-Butanoyl L-Homoserine Lactone Quorum Sensing Define Features Critical to Activity in RhIR” ACS Chemical Biology,no. 9 (2018): 2655-2662. | 10.1021/acschembio.8b00577 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Brentzel, Z.J., Ball, M.R., Dumesic, J.A. “Selective Production of Terminally Unsaturated Methyl Esters from Lactones Over Metal Oxide Catalysts” Catalysis Letters,no. 10 (2018): 3072-3081. | 10.1007/s10562-018-2507-0 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Bukusoglu, E., J. A. Martinez-Gonzalez, X. G. Wang, Y. Zhou, J. J. de Pablo, and N. L. Abbott. "Strain-Induced Alignment and Phase Behavior of Blue Phase Liquid Crystals Confined to Thin Films." Soft Matter 13, no. 47 (Dec 2017): 8999-9006. | 10.1039/c7sm01755c | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Cao, Y. K., H. Z. Yu, N. L. Abbott, and V. M. Zavala. "Machine Learning Algorithms for Liquid Crystal-Based Sensors." Article, Acs Sensors 3, no. 11 (Nov 2018): 2237-45. | 10.1021/acssensors.8b00100 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Chada, J.P., Zu, Z.R., Zhao, D.T., Watson, R.B., Brammer, M., Bigi, M., Rosenfeld, D.C., Hermans, I. Huber, G.W. “Oligomerization of 1-butene Over Carbon-supported CoOx and Subsequent Isomerization/hydroformylation to n-nonanal” Catalysis Communications(2018). | 10.1016/j.catcom.2018.06.021 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Chang, T. H., K. L. Xiong, S. H. Park, G. Yuan, Z. Q. Ma, and J. Han. "Strain Balanced Algan/Gan/Algan Nanomembrane Hemts." Scientific Reports 7 (Jul 2017). | 10.1038/s41598-017-06957-8 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Choudhry, F.A., Nguyen, H.M., King, S.W., Lee, C.H., Lin, Y.H., Fung, H.S., Chen, C.C., Li, W., Benjamin, D., Blatz, J.M., Nishi, Y., Shohet, JL. “Measurement of the Vacuum-ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Low-K Dielectrics Using X-Ray Reflectivity” Applied Physics Letters,no. 8 (2018). | 10.1063/1.5025180 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Chyan, W., H. R. Kilgore, B. Gold, and R. T. Raines. "Electronic and Steric Optimization of Fluorogenic Probes for Biomolecular Imaging." Journal of Organic Chemistry 82, no. 8 (Apr 2017): 4297-304. | 10.1021/acs.joc.7b00285 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Education/Outreach | Clawson, E. D., V. Blair, J. F. Nepper, M. D. Stilwell, T. Tangen, and D. B. Weibel. "Laboratory Activity Using Accessible Microfluidics to Study Nematode Behavior in an Electrical Field." Article, Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 19, no. 1 (Jan 2018): 3. | 10.1128/jmbe.v19i1.1551 | Partial | ||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Collar, K. N., Li, J., Jiao, W., Kong, W., and Brown, A. S. “Unidirectional Lateral Nanowire Formation during the Epitaxial Growth of GaAsBi on Vicinal Substrates”Nanotechnology29, no. 3 (2018): 035604. | 10.1088/1361-6528/aa9e34 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Collar, K., J. Li, W. Jiao, Y. Guan, M. Losurdo, J. Humlicek, and A. S. Brown. "Determination of the Impact of Bi Content on the Valence Band Energy of Gaasbi Using X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy." Aip Advances 7, no. 7 (Jul 2017). | 10.1063/1.4986751 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Defouilloy, C., D. Nakashima, D. J. Joswiak, D. E. Brownlee, T. J. Tenner, and N. T. Kita. "Origin of Crystalline Silicates from Comet 81p/Wild 2: Combined Study on Their Oxygen Isotopes and Mineral Chemistry." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 465 (May 2017): 145-54. | 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.02.045 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Delgado, R. R., R. M. Jacobberger, S. S. Roy, V. S. Mangu, M. S. Arnold, F. Cavallo, and M. G. Lagally. "Passivation of Germanium by Graphene." Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, no. 20 (May 2017): 17630-37. | 10.1021/acsami.7b03889 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Dias, A. D., J. M. Elicson, and W. L. Murphy. "Microcarriers with Synthetic Hydrogel Surfaces for Stem Cell Expansion." Advanced healthcare materials 6, no. 16 (Aug 2017). | 10.1002/adhm.201700072 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Eagan, N. M., J. P. Chada, A. M. Wittrig, J. S. Buchanan, J. A. Dumesic, and G. W. Huber. "Hydrodeoxygenation of Sorbitol to Monofunctional Fuel Precursors over Co/Tio2." Joule 1, no. 1 (Sep 2017): 178-99. | 10.1016/j.joule.2017.07.004 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Eftink, B. P., A. Li, I. Szlufarska, N. A. Mara, and I. M. Robertson. "Deformation Response of Agcu Interfaces Investigated by in Situ and Ex Situ Tem Straining and Md Simulations." Acta Materialia 138 (Oct 2017): 212-23. | 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.07.051 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Eftink, B. P., N. A. Mara, O. T. Kingstedt, D. Safarik, S. Wang, J. Lambros, and I. M. Robertson. "Deformation Response of Cube-on-Cube and Non-Coherent Twin Interfaces in Agcu Eutectic under Dynamic Plastic Compression." Article, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 712 (Jan 2018): 313-24. | 10.1016/j.msea.2017.11.108 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Evans, A. A., B. Bhaduri, G. Popescu, and A. J. Levine. "Geometric Localization of Thermal Fluctuations in Red Blood Cells." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114, no. 11 (Mar 2017): 2865-70. | 10.1073/pnas.1613204114 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Eyer, G. P., K. R. Kittilstved, and T. L. Andrew. "Anomalous Paramagnetism in Closed-Shell Molecular Semiconductors." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, no. 45 (Nov 2017): 24929-35. | 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b07270 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Ferdous, R., kawakami, R., Scarlino, P., Nowak, M.P., Ward, D.R., Savage, D.E., Lagally, M.G.,Coppersmith, S.N., Friesen, M.,Eriksson, M.A., Vandersypen, L.M.K., Rahman, R. “Valley Dependent Anisotropic Spin Splitting in Silicon Quantum Dots”NPJ Quantum Information,(2018). | 10.1038/s41534-018-0075-1 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Galebach, P. H., S. Thompson, A. M. Wittrig, J. S. Buchanan, and G. W. Huber. "Investigation of the Reaction Pathways of Biomass-Derived Oxygenate Conversion into Monoalcohols in Supercritical Methanol with Cumgal-Mixed-Metal Oxide." Article, Chemsuschem 11, no. 23 (Dec 2018): 4007-17. | 10.1002/cssc.201801816 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Galebach, P.H., McClelland, D.J., Eagan, N.M., Wittrig, A.M., Buchanan, J.S., Dumesic, J.A., Huber, G.W. “Production of Alcohols from Cellulose by Supercritical Methanol Depolymerization and Hydrodeoxygenation” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,no. 3 (2018): 4330-4344. | 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b04820 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Garg, A., M. Milina, M. Ball, D. Zanchet, S. T. Hunt, J. A. Dumesic, and Y. Roman-Leshkov. "Transition-Metal Nitride Core@Noble-Metal Shell Nanoparticles as Highly Co Tolerant Catalysts." Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 56, no. 30 (Jul 2017): 8828-33. | 10.1002/anie.201704632 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Gerceker, D., A. H. Motagamwala, K. R. Rivera-Dones, J. B. Miller, G. W. Huber, M. Mavrikakis, and J. A. Dumesic. "Methane Conversion to Ethylene and Aromatics on Ptsn Catalysts." Acs Catalysis 7, no. 3 (Mar 2017): 2088-100. | 10.1021/acscatal.6b02724 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Gerdt, J. P., D. M. Wittenwyler, J. B. Combs, M. E. Boursier, J. W. Brummond, H. Xu, and H. E. Blackwelle. "Chemical Interrogation of Luxr-Type Quorum Sensing Receptors Reveals New Insights into Receptor Selectivity and the Potential for Interspecies Bacterial Signaling." Acs Chemical Biology 12, no. 9 (Sep 2017): 2457-64. | 10.1021/acschembio.7b00458 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Gomez, J., A. Gujral, C. B. Huang, C. Bishop, L. Yu, and M. D. Ediger. "Nematic-Like Stable Glasses without Equilibrium Liquid Crystal Phases." Journal of Chemical Physics 146, no. 5 (Feb 2017). | 10.1063/1.4974829 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Guan, Y. X., K. Forghani, H. Kim, S. E. Babcock, L. J. Mawst, and T. F. Kuech. "Surface Kinetics Study of Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of Gaas1-Ybiy on Offcut and Mesa-Patterned Gaas Substrates." Journal of Crystal Growth 464 (Apr 2017): 39-48. | 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2017.01.043 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Gujral, A., J. Gomez, J. Jiang, C. B. Huang, K. A. O'Hara, M. F. Toney, M. L. Chabinyc, L. Yu, and M. D. Ediger. "Highly Organized Smectic-Like Packing in Vapor-Deposited Glasses of a Liquid Crystal." Chemistry of Materials 29, no. 2 (Jan 2017): 849-58. | 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b04877 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Seed | Guo, Xuanrong, Matthew C. D. Carter, Visham Appadoo, and David M. Lynn. 2019. "Tunable and Selective Degradation of Amine-Reactive Multilayers in Acidic Media." Biomacromolecules 20, no. 9 (2019/09/09): 3464-3474. | 10.1021/acs.biomac.9b00756 | Primary | ||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | He, J.Y., Burt, S.P., Ball, M., Zhao, D.T., Hermans, I., Dumesic, J.A., Huber, G.W. “Synthesis of 1,6-Hexanediol from Cellulose Derived Tetrahydrofuran-Dimethanol with pt-WOx/TiO2 Catalysts” ACS Catalysis,no. 2 (2018): 1427-1439. | 10.1021/acscatal.7b03593 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | He, M. R., D. C. Johnson, G. S. Was, and I. M. Robertson. "The Role of Grain Boundary Microchemistry in Irradiation-Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking of a Fe-13cr-15ni Alloy." Acta Materialia 138 (Oct 2017): 61-71. | 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.07.042 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | He, M. R., S. Wang, K. Jin, H. B. Bei, K. Yasuda, S. Matsumura, K. Higashida, and I. M. Robertson. "A Comparative Characterization of Defect Structure in Nico and Nife Equimolar Solid Solution Alloys under in Situ Electron Irradiation." Article, Scripta Materialia 166 (Jun 2019): 96-101. | 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2019.03.008 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | He, M. R., S. Wang, S. Shi, K. Jin, H. B. Bei, K. Yasuda, S. Matsumura, K. Higashida, and I. M. Robertson. "Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Segregation in Crfeconi-Based Single-Phase Concentrated Solid Solution Alloys." Acta Materialia 126 (Mar 2017): 182-93. | 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.12.046 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Hertwig, A. T., M. Kimura, T. Ushikubo, C. Defouilloy, and N. T. Kita. "The Al-26-Mg-26 Systematics of Feo-Rich Chondrules from Acfer 094: Two Chondrule Generations Distinct in Age and Oxygen Isotope Ratios." Article, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 253 (May 2019): 111-26. | 10.1016/j.gca.2019.02.020 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Horak, E.H., Rea, M.T., Heylman, K.D., Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, D., Saikin, S.K., Thompson, B.J., Kohler, D.D., Knapper, K.A., Wei, W., Pan, F., Gopalan, P., Wright, J.C., Aspuru-Guzik, A., Goldsmith, R.H. “Exploring Electronic Structure and Order in Polymers via Single-Particle Microresonator Spectroscopy” Nano Letters,no. 3 (2018): 1600-1607. | 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b04211 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Huang, Z. W., K. J. Barnett, J. P. Chada, Z. J. Brentzel, Z. R. Xu, J. A. Dumesic, and G. W. Huber. "Hydrogenation of Gamma-Butyrolactone to 1,4-Butanediol over Cuco/Tio2 Bimetallic Catalysts." Acs Catalysis 7, no. 12 (Dec 2017): 8429-40. | 10.1021/acscatal.7b03016 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Jackson, G. L., D. V. Perroni, and M. K. Mahanthappa. "Roles of Chemical Functionality and Pore Curvature in the Design of Nanoporous Proton Conductors." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121, no. 40 (Oct 2017): 9429-36. | 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b06365 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Jackson, G.L., Mantha, S. Kim, S.A., Diallo, S.O., Herwig, K.W., Yethiraj, A., Mahanthappa, M.K. “Ion-Specific Confined Waer Dynamics in Convex Nanopores of Gemini Surfactant Lyotropic Liquid Crystals” Journal of Physical Chemistry B,no. 43 (2018): 10021-10043. | 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b05942 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Jaeckel, F. T., K. L. Kripps, D. McCammon, D. Wulf, S. Zhang, and Y. Zhou. "Effects of Uniaxial Stress on Mo and Mo/Cu Bilayer Superconducting Transitions." Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 27, no. 4 (Jun 2017). | 10.1109 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Jain, R., R. Abbasi, K. Nelson, D. Busche, D. M. Lynn, and N. L. Abbott. "Generation of Gaseous Clo2 from Thin Films of Solid Naclo2 by Sequential Exposure to Ultraviolet Light and Moisture." Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, no. 19 (May 2017): 16594-603. | 10.1021/acsami.6616570 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Jennings, J., Green, B., Mann, T. J., Guymon, C. A., and Mahanthappa, M. K. “Nanoporous Polymer Networks Templated by Gemini Surfactant Lyotropic Liquid Crystals”Chemistry of Materials30, no. 1 (2018): 185–196. | 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b04183 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Jinkins, K. R., J. Chan, G. J. Brady, K. K. Gronski, P. Gopalan, H. T. Evensen, A. Berson, and M. S. Arnold. "Nanotube Alignment Mechanism in Floating Evaporative Self-Assembly." Langmuir 33, no. 46 (Nov 2017): 13407-14. | 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b02827 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Joo, Y., G. J. Brady, C. Kanimozhi, J. Ko, M. J. Shea, M. T. Strand, M. S. Arnold, and P. Gopalan. "Polymer-Free Electronic-Grade Aligned Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Array." Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, no. 34 (Aug 2017): 28859-67. | 10.1021/acsami.7b06850 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Kanimozhi, C., G. J. Brady, M. J. Shea, P. S. Huang, Y. Joo, M. S. Arnold, and P. Gopalan. "Structurally Analogous Degradable Version of Fluorene-Bipyridine Copolymer with Exceptional Selectivity for Large-Diameter Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes." Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, no. 46 (Nov 2017): 40734-42. | 10.1021/acsami.7b14115 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Kawasaki, J.K., Sharan, A., Johansson, L.I.M., Hjort, M., Timm, R., Thiagarajan, B., Schultz, B.D., Mikkelsen, A., Janotti, A., Palmstrom, C.J. “A Simple Electron Counting Model for Half-Heusler Surfaces” Science Advances,no. 6 (2018). | 10.1126/sciadv.aar5832 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Kearns, N. M., R. D. Mehlenbacher, A. C. Jones, and M. T. Zanni. "Broadband 2d Electronic Spectrometer Using White Light and Pulse Shaping: Noise and Signal Evaluation at 1 and 100 Khz." Optics Express 25, no. 7 (Apr 2017): 7869-83. | 10.1364/oe.25.007869 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Khalil, A. S., X. H. Yu, A. W. Xie, G. Fontana, J. M. Umhoefer, H. J. Johnson, T. A. Hookway, T. C. McDevitt, and W. L. Murphy. "Functionalization of Microparticles with Mineral Coatings Enhances Non-Viral Transfection of Primary Human Cells." Scientific Reports 7 (Oct 2017). | 10.1038/s41598-017-14153-x | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Kim, H., Guan, Y.X., Babcock, S.E.,Kuech, T.F., Mawst, L.J. “Characteristics of OMVPE Grown GaAsBi QW Lasers and Impact of Post-growth Thermal Annealing”Journal of Applied Physics,no. 11 (2018). | 10.1063/1.5017965 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Kim, H., J. Choi, Z. Lingley, M. Brodie, Y. Sin, T. F. Kuech, P. Gopalan, and L. J. Mawst. "Selective Growth of Strained (in)Gaas Quantum Dots on Gaas Substrates Employing Diblock Copolymer Lithography Nanopatterning." Journal of Crystal Growth 465 (May 2017): 48-54. | 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2017.02.046 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Kim, H., Kim, K., Guan, Y.X., Lee, J., Kuech, T.F., Mawst, L.J. “Single Junction Solar Cell Employing Strain Compensated GaAs0.965Bi0.035/GaAs0.75P0.25 Multiple Quantum Wells Grow by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy”Applied Physics Letters,no. 25 (2018). | 10.1063/1.5035281 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Kim, H., W. Wei, T. F. Kuech, P. Gopalan, and L. J. Mawst. "Impact of Ingaas Carrier Collection Quantum Well on the Performance of Inas Qd Active Region Lasers Fabricated by Diblock Copolymer Lithography and Selective Area Epitaxy." Article, Semiconductor Science and Technology 34, no. 2 (Feb 2019): 8. | 10.1088/1361-6641/aaf8e8 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Kim, H., W. Wei, T. F. Kuech, P. Gopalan, L. J. Mawst, and Ieee Photon Soc. "Room Temperature Operation of Inas Quantum Dot Lasers Formed by Diblock-Copolymer Lithography and Selective Area Mocvd Growth."In 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society. 2017 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). | 10.1109/IPCon.2017.8116160 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Kim, H., Wei, W., Kuech, T.F., Gopalan, P., Mawst, L.J. “Quantum Dot Laser Diodes emitting 1.57 similar to 1.67 mu m at room temperature grown by Black Copolymer Lithography and Selective Area MOCVD” 2018 IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference,(2018): 63-64. | |||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Kim, H., Y. X. Guan, T. F. Kuech, and L. J. Mawst. "Impact of Thermal Annealing on Internal Device Parameters of Gaas0.965bi0.035/Gaas0.75p0.25 Quantum Well Lasers." Article, Iet Optoelectronics 13, no. 1 (Feb 2019): 12-16. | 10.1049/iet-opt.2018.5031 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | IRG-3 | Kim, Y.K., Raghupathi, K.R., Pendery, J.S., Khomein, P., Sridhar, U., Pablo, J.J., THeyumanavan, S., Abbott, N.L.“Oligomers as Triggers for Responsive Liquid Crystals”Langmuir,no. 34 (2018): 10092-10101. | 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b01944 | Partial | ||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Koenig, E., A. Jacobs, and G. Lisensky. "Properties of Semiconductors: Synthesis of Oriented Zno for Photoelectrochemistry and Photoremediation." Journal of Chemical Education 94, no. 6 (Jun 2017): 738-42. | 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00887 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Kratochvil, M. J., M. C. D. Carter, and D. M. Lynn. "Amine-Reactive Azlactone-Containing Nanofibers for the Immobilization and Patterning of New Functionality on Nanofiber-Based Scaffolds." Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, no. 11 (Mar 2017): 10243-53. | 10.1021/acsami.7b00219 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Kratochvil, M. J., T. Yang, H. E. Blackwell, and D. M. Lynn. "Nonwoven Polymer Nanofiber Coatings That Inhibit Quorum Sensing in Staphylococcus Aureus: Toward New Nonbactericidal Approaches to Infection Control." Acs Infectious Diseases 3, no. 4 (Apr 2017): 271-80. | 10.1021/acsinfecdis.6b00173 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Kratochvil, M. J., U. Manna, and D. M. Lynn. "Superhydrophobic Polymer Multilayers for the Filtration- and Absorption-Based Separation of Oil/Water Mixtures." Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry 55, no. 18 (Sep 2017): 3127-36. | 10.1002/pola.28691 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Krutty, J. D., A. D. Dias, J. S. Yun, W. L. Murphy, and P. Gopalan. "Synthetic, Chemically Defined Polymer-Coated Microcarriers for the Expansion of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells." Article, Macromolecular Bioscience 19, no. 2 (Feb 2019): 7. | 10.1002/mabi.201800299 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Lado, J. J., R. E. Perez-Roa, J. J. Wouters, M. I. Tejedor-Tejedor, C. Federspill, J. M. Ortiz, and M. A. Anderson. "Removal of Nitrate by Asymmetric Capacitive Deionization." Separation and Purification Technology 183 (Aug 2017): 145-52. | 10.1016/j.seppur.2017.03.071 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Laskar, M. R., D. H. K. Jackson, S. Z. Xu, R. J. Hamers, D. Morgan, and T. F. Kuech. "Atomic Layer Deposited Mgo: A Lower Overpotential Coating for Li Ni0.5mn0.3co0.2 O-2 Cathode." Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, no. 12 (Mar 2017): 11231-39. | 10.1021/acsami.6b16562 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Laventure, A., A. Gujral, O. Lebel, C. Pellerin, and M. D. Ediger. "Influence of Hydrogen Bonding on the Kinetic Stability of Vapor-Deposited Glasses of Triazine Derivatives." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121, no. 10 (Mar 2017): 2350-58. | 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b12676 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Lee, M. R., N. Raman, P. Ortiz-Bermudez, D. M. Lynn, and S. P. Palecek. "14-Helical Beta-Peptides Elicit Toxicity against C. Albicans by Forming Pores in the Cell Membrane and Subsequently Disrupting Intracellular Organelles." Article, Cell Chemical Biology 26, no. 2 (Feb 2019): 289-+. | 10.1016/j.chembiol.2018.11.002 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Lima, B. P., L. I. Hu, G. W. Vreeman, D. B. Weibel, and R. Lux. "The Oral Bacterium Fusobacterium Nucleatum Binds Staphylococcus Aureus and Alters Expression of the Staphylococcal Accessory Regulator Sara." Article, Microbial ecology 78, no. 2 (Aug 2019): 336-47. | 10.1007/s00248-018-1291-0 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Lin, Y. C., M. H. Repollet-Pedrosa, J. J. Ferrie, E. J. Petersson, and Z. Fakhraai. "Potential Artifacts in Sample Preparation Methods Used for Imaging Amyloid Oligomers and Protofibrils Due to Surface-Mediated Fibril Formation." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121, no. 12 (Mar 2017): 2534-42. | 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b12560 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Liu, Y. F., F. Goeltl, I. Ro, M. R. Ball, C. Sener, I. B. Aragao, D. Zanchet, G. W. Huber, M. Mavrikakis, and J. A. Dumesic. "Synthesis Gas Conversion over Rh-Based Catalysts Promoted by Fe and Mn." Acs Catalysis 7, no. 7 (Jul 2017): 4550-63. | 10.1021/acscatal.7b01381 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Liu, Y.F., Zhang, L.F., Goltl, F., Ball, M.R., Hermans, I., Kuech, T.F., Mavrikakis, M., Dumesic, J.A., “Synthesis Gas Conversion over Rh-Mn-WxC/SiO2 Catalysts Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition” ACS Catalysus,no. 11 (2018): 1070-10720. | 10.1021/acscatal.8b02461 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Facilities | Lopez, A. D. L. R., M. R. Lee, N. B. Wang, K. K. Dunn, H. Sanchez, N. Raman, D. R. Andes, D. M. Lynn, and S. P. Palecek. 2019. "Small-Molecule Morphogenesis Modulators Enhance the Ability of 14-Helical Beta-Peptides to Prevent Candida Albicans Biofilm Formation." Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 63, no. 9 (Sep). | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Seed | Lopez, A. D. R., M. R. Lee, B. J. Ortiz, B. D. Gastfriend, R. Whitehead, D. M. Lynn, and S. P. Palecek. "Preventing S. Aureus Biofilm Formation on Titanium Surfaces by the Release of Antimicrobial Beta-Peptides from Polyelectrolyte Multilayers." Article, Acta Biomaterialia 93 (Jul 2019): 50-62. | 10.1016/j.actbio.2019.02.047 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Facilities | Lu, L., and S. Gunasekaran. "Dual-Channel Ito-Microfluidic Electrochemical Immunosensor for Simultaneous Detection of Two Mycotoxins." Article, Talanta 194 (Mar 2019): 709-16. | 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.10.091 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Luo, G. F., S. J. Yang, G. R. Jenness, Z. W. Song, T. F. Kuech, and D. Morgan. "Understanding and Reducing Deleterious Defects in the Metastable Alloy Gaasbi." Npg Asia Materials 9 (Jan 2017). | 10.1038/am.2016.201. | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Luo, G.F., Kuech, T.F.,Morgan, D.“Transition State Redox During Dynamical Processes in Semiconductors and Insulators”NPG Asia Materials,(2018): 45-51. | 10.1038/s41427-018-0010-0 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Mahajan, N., B. Hoover, M. Rajendram, H. Y. Shi, K. Kawasak, D. B. Weibel, and M. Zhang. "Maspin Binds to Cardiolipin in Mitochondria and Triggers Apoptosis." Article, Faseb Journal 33, no. 5 (May 2019): 6354-64. | 10.1096/fj.201802182R | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Mangal, R., K. Nayani, Y. K. Kim, E. Bukusoglu, U. M. Cordova-Figueroa, and N. L. Abbott. "Active Janus Particles at Interfaces of Liquid Crystals." Langmuir 33, no. 41 (Oct 2017): 10917-26. | 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b02246 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Manger, L. H., M. B. Rowley, Y. P. Fu, A. K. Foote, M. T. Rea, S. L. Wood, S. Jin, J. C. Wright, and R. H. Goldsmith. "Global Analysis of Perovskite Photophysics Reveals Importance of Geminate Pathways." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, no. 2 (Jan 2017): 1062-71. | 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b11547 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Mannel, D.S., King, J.,Preger, Y., Ahmed, M.S., Root, T.W., Stahl, S.S. “Mechanistic Insights into Aerobic Oxidative Methyl Esterification of Primary Alcohols with Heterogeneous PdBiTe Catalystsy” ACS Catakysis,no. 2 (2018): 1038-1047. | 10.1021/acscatal.7b02886 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Marais, W., R. Willett, and Ieee. "Proximal-Gradient Methods for Poisson Image Reconstruction with Bm3d-Based Regularization." 2017 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, 2017. | |||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | McDonough, T. J., L. S. Zhang, S. S. Roy, N. M. Kearns, M. S. Arnold, M. T. Zanni, and T. L. Andrew. "Triplet Exciton Dissociation and Electron Extraction in Graphene-Templated Pentacene Observed with Ultrafast Spectroscopy." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, no. 6 (Feb 2017): 4809-20. | 10.1039/c6cp06454j | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | McElhinny, K. M., P. S. Huang, Y. H. Joo, C. Kanimozhi, A. Lakkham, K. Sakurai, P. G. Evans, and P. Gopalan. "Optically Reconfigurable Monolayer of Azobenzene Donor Molecules on Oxide Surfaces." Langmuir 33, no. 9 (Mar 2017): 2157-68. | 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b04585 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | McElhinny, K.M., Park, J., Ahn, Y., Huang, P.S., Joo, Y., Lakkham, A., Pateras, A., Wen, H.D., Gopalan, P., Evans, P.G., “Photoisomerization Dynamics in a Densely Packed Optically Transformable Azobenzene Monolayer” Langmuir,no. 37 (2018): 10828-10836. | 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b01524 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | McLaughlin, J.R., Abbott, N.L., Guymon, C.A. “Responsive Superabsorbent Hydrogels Via Photopolymerization in Lyotropic Liquid Crystal Templates”Polymer,(2018): 119-126. | 10.1016/j.polymer.2018.03.016 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Miles, C. J., A. A. Evans, M. J. Shelley, and S. E. Spagnolie. "Active Matter Invasion of a Viscous Fluid: Unstable Sheets and a No-Flow Theorem." Article, Physical Review Letters 122, no. 9 (Mar 2019): 6. | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.098002 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Mitchell, W. H., and S. E. Spagnolie. "A Generalized Traction Integral Equation for Stokes Flow, with Applications to near-Wall Particle Mobility and Viscous Erosion." Journal of Computational Physics 333 (Mar 2017): 462-82. | 10.1016/ | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Nam, D. H., and K. S. Choi. "Bismuth as a New Chloride-Storage Electrode Enabling the Construction of a Practical High Capacity Desalination Battery." Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, no. 32 (Aug 2017): 11055-63. | 10.1021/jacs.7b01119 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Navarro, M. X., M. Zamiri, M. E. Griswold, J. F. Santarius, G. L. Kulcinski, M. Lagally, and T. Tajima. "Outer Divertor Damage Characterization from Deuterium Plasma Bombardment in Graphene-Coated Tungsten in the C-2w Device." Article; Proceedings Paper, Fusion Science and Technology 75, no. 6 (2019): 542-50. | 10.1080/15361055.2019.1610317 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Navarro, M. X., R. R. Delgado, M. G. Lagally, G. L. Kulcinski, and J. F. Santarius. "Implantation of 30 Kev Helium into Graphene-Coated Tungsten." Fusion Science and Technology 72, no. 4 (2017): 713-18. | 10.1080/15361055.2017.1350481 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Nayani, K., P. Rai, N. Q. Bao, H. Z. Yu, M. Mavrikakis, R. J. Twieg, and N. L. Abbott. "Liquid Crystals with Interfacial Ordering That Enhances Responsiveness to Chemical Targets." Article, Advanced Materials 30, no. 27 (Jul 2018): 7. | 10.1002/adma.201706707 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Nepper, J. F., Y. C. Lin, and D. B. Weibel. "Rcs Phosphorelay Activation in Cardiolipin-Deficient Escherichia Coli Reduces Biofilm Formation." Article, Journal of Bacteriology 201, no. 9 (May 2019): 15. | 10.1128/jb.00804-18 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Neyens, S.F., Foote, R.H., Thorgrimsson, B., Knapp, T.J., McJunkin, T., Vandersypen, L.M.K., Amin, P., Thomas, N.K., Clarke, J.S., Savage, D.E., Lagally, M.G., Friesen, M.,Coppersmith, S.N.,Eriksson, M.A.“The Critical Role of Substrate Disorder in Valley Splitting in Si Quantum Wells”Applied Physics Letters,no. 24 (2018). | 10.1063/1.5033447 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Nygren, K.E., Bertsch, K.M., Wang, S., Bei, H., Nagao, A., Robertson, I.M. “Hydrogen embrittlement in compositionally complex FeNiCoCrMn FCC Solid Solution Alloy” Current Opinion In Solid State & Materials Science,no. 1 (2018): 1-7. | 10.1016/j.cossms.2017.11.002 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Nygren, K.E., Wang, S., Bertsch, K.M., Bei, H.B., Nagao, A., Robertson, I.M., ACTA Materialia,(2018): 218-227. | 10.1016/j.actamat.2018.07.032 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Peng, C. H., T. Turiv, R. Zhang, Y. B. Guo, S. V. Shiyanovskii, Q. H. Wei, J. de Pablo, and O. D. Lavrentovich. "Controlling Placement of Nonspherical (Boomerang) Colloids in Nematic Cells with Photopatterned Director." Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 29, no. 1 (Jan 2017). | 10.1088/0953-8984/29/1/014005 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Peng, W.N., Zamiri, M., Scott, S.A., Cavallo, F., Endres, J.J., Knezevic, I., Eriksson, M.A.,Lagally, M.G.“Electronic Transport in Hydrogren-Terminated Si(001) Nanomembranes”Physical Review Applied,no. 2 (2018). | 10.1103/PhysReviewApplied.9.024037 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Peng, Y. L., G. V. Govindaraju, D. K. Lee, K. S. Choi, and T. L. Andrew. "Integrating a Semitransparent, Fullerene-Free Organic Solar Cell in Tandem with a Bivo4 Photoanode for Unassisted Solar Water Splitting." Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, no. 27 (Jul 2017): 22449-55. | 10.1021/acsami.7b04486 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Peterson, G. G. C., V. J. Yannello, and D. C. Fredrickson. "Inducing Complexity in Intermetallics through Electron-Hole Matching: The Structure of Fe14pd17al69." Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 56, no. 34 (Aug 2017): 10145-50. | 10.1002/anie.201702156 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Petrolini, D. D., N. Eagan, M. R. Ball, S. P. Burt, I. Hermans, G. W. Huber, J. A. Dumesic, and L. Martins. "Ethanol Condensation at Elevated Pressure over Copper on Almgo and Alcao Porous Mixed-Oxide Supports." Article, Catalysis Science & Technology 9, no. 8 (Apr 2019): 2032-42. | 10.1039/c9cy00316a | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Preger, Y., Root, T.W., Stahl, S.S. “Platinum-Based Heterogeneous Catalysts for Nitrile Synthesis via Aerobic Oxidative Coupling of Alcohols and Ammonia” ACS Omega,no. 6 (2018). | 10.1021/acsomega.8b00911 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Preger, Yuliya, James B. Gerken, Sourav Biswas, Colin W. Anson, Mathew R. Johnson, Thatcher W. Root, and Shannon S. Stahl. "Quinone-Mediated Electrochemical O-2 Reduction Accessing High Power Density with an Off-Electrode Co-N/C Catalyst," Joule, 2 no. 12. (December 19, 2018):2722-2731. | 10.1016/j.joule.2018.09.010 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Qi, Z. Y., X. Wu, D. R. Ward, J. R. Prance, D. Kim, J. K. Gamble, R. T. Mohr, Z. Shi, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, M. A. Eriksson, M. Friesen, S. N. Coppersmith, and M. G. Vavilov. "Effects of Charge Noise on a Pulse-Gated Singlet-Triplet S-T_Qubit." Physical Review B 96, no. 11 (Sep 2017). | 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.115305 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Rahimi, M., H. Ramezani-Dakhel, R. Zhang, A. Ramirez-Hernandez, N. L. Abbott, and J. J. de Pablo. "Segregation of Liquid Crystal Mixtures in Topological Defects." Nature Communications 8 (Apr 2017). | 10.1038/ncomms15064 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Rajeev, A., B. Shi, Q. Li, J. D. Kirch, M. Cheng, A. Tan, H. Kim, K. Oresick, C. Sigler, K. M. Lau, T. F. Kuech, and L. J. Mawst. "Iii-V Superlattices on Inp/Si Metamorphic Buffer Layers for Lambda Approximate to 4.8 Mu M Quantum Cascade Lasers." Article, Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science 216, no. 1 (Jan 2019): 6. | 10.1002/pssa.201800493 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Rajeev, A., Chen, W.X., Kirch, J.D., Babcock, S.E., Kuech, T.F., Earles, T., Mawst, L.J. “Interfacial Mixing Analysis for Strained Layer Superlattices by Atom Probe Tomography” Crystals,no. 11 (2018). | 10.339/cryst8110437 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Rath, A., Sivakumar, C., Sun, C., patel, S.J., Jeong, J.S., Feng, J., Stecklein, G., Crowell, P.A., Palmstrom, C.J., Butler, W.H., Voyles, P.M.“Reduced Interface Spin Polarization by Antiferromagnetically Coupled Mn Segregated to the Co2MnSi/GaAs (001) Interface”Physical Review B,no.4 (2018). | 10.1103/PhysRevb.97.045304 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Renner, L. D., J. D. Zan, L. I. Hu, M. Martinez, P. J. Resto, A. C. Siegel, C. Torres, S. B. Hall, T. R. Slezak, T. H. Nguyen, and D. B. Weibel. "Detection of Eskape Bacterial Pathogens at the Point of Care Using Isothermal DNA-Based Assays in a Portable Degas-Actuated Microfluidic Diagnostic Assay Platform." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83, no. 4 (Feb 2017). | 10.1128/aem.02449-16 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Ro, I., Aragao, I.B., Brentzel, Z.J., Liu, Y.F., Rivera-Dones, K.R., Ball, M.R., Zanchet, D., Huber, G.W., Dumesic, J.A. “Intrinsic Activity of Interfacial Sites for Pt-Fe and Pt-Mo Catalysts in the Hydrogenation of Carbonyl Groups” Applied Catalysis B-Environmental,(2018): 182-190. | 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.02.058 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Ro, I., Aragao, I.B., Chada, J.P., Liu, Y.F., Rivera-Dones, K.R., Ball, M.R., Zanchet, D., Dumesic, J.A., Huber, G.W.“The role of Pt-FexOy interfacial sites for CO oxidation”Journal of Catalysis358 (2018): 19-26. | 10.1016/j.jcat.2017.11.021 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Rojas, E.R., Billings, G., Odermatt, P.D., Auer, G.K., Zhu, L., Miguel, A., Chang, F., Weibel, D.B., Theriot, J.A., Huang, G.K. “The Outer Membrane is an Essential Load-bearing Element in Gram-negative Bacteria”Nature,no. 7715 (2018): 617+. | 10.1038/s41586-018-0344-3 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Sadak, O., A. K. Sundramoorthy, and S. Gunasekaran. "Highly Selective Colorimetric and Electrochemical Sensing of Iron (Iii) Using Nile Red Functionalized Graphene Film." Biosensors & bioelectronics 89 (Mar 2017): 430-36. | 10.1016/j.bios.2016.04.073 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Sadati, M., H. Ramezani-Dakhel, W. Bu, E. Sevgen, Z. Liang, C. Erol, M. Rahimi, N. T. Qazvin, B. H. Lin, N. L. Abbott, B. Roux, M. L. Schlossman, and J. J. de Pablo. "Molecular Structure of Canonical Liquid Crystal Interfaces." Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, no. 10 (Mar 2017): 3841-50. | 10.1021/jacs.7b00167 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Santos, T. M. A., Lammers, M. G., Zhou, M., Sparks, I. L., Rajendran, M., Fang, D., Jesus, C. L. Y. D., Carneiro, G. F. R., Cui, Q., and Weibel, D. B.“Small Molecule Chelators Reveal That Iron Starvation Inhibits Late Stages of Bacterial Cytokinesis”ACS Chemical Biology13, no. 1 (2018): 235–246. | 10.1021/acschembio.7b00560 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Sarawat, V., Jacobberger, R.M., Ostrander, J.S., Hummell, C.L., Way, A.J., Wang, J., Zanni, M.T., Arnold, M.S.“Invariance of Water Permeance through Size-Differentiated Graphene Oxide Laminates”ACS Nano,no. 8 (2018): 7855-7865. | 10.1021/acsnano.8b02015 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Scarlino, P., E. Kawakami, T. Jullien, D. R. Ward, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, M. Friesen, S. N. Coppersmith, M. A. Eriksson, and L. M. K. Vandersypen. "Dressed Photon-Orbital States in a Quantum Dot: Intervalley Spin Resonance." Physical Review B 95, no. 16 (Apr 2017). | 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.165429 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Schmitt, A. K., and M. K. Mahanthappa. "Order and Disorder in High Chi/Low N, Broad Dispersity Aba Triblock Polymers." Macromolecules 50, no. 17 (Sep 2017): 6779-87. | 10.1021/acs.macromol.7b01452 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Scott, S. A., C. Deneke, D. M. Paskiewicz, H. J. Ryu, A. Malachias, S. Baunack, O. G. Schmidt, D. E. Savage, M. A. Eriksson, and M. G. Lagally. "Silicon Nanomembranes with Hybrid Crystal Orientations and Strain States." Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, no. 48 (Dec 2017): 42372-82. | 10.1021/acsami.7b14291 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Shi, S., H. B. Bei, and I. M. Robertson. "Impact of Alloy Composition on One-Dimensional Glide of Small Dislocation Loops in Concentrated Solid Solution Alloys." Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 700 (Jul 2017): 617-21. | 10.1016/j.msea.2017.05.049 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Shi, S., He, M.R., Jin, K., Bei, H.B., Robertson, I.M. “Evolution of Ion Damage at 773K in Ni- Containing Concentrated Solid-Solution Alloys” Journal of Nuclear Materials,(2018): 132-142. | 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.01.015 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Shu, S.P., Wirth, B.D., Wells, P.B., Morgan, D.D., Odette, G.R. “Multi-technique Characterization of the Precipitates in Thermally Aged and Neutron Irradiated Fe-Cu and Fe-Cu-Mn Model Alloys: Atom Probe Tomography Reconstruction Implications”ACTA Materialia,(2018): 237-252. | 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.12.006 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Sigler, C., C. A. Boyle, J. D. Kirch, D. Lindberg, T. Earles, D. Botez, and L. J. Mawst. "4.7 Mu M-Emitting near-Resonant Leaky-Wave-Coupled Quantum Cascade Laser Phase-Locked Arrays." Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 23, no. 6 (Nov-Dec 2017). | 10.1109/jstqe.2017.2704279 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Sigler, C., Gibson, R., Boyle, C., Kirch, J.D., Lindberg, D., Earles, T., Botez, D., Mawst, L.J., Bedford, R. “Spectrally Resolved Modal Characteristics of Leaky-Wave-Coupled Quantum Cascade Phase-Locked Laser Arrays” Optical Engineering,no. 1 (2018). | 10.1117/1.OE.57.1.011013 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Smith, T. J., C. X. Wang, and N. L. Abbott. "Redox-Triggered Mixing and Demixing of Surfactants within Assemblies Formed in Solution and at Surfaces." Journal of colloid and interface science 502 (Sep 2017): 122-33. | 10.1016/j.jcis.2017.04.052 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Soleimanikahnoj, S., and I. Knezevic. "Pseudospin Electronics in Phosphorene Nanoribbons." Physical Review Applied 8, no. 6 (Dec 2017). | 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.8.064021 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Soleimanikahnoj, S., and I. Knezevic. "Tunable Electronic Properties of Multilayer Phosphorene and Its Nanoribbons." Journal of Computational Electronics 16, no. 3 (Sep 2017): 568-75. | 10.1007/s10825-017-1036-1 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Son, C.Y., McDaniel, J.G., Cui, Q., Yethiraj, A. “Conformational and Dynamic Properties of Poly(ethylene oxide) in BMIM+BF4- : A Microsecond Computer Simulation Study Using ab Lnitio Force Fields” Macromolecules,no. 14 (2018): 5336-5345. | 10.1021/acs.macromol.8b01002 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Stilwell, M. D., Cao, M., Goodrich-Blair, H., and Weibel, D. B.“Studying the Symbiotic Bacterium Xenorhabdus Nematophila in Individual, Living Steinernema Carpocapsae Nematodes Using Microfluidic Systems”mSphere3, no. 1 (2018): | 10.1128/msphere.00530-17 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Stilwell, M. D., J. F. Nepper, E. D. Clawson, V. Blair, T. Tangen, and D. B. Weibel. "Exploring Predatory Nematode Chemotaxis Using Low-Cost and Easy-to-Use Microfluidics." American Biology Teacher 79, no. 9 (Nov 2017): 753-62. | 10.1525/abt.2017.79.9.753 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Szilvasi, T., Bao, N.Q., Yu, H.Z., Twieg, R.J., Mavrikakis, M., Abbott, N.L. “The Role of Anions in Adsorbate-Induced Anchoring Transitions of Liquid Crystals on Surfaces with Discrete Cation Binding Sites” Soft Matter,no. 5 (2018): 797-805. | 10.1039/c7sm01981e | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Szilvasi, T., L. T. Roling, H. Z. Yu, P. Rai, S. Choi, R. J. Twieg, M. Mavrikakis, and N. L. Abbott. "Design of Chemoresponsive Liquid Crystals through Integration of Computational Chemistry and Experimental Studies." Chemistry of Materials 29, no. 8 (Apr 2017): 3563-71. | 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b05430 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Thorgrimsson, B., D. Kim, Y. C. Yang, L. W. Smith, C. B. Simmons, D. R. Ward, R. H. Foote, J. Corrigan, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, M. Friesen, S. N. Coppersmith, and M. A. Eriksson. "Extending the Coherence of a Quantum Dot Hybrid Qubit." Npj Quantum Information 3 (Aug 2017). | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Tian, P., Yu, Y.H., Yin, X., Wang, X.D. “A Wafer-scale 1 nm Ni(OH)(2) Nanosheet with Superior Electrocatalytic Activity for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction” Nanoscale,no. 11 (2018): 5054-5059. | 10.1039/c7nr09042k | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Trivedi, R.R., Crooks, J.A., Auer, G.K., Pendry, J., Foik, I.P., Siryaporn, A., Abbott, N.L., Gitai, Z., Weibel, D.B. “Mechanical Genomic Studies Reveal the Role of D-Alanine Metabolism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cell Stiffness” MBIO,no. 9 (2018). | 10.1121/mBio.01340-18 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Tung, I. C., G. F. Luo, J. H. Lee, S. H. Chang, J. Moyer, H. Hong, M. J. Bedzyk, H. Zhou, D. Morgan, D. D. Fong, and J. W. Freeland. "Polarity-Driven Oxygen Vacancy Formation in Ultrathin Lanio3 Films on Srtio3." Physical Review Materials 1, no. 5 (Oct 2017). | 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.1.053404 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Wang, F., Y. H. Yu, X. Yin, P. Tian, and X. D. Wang. "Wafer-Scale Synthesis of Ultrathin Coo Nanosheets with Enhanced Electrochemical Catalytic Properties." Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5, no. 19 (May 2017): 9060-66. | 10.1039/c7ta01857f | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Wang, S., A. Nagao, K. Edalati, Z. Horita, and I. M. Robertson. "Influence of Hydrogen on Dislocation Self-Organization in Ni." Acta Materialia 135 (Aug 2017): 96-102. | 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.05.073 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Wang, S., A. Nagao, P. Sofronis, and I. M. Robertson. "Assessment of the Impact of Hydrogen on the Stress Developed Ahead of a Fatigue Crack." Article, Acta Materialia 174 (Aug 2019): 181-88. | 10.1016/j.actamat.2019.05.028 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Wang, S., Nagao, A., Sofronis, P., Robertson, I.M. “Hydrogen-modified Dislocation Structures in a Cyclically Deformed Ferritic-pearlitic Low Carbon Steel” ACTA Materialia,(2018): 164-176. | 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.10.034 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Wang, X. G., E. Bukusoglu, and N. L. Abbottt. "A Practical Guide to the Preparation of Liquid Crystal-Templated Microparticles." Chemistry of Materials 29, no. 1 (Jan 2017): 53-61. | 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b02668 | Partial | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Wang, Y. C., L. Lu, and S. Gunasekaran. "Biopolymer/Gold Nanoparticles Composite Plasmonic Thermal History Indicator to Monitor Quality and Safety of Perishable Bioproducts." Biosensors & bioelectronics 92 (Jun 2017): 109-16. | 10.1016/j.bios.2017.01.047 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Wang, Y.C., Mohan, C.O., Guan, J.H., Ravishankar, C.N., Gunasekaran, S. “Chitosan and Gold Nanoparticles-based Thermal History Indicators and Frozen Indicators for Perishable and Temperature-sensitive Products” Food Control,(2018): 186-193. | 10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.09.031 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Weber, R. L., and M. K. Mahanthappa. "Thiol-Ene Synthesis and Characterization of Lithium Bis(Malonato)Borate Single-Ion Conducting Gel Polymer Electrolytes." Soft Matter 13, no. 41 (Nov 2017): 7633-43. | 10.1039/c7sm01738c | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Wood, A. W., W. X. Chen, H. Kim, Y. X. Guan, K. Forghani, A. Anand, T. F. Kuech, L. J. Mawst, and S. E. Babcock. "Annealing-Induced Precipitate Formation Behavior in Movpe-Grown Gaas1-Xbix Explored by Atom Probe Tomography and Haadf-Stem." Nanotechnology 28, no. 21 (May 2017). | 10.1088/1361-6528/aa6cdb | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Wu, H.L., Carotti, F., Gakhar, R., Patel, N., Scarlat, R.O. “Fluorination of Nuclear Graphite IG-110 in Molten 2LiF-BeF2 (FLiBe) Salt at 700 Degrees C” Journal of Fluorine Chemistry,(2018): 159-170. | 10.1016/j.fluchem.2018.04.001 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Wu, H.L., Carotti, F., Gakhar, R., Scarlat, R.O. “Spectroscopy (Raman, XPS, and GDMS) and XRD analysis for studying the interaction between nuclear grade graphite and molten 2LiF-BeF2 (FLiBe) at 700 degrees C” Data in Brief,(2018): 1816-1821. | 10.1016/j.dib.2018.08.079 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Wysoczynski-Horita, C.L., Boursier, M.E., Hill, R., Hansen, K., Blackwell, H.E. “Mechanism of Agonism and Antagonism of the Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Quorum Sensing Regulator QscR with Non-native Ligands” Molecular Microbiology,no. 3 (2018): 240-257. | 10.1111/mmi.13930 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Xia, X.Y., Sanaty-Zadeh, A., Zhang, C., Luo, A.A., Stone, D.S. “Experimental Investigatoin and Simulation of Precipitation Evolution in Mg-3Nd-0.2Zn Alloy” Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry,(2018): 58-67. | 10.1016/j.calphas.2017.11.006 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Xie, A. W., B. Y. K. Binder, A. S. Khalil, S. K. Schmitt, H. J. Johnson, N. A. Zacharias, and W. L. Murphy. "Controlled Self-Assembly of Stem Cell Aggregates Instructs Pluripotency and Lineage Bias." Scientific Reports 7 (Oct 2017). | 10.1038/s41598-017-14325-9 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Xu, Z.R., Chada, J.P., Xu, L., Zhao, D.T., Rosenfeld, D.C., Rogers, J.L., Hermans, I., Mavirkakis, M., Huber, G.W. “Ethylene Dimerization and Oligomerization to 1-Butene and Higher Olefins with Chromiu,-Promoted Cobalt on Carbon Catalyst” ACS Catalysis,no. 3 (2018): 2488-2497. | 10.1021/acscatal.7b03205 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Xue, X., T. F. Watson, J. Helsen, D. R. Ward, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, S. N. Coppersmith, M. A. Eriksson, S. Wehner, and L. M. K. Vandersypen. "Benchmarking Gate Fidelities in a Si/Sige Two-Qubit Device." Article, Physical Review X 9, no. 2 (Apr 2019): 12. | 10.1103/PhysRevX.9.021011 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Yeon, H., C. X. Wang, R. C. Van Lehn, and N. L. Abbott. "Influence of Order within Nonpolar Monolayers on Hydrophobic Interactions." Langmuir 33, no. 19 (May 2017): 4628-37. | 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b00226 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Yin, X., Chen, Q.Y., Tian, P., Zhang, P., Zhang, Z.Y., Voyles, P.M., Wang, X.D. “Ionic Layer Epitaxy of Nanometer-Thick Palladium Nanosheets with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Properties”Chemistry of Materials,no. 10 (2018): 3308-3314. | 10.1021/accs.chemater.8b00575 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Yin, X., Y. Q. Shi, Y. B. Wei, Y. H. Joo, P. Gopalan, I. Szlufarska, and X. D. Wang. "Unit Cell Level Thickness Control of Single-Crystalline Zinc Oxide Nanosheets Enabled by Electrical Double-Layer Confinement." Langmuir 33, no. 31 (Aug 2017): 7708-14. | 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01674 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Yu, H. Z., T. Szilvasi, P. Rai, R. J. Twieg, M. Mavrikakis, and N. L. Abbott. "Computational Chemistry-Guided Design of Selective Chemoresponsive Liquid Crystals Using Pyridine and Pyrimidine Functional Groups." Article, Advanced Functional Materials 28, no. 13 (Mar 2018): 10. | 10.1002/adfm.201703581 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Zayas-Gonzalez, Y. M., B. J. Ortiz, and D. M. Lynn. "Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Amine-Reactive Multilayers Using an Azlactone-Functionalized Polymer and Small-Molecule Diamine Linkers." Biomacromolecules 18, no. 5 (May 2017): 1499-508. | 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00043 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Zhan, X., P. Zhang, P. M. Voyles, X. Y. Liu, R. Akolkar, and F. Ernst. "Effect of Tungsten Alloying on Short-to-Medium-Range-Order Evolution and Crystallization Behavior of near-Eutectic Amorphous Ni-P." Acta Materialia 122 (Jan 2017): 400-11. | 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.10.002 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2019 | Zhang, L. F., M. R. Ball, Y. F. Liu, T. F. Kuech, G. W. Huber, M. Mavrikakis, I. Hermans, and J. A. Dumesic. "Synthesis Gas Conversion over Rh/Mo Catalysts Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition." Article, Acs Catalysis 9, no. 3 (Mar 2019): 1810-19. | 10.1021/acscatal.8b04649 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Zhang, P., L. He, M. F. Besser, Z. Liu, J. Schroers, M. J. Kramer, and P. M. Voyles. "Applications and Limitations of Electron Correlation Microscopy to Study Relaxation Dynamics in Supercooled Liquids." Ultramicroscopy 178 (Jul 2017): 125-30. | 10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.09.001 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Facilities | Zhang, P., Maldonis, J.J., Liu, Z., Schroers, J., Voyles, P.M.“Spatially Heterogeneous Dynamics in a Metallic Glass Forming Liquid Imaged by Electrong Correlation Microscopy”Nature Communications,(2018). | 10.1038/s41467-018-03604-2 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Zhang, P., Wang, Z., Perepezko, J.H.,Voyles, P.M.“Vitrification, Crystallization, and Atomic Structure of Deformed and Quenched Ni60Nb40 Metallic Glass”Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, (2018): 133-140. | 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2018.04.005 | ||||||
1.121.288 | 2017 | Facilities | Zhao, D. T., Z. R. Xu, J. P. Chada, C. A. Carrero, D. C. Rosenfeld, J. L. Rogers, I. Hermans, and G. W. Huber. "Cobalt Oxide on N-Doped Carbon for 1-Butene Oligomerization to Produce Linear Octenes." Acs Catalysis 7, no. 11 (Nov 2017): 7479-89. | 10.1021/acscatal.7b01482 | |||||
1.121.288 | 2018 | Zhou, S. "Recent Progresses in Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystal Research: Elasticity, Viscosity, Detect Structures, and Living Liquid Crystals." Article, Liquid Crystals Today 27, no. 4 (2018): 91-108. | 10.1080/1358314x.2018.1570593 | Partial | |||||
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