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Research, 2016
- Wang, X., E. Bukusoglu, D. S. Miller, M. Bedolla-Pantoja, J. Xiang, O. D. Lavrentovich and N. L. Abbott, “Synthesis of Optically Complex, Porous and Anisometric Polymeric Microparticles by Templating from Liquid Crystalline Droplets,” Advanced Functional Materials 26(40) 7343-7351 (2016).
- Auer, G. K., T. K. Lee, M. Rajendram, S. Cesar, A. Miguel, K. C. Huang and D. B. Weibel, “Mechanical Genomics Identifies Diverse Modulators of Bacterial Cell Stiffness,” Cell Systems 2(6) 402-411 (2016).
- Bedolla-Pantoja, M. and N. L. Abbott, “Surface-Controlled Orientational Transitions in Elastically Strained Films of Liquid Crystal that are Triggered by Vapors of Toluene,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,8(20) 13144-13122, (2016).
- Bai, H., R. Xue, H. Bao, L. Zhang, A. Yethiraj, Q. Cui and E. R. Chapman, “Different States of Synaptotagmin Regulate Evoked Versus Spontaneous Release,” Nat Commun 7 10971 (2016).
- Bridewell, V. L., C. J. Karwacki and P. V. Kamat, “Electrocatalytic Sensing with Reduced Graphene Oxide: Electron Shuttling between Redox Couples Anchored on a 2-D Surface,” ACS Sensors 1(10) 1203-1207 (2016).
- Bukusoglu, E., M. B. Pantoja, P. C. Mushenheim, X. Wang and N. L. Abbott, “Design of Responsive and Active (Soft) Materials Using Liquid Crystals,” Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 7(1) (2016).
- Chen, W., P. A. Ronsheim, A. W. Wood, K. Forghani, Y. Guan, T. F. Kuech and S. E. Babcock, “Atom Probe Tomography Evidence for Uniform Incorporation of Bi Across the Growth Front in GaAs1-xBix/GaAs Superlattice”, Journal of Crystal Growth 446 27-32 (2016).
- Carter, M. C., J. Jennings, V. Appadoo and D. M. Lynn, “Synthesis and Characterization of Backbone Degradable Azlactone-Functionalized Polymers,” Macromolecules 49 5514-5526 (2016).
- Dai, J., Fu, Y., Manger, L.H., Rea, M.T., Hwang, L., Goldsmith, R.H. and Jin, S., “Carrier Decay Properties of Mixed Cation Formamidinium-Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite [HC(NH2)2]1-x[CH3NH3]xPbI3Nanorods,” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 5036-43 (2016).
- Davoody, A., F. Karimi, M. Arnold and I. Knezevic, “Theory of Exciton Energy Transfer in Carbon Nanotube Composites,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120(30) 16354-16366 (2016).
- DePierro, M. A., C. Baguenard and C. Allan Guymon, “Radical polymerization behavior and molecular weight development of homologous monoacrylate monomers in lyotropic liquid crystal phases,” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 54(1) 144-154 (2016).
- Carter, M. C. and D. M. Lynn, “Covalently Crosslinked and Physically Stable Polymer Coatings with Chemically Labile and Dynamic Surface Features Fabricated by Treatment of Azlactone-Containing Multilayers with Alcohol, Thiol and Hydrazine-Based Nucleophiles,” Chemistry of Materials, 28(14) 5063-5072 (2016).
- Guan, Y., K. Forghani, K. Schulte, S. Babcock, L. Mawst and T. Kuech, “Enhanced Incorporation of P into Tensile-Strained GaAs1-yPy Layers Grown by Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy at Very Low Temperatures,”ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 5(3) P183-P189 (2016).
- Eimura, H., D. S. Miller, X. Wang, N. L. Abbott and T. Kato, “Self-Assembly of Bioconjugated Amphiphilic Mesogens Having Specific Binding Moieties at Aqueous-Liquid Crystal Interfaces,” Chemistry of Materials 28(4) 1170-1178 (2016).
- Herrera-Posada, S., C. Mora-Navarro, P. Ortiz-Bermudez, M. Torres-Lugo, K. M. McElhinny, P. G. Evans, B. O. Calcagno and A. Acevedo, “Magneto-Responsive Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Nanocomposites as Potential Candidates for Dynamic Cell Culture Substrates,” Materials Science and Engineering: C 65 369-378 (2016).
- Kim, D. S., Y. J. Cha, M. H. Kim, O. D. Lavrentvich and D. K. Yoon, “Controlling Gaussian and Mean Curvatures at Microscale by Sublimation and Condensation of Smectic Liquid Crystals,” Nat Commun 7 10236 (2016).
- García-Lastra, J. M., I. Boukahil, R. Qiao, A. Rubio and F. J. Himpsel, “Electronic Structure of Low-Dimensional Carbon π-Systems,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120(23) 12362-12368 (2016).
- Guo, Y., S. Afghah, J. Xiang, O. D. Lavrentovich, R. L. Selinger and Q. -H. Wei, “Cholesteric Liquid Crystals in Rectangular Microchannels: Skyrmions and Stripes,” Soft Matter, 12(29) 6312-6320 (2016).
- Herron, M., M. J. Schurr, C. J. Murphy, J. F. McAnulty, C. J. Czuprynski and N. L. Abbott, “Interfacial Stacks of Polymeric Nanofilms on Soft Biological Surfaces that Release Multiple Agents,” Applied Materials & Interfaces8(40) 26541-26551 (2016).
- Heylman, K.D., Thakkar, N., Horak, E.H., Quillin, S.C., Cherqui, C., Knapper, K.A., Masiello, D.J. and Goldsmith, R.H., “Optical Microresonators as a Single-Particle Absorption Spectrometers,” Nature Photonics10(12) 788-95 (2016).
- Jain, R., N. G. Faith, A. Milkowski, K. Nelson, D. Busche, D. M. Lynn, C. J. Czuprynski and N. L. Abbott, “Using Chemoattractants to Lure Bacteria to Contact‐Killing Surfaces,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition55(19) 5698-5702 (2016).
- Johnson, P. S., I. Boukahil, F. J. Himpsel, K. L. Kearns, J. H. Kang, J.-C. Lin, A. Leugers, G. Meyers, S. Mukhopadhyay, D. H. K. Jackson and T. F. Kuech, “Multitechnique Approach for Determining Energy Levels and Exciton Binding Energies of Molecules for Organic Electronics,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C120(3) 1366-1374 (2016).
- Kalathur, H. and R. Lakes, “Enhancement in Piezoelectric Sensitivity via Negative Structural Stiffness,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27(18) 2568-2573 (2016).
- Lavrentovich, O. D., “Active Colloids in Liquid Crystals,” Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 21 97-109 (2016).
- Jiao, W., W. Kong, J. Li, K. Collar, T.-H. Kim, M. Losurdo and A. S. Brown, “Characterization of MBE-Grown InAlN/GaN Heterostructure Valence Band Offsets with Varying In Composition,” AIP Advances 6(3) 035211 (2016).
- Kim, Y.-K., G. Cukrov, F. Vita, E. Scharrer, E.T. Samulski, O. Francescangeli and O.D. Lavrentovich, “Search for Microscopic and Macrosopic Biaxility in the Cybotactic Nematic Phase of New Oxadiazole Bent-Core Mesogens,” Physical Review E 93(6) 062701 (2016).
- Jiao, W., W. Kong, J. Li, K. Collar, T.-H. Kim, M. Losurdo and A. S. Brown, “The Characteristics of MBE-Grown InxAl1-xN/GaN Surface States,” Applied Physics Letters 109(8) 082103 (2016).
- Li, Y., J. Jun-Yan Suen, E. Prince, E. M. Larin, A. Klinkova, H. Therien-Aubin, S. Zhu, B. Yang, A. S. Helmy, O. D. Lavrentovich and E. Kumacheva, “Colloidal Cholesteric Liquid Crystal in Spherical Confinement,” Nature Communications 7 12520 (2016).
- Luo, G. K. Forghani, T. F. Kuech and D. Morgan, “First-principles Predictions of Electronic Properties of GaAs1-x-yPyBix and GaAs1-x-yPyBix-based Heterojunctions,” Applied Physics Letters 109(11) 112104 (2016).
- Knapper, K. A., K. D. Heylman, E. H. Horak and R. H. Goldsmith, “Chip‐Scale Fabrication of High‐Q All‐Glass Toroidal Microresonators for Single‐Particle Label‐Free Imaging,” Advanced Materials, in press, (2016).
- Kim, H., K. Forghani, Y. Guan, K. Kim, A. W. Wood, J. Lee, S. E. Babcock, T. F. Kuech and L. J. Mawst, “Impact of in-situ Annealing on Dilute-Bismide Materials and its Application to Photovoltaics,” Journal of Crystal Growth452 276-280 (2016).
- Kratochvil, M.J., M.A. Welsh, U. Manna, B.J. Ortiz, H.E. Blackwell and D.M. Lynn, “Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces that Prevent Bacterial Surface Fouling and Inhibit Virulence Phenotypes in Surrounding Planktonic Cells,” ACS Infectious Diseases 2(7) 509-517 (2016).
- Kuech, T. F., “III-V Compound Semiconductors: Growth and Structures,” Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials, 62(2) 352-370 (2016).
- Kuech, T. F., S. E. Babcock, and L. Mawst, “Growth Far from Equilibrium: Examples from III-V Semiconductors,”Applied Physics Reviews 3(4) 040801 (2016).
- Lin, T.-Y. and D. B. Weibel, “Organization and Function of Anionic Phospholipids in Bacteria,” Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 100(10) 4255-4267 (2016).
- Li, J., K. Collar, W. Jiao, W. Kong, T. F. Kuech, S. E. Babcock and A. Brown, “Impact of Vicinal GaAs(001) Substrates on Bi Incorporation and Photoluminescence in Molecular Beam Epitaxy-grown GaAs1-xBix,” Applied Physics Letters 108(23) 232101 (2016).
- Ma, C. D., C. Acevedo-Vélez, C. Wang, S. H. Gellman and N. L. Abbott, “Interaction of the Hydrophobic Tip of an Atomic Force Microscope with Oligopeptides Immobilized using Short and Long Tethers,” Langmuir 32(12) 2985-2995 (2016).
- McElhinny, K. M., R. M. Jacobberger, A. J. Zaug, M. S. Arnold and P. G. Evans, “Graphene-Induced Ge (001) Surface Faceting,” Surface Science, 647 90-95 (2016).
- Manna, U., N. Raman, M. A. Welsh, Y. M. Zayas‐Gonzalez, H. E. Blackwell, S. P. Palecek and D. M. Lynn, “Slippery Liquid‐Infused Porous Surfaces that Prevent Microbial Surface Fouling and Kill Non‐Adherent Pathogens in Surrounding Media: A Controlled Release Approach,” Advanced Functional Materials, 26(21) 3599-3611, (2016).
- Mehlenbacher, R. D., J. Wang, N. M. Kearns, M. J. Shea, J. T. Flach, T. J. McDonough, M.-Y. Wu, M. S. Arnold and M. Zanni, “Ultrafast Exciton Hopping Observed in Bare Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Thin Films With 2DWL Spectroscopy,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, in press, (2016).
- Mehlenbacher, R.D., T.J. McDonough, N.M. Kearns, M. J. Shea, Y. Joo, P. Gopalan, M. S. Arnold and M. T. Zanni, “Polarization-Controlled Two-Dimensional White-light Spectroscopy of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Thin Films,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(30) 17069-17080 (2016).
- Ng, J. D., S. P. Upadhyay, A. N. Marquard, K. M. Lupo, D. A. Hinton, N. A. Padilla, D. M. Bates and R. H. Goldsmith, “Single-Molecule Investigation of Initiation Dynamics of an Organometallic Catalyst,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 138(11) 3876-3883 (2016).
- Mushenheim, P. C., J. S. Pendery, D. B. Weibel, S. E. Spagnolie and N. L. Abbott, “Straining Soft Colloids in Aqueous Nematic Liquid Crystals,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(20) 5564-5569 (2016).
- Peng, C., T. Turiv, T. Guo, S. V. Shiyanovskii, Q.-H. Wei and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Control of colloidal placement by modulated molecular orientation in nematic cells,” Science Advances 2(9) e1600932 (2016).
- Perepezko, J. H. and J.-Q. Wang. Kinetic Studies of Melting, Crystallization, and Glass Formation. Fast Scanning Calorimetry. C. Schick and V. Mathot, Cham, Springer International Publishing: 633-660, (2016).
- Rajeev, A., L. J. Mawst, J. D. Kirch, D. Botez, J. Miao, P. Buelow, T. F. Kuech, X. Li, C. Sigler, S. E. Babcock and T. Earles, “Regrowth of Quantum Cascade Laser Active Regions on Metamorphic Buffer Layers,” Journal of Crystal Growth, in press, (2016).
- Ro, I., R. Carrasquillo-Flores, J. A. Dumesic and G. W. Huber, “Intrinsic kinetics of plasmon-enhanced reverse water gas shift on Au and Au–Mo interfacial sites supported on silica,” Applied Catalysis A: General, 521 182-189 (2016).
- Ro, I., Liu, M. R. Ball, D. H. Jackson, J. P. Chada, C. Sener, T. F. Kuech, R. J. Madon, G. W. Huber and J. A. Dumesic, “The Role of the Cu-ZrO2 Interfacial Sites for Ethanol Conversion to Ethyl Acetate and Methanol Synthesis from CO2 and H2,” ACS Catalysis 6(10) 7040-7050 (2016).
- Ro, I., C. Sener, T. M. Stadelman, M. R. Ball, J. M. Venegas, S. P. Burt, I. Hermans, J. A. Dumesic and G. W. Huber, “Measurement of Intrinsic Catalytic Activity of Pt Monometallic and Pt-MoOx Interfacial Sites over Visible Light Enhanced PtMoOx/SiO2 Catalyst in Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction, “Journal Of Catalysis 344 784-794 (2016).
- Shiyanovskii, S.V., O. Iadlovska, J. Xiang and O.D. Lavrentovich, “P-135: Electrooptics of Oblique Helicoidal Structures in Chiral Nematic Cells,” SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 47(1) 1628-1631 (2016).
- Sin, Y., M. Peterson, Z. Lingley, S. LaLumondiere, S. C. Moss, H. Kim, K. Forghani, Y. Guan, K. Kim, J. Lee, L. J. Mawst, T. F. Kuech and R. Tatavarti, “Carrier Dynamics in QW and Bulk Bismide Materials and Epitaxial Lift Off GaAs-In(Al)GaP Double Heterostructures Grown by MOVPE for Multi-Junction Solar Cells,” Proc. SPIE 9743, Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices V 9743 974313 (2016).
- Wang, J. Q., Y. Shen, J. H. Perepezko and M. D. Ediger, “Increasing the Kinetic Stability of Bulk Metallic Glasses,” Acta Materialia 104 25-32 (2016).
- Wang, X., D. S. Miller, E. Bukusoglu, J. J. de Pablo and N. L. Abbott, “Topological defects in liquid crystals as templates for molecular self-assembly,” Nature Materials 15 106-112 (2016).
- Wang, X., Y.-K. Kim, E. Bukusoglu, B. Zhang, D. S. Miller and N. L. Abbott, “Experimental Insights into the Nanostructure of the Cores of Topological Defects in Liquid Crystals,” Physical Review Letters 116(14) 147801 (2016).
- Wood, A. W., K. Collar, J. Li, A. S. Brown and S. E. Babcock, “Droplet-Mediated Formation of Embedded GaAs Nanowires in MBE GaAs1− xBix Films,” Nanotechnology 27(11) 115704 (2016).
- Zayas-Gonzalez, Y. M. and D. M. Lynn, “Degradable Amine-Reactive Coatings Fabricated by the Covalent Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Poly (2-Vinyl-4, 4-Dimethylazlactone) with Degradable Polyamine Building Blocks,”Biomacromolecules 17(9) 3067-3075 (2016).
- Zhang, L., M. Rajendram, D. B. Weibel, A. Yethiraj and Q. Cui, “Ionic Hydrogen Bonds and Lipid Packing Defects Determine the Binding Orientation and Insertion Depth of RecA on Multi-Component Lipid Bilayers,”The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120 8424-8437, (2016).
- Zhang, R., Y. Zhou, J. A. Martinez-Gonzalez, J. P. Hernandez-Ortiz, N. L. Abbott and J. J. de Pablo, “Controlled Deformation of Vesicles by Flexible Structured Media,” Science Advances 2(8) e1600978 (2016).
- Zhang, L., S. S. Roy, N. S. Safron, M.J. Shearer, R. M. Jacobberger, V. Saraswat, R. J. Hamers, M. S. Arnold and T. L. Andrew, “Orientation Control of Selected Organic Semiconductor Crystals Archived by Monolayer Graphene Templates,” Advanced Materials Interfaces 3(22) 1600621 (2016).
Facilities-Supported, 2016
- Agarwal, U., S. Ralph, R. Reiner and C. Baez, “Probing Crystallinity of Never-Dried Wood Cellulose with Raman Spectroscopy,” Cellulose 23(1) 125-144 (2016).
- Appadoo, V., M. C. Carter and D. M. Lynn, “Controlling the Surface-Mediated Release of DNA using ‘Mixed Multilayers’,” Bioengineering & Translational Medicine 1(2) 181-192, (2016).
- Carter, M. C. D., J. Jennings, F. W. Speetjens, D. M. Lynn and M K. Mahanthappa, “A Reactive Platform Approach for the Rapid Synthesis and Discovery of High χ/Low N Block Polymers,” Macromolecules 49(17) 6268-6276 (2016).
- Bukusoglu, E., Wang, X., Zhou, Y., Martínez-González, J.A., Rahimi, M., Wang, Q., de Pablo, J.J. and Abbott, N.L., “Positioning Colloids at the Surfaces of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Droplets,” Soft Matter12(42) 8781-89 (2016).
- Gómez, J., J. Jiang, A. Gujral, C. Huang, L. Yu and M. Ediger, “Vapor Deposition of a Smectic Liquid Crystal: Highly Anisotropic, Homogeneous Glasses with Tunable Molecular Orientation,” Soft Matter 12 2942-2947 (2016).
- Driver, M. S., J. D. Beatty, O. Olanipekun, K. Reid, A. Rath, P. M. Voyles and J. A. Kelber, “Atomic Layer Epitaxy of h-BN(0001) Multilayers on Co(0001) and Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of Graphene on h-BN(0001)/Co(0001),” Langmuir 32(11) 2601-2607 (2016).
- Eftink, B. P., A. Li, I. Szlufarska and I. M. Robertson, “Interface Mediated Mechanism of Plastic Strain Recovery in a AgCu Alloy,” Acta Materialia 117 111-121 (2016).
- Choi, J. W., M.C.D. Carter, W. WEi, C. Kanimozi, F. W. Speetjens, M.K. Mahanthappa, D. M. Lynn and P. Gopalan, “Self-Assembly and Post-Fabrication Fictionalization of Microphase Separated Thin Films of a Reactive Azlactone-Containing Block Copolymer,” Macromolecules 49(21) 8177-8186 (2016).
- He, M.-R., S. Wang, K. Jin, H. Bei, K. Yasuda, S. Matsumura, K. Higashida and I. M. Robertson, “Enhanced Damage Resistance and Novel Defect Structure of CrFeCoNi under in situ Electron Irradiation,” Scripta Materialia 125 5-9 (2016).
- Hunt, S. T., M. Milina, A. C. Alba-Rubio, C. H. Hendon, J. A. Dumesic and Y. Román-Leshkov, “Self-assembly of Noble Metal Monolayers on Transition Metal Carbide Nanoparticle Catalysts,” Science 352(6288) 974-978 (2016).
- Jacobs, R., B. Zheng, B. Puchala, P.M. Voyles, A.B. Yankovich and D. Morgan, “Counterintuitive Reconstruction of the Polar O-Terminated ZnO Surface with Zinc Vacancies and Hydrogen,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7(22) 4483-4487 (2016).
- Jaeckel, F.T., Kripps, K.L., McCammon, D., Wulf, D., Zhang, S., and Zhou, Y., “Effects of Uniaxial Stress on Mo and Mo/Cu Bilayer Superconducting Transitions,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 27(4) 2101004, (2016).
- Joo, Y., M. Kim, C. Kanimozhi, P. Huang, B. M. Wong, S. Singha Roy, M.S. Arnold and P. Gopalan, “Effect of Dipolar Molecule Structure on the Mechanism of Graphene-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120(25) 13815-13824 (2016).
- Jaeckel, F. T., K. L. Kripps, K. M. Morgan, S. Zhang and D. McCammon, “Fabrication of Superconducting Mo/Cu Bilayers Using Ion-Beam-Assisted e-Beam Evaporation,” Journal of Low Temperature Physics 184(3-4) 647-653 (2016).
- Karanjkar, P. U., S. P. Burt, X. Chen, K. J. Barnett, M. R. Ball, M. D. Kumbhalkar, X. Wang, J. B. Miller, I. Hermans and J. A. Dumesic, “Effect of Carbon Supports on RhRe Bifunctional Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenolysis of Tetrahydropyran-2-methanol,” Catalysis Science & Technology 6(21) 7841-7851 (2016).
- Le, N. N. T., S. Zorn, S. K. Schmitt, P. Gopalan and W. L. Murphy, “Hydrogel arrays formed via differential wettability patterning enable combitational screening of stem cell behavior,” Acta Biomaterialia 34 93-103 (2016).
- Li, Y., S. Manolache, Y. Qiu and M. Sarmadi, “Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment Condition on Adhesion of Ramie Fibers to Polypropylene for Composite,” Applied Surface Science 364 294-301 (2016).
- Lu, L., R. Seenivasan, Y.-C. Wang, J.-H. Yu and S. Gunasekaran, “An Electrochemical Immunosensor for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Mycotoxins Fumonisin B1 and Deoxynivalenol,” Electrochimica Acta 213 89-97 (2016).
- McElhinny, K.M., G. Gopalakrishnan, D.E. Savage, D.A. Czaplewski, M.G. Lagally, M.V. Holt and P.G. Evans, “Synchrotron X-Ray Thermal Diffuse Scattering Proves for Phonons in Si/SiGe/Si Trilayer Nanomembranes,”MRS Advances 1(48) 3263-3268 (2016).
- Morrow, J. D. and F. E. Pfefferkorn, “Local Microstructure and Hardness Variation After Pulsed Laser Micro Melting on S7 Tool Steel,” Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 4(3) 031006, (2016).
- Nett, J. E., J. Cabezas-Olcoz, K. Marchillo, D. F. Mosher and D. R. Andes, “Targeting Fibronectin to Disrupt in vivo Candida Biofilms,” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy AAC, 60(5) 3152-3155, (2016).
- Nourbakhsh, H., A. Madadlou, Z. Emam-Djomeh, Y.-C. Wang, S. Gunasekaran and M. E. Mousavi, “One-Pot Procedure for Recovery of Gallic Acid from Wastewater and Encapsulation within Protein Particles,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64(7) 1575-1582 (2016).
- Park, J., Ahn, Y., Tilka, J.A., Sampson, K.C., Savage, D.E., Prance, J.R., Simmons, C.B., Lagally, M.G., Coppersmith, S.N., Eriksson, M.A., Holt, M.V. and Evans, P.G., “Electrode-Stress-Induced Nanoscale Disorder in Si Quantum Electronic Devices,” APL Mater 4(6):066102 (2016).
- Raman, N., M. -R. Lee, A. d. L. Rodírguez López, S. P. Palecek and D. M. Lynn, “Antifungal Activity of a β-Peptide in Synthetic Urine Media: Toward Materials-Based Approaches to Reducing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Fungal Infections,” Acta Biomaterialia, 43 240-250, (2016).
- Roling, L.T., J. Scaranto, J.A. Herron, H. Yu, S. Choi, N.L. Abbott and M. Mavrikakis, “Towards First Principles Molecular Desing of Liquid Crystal-Based Chemoresponsive Systems,” Nature Communications 7 13338 (2016).
- Singha Roy, S., R. M. Jacobberger, C. Wan and M. S. Arnold, “Controlling the Density of Pinhole Defects in Monolayer Graphene Synthesized via Chemical Vapor Deposition on Copper,” Carbon 100 1-6 (2016).
- Sundramoorthy, A.K., B.S. Premkumar and S. Gunasekaran, “Reduced Graphene Oxide-Poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Polystyrene Sulfonate Based Dual-Selective Sensor for Iron in Different Oxidation States,” ACS Sensors 1(2) 151-157 (2016).
- Sundramoorthy, A.K., Sadak, O., Anandhakumar, S., Gunasekaran, S., “Synthesis of poly(8-aminopyrene-1, 3, 6-trisulfonic acid)/CNT Nanocomposite for Electrochemical Detection of Caffeine,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society 163(13) B638-B43 (2016).
- Tyburska-Püschel, B., Y. Zhai, L. He, C. Liu, A. Boulle, P. M. Voyles, I. Szlufarska and K. Sridharan, “Size Distribution of Black Spot Defects and their Contribution to Swelling in Irradiated SiC,” Journal of Nuclear Materials 476 132-139 (2016).
- Schmitt, S. K., D. Trebatowski, J. D. Krutty, A. W. Xie, B. Rollins, W. L. Murphy and P. Gopalan, “Peptide Conjugation to a Polymer Coating via Native Chemical Ligation of Azlactones for Cell Culture,”Biomacromolecules 17(3) 1040-1047 (2016).
- Sener, C., T. S. Wesley, A. C. Alba-Rubio, M. D. Kumbhalkar, S. H. Hakim, F. H. Ribeiro, J. T. Miller and J. A. Dumesic, “PtMo Bimetallic Catalysts Synthesized by Controlled Surface Reactions for Water Gas Shift,” ACS Catalysis 6(2) 1334-1344 (2016).
- Xu, Z., J. P. Chada, D. Zhao, C. A. Carrero, Y. T. Kim, D. C. Rosenfeld, J. L. Rogers, S. J. Rozeveld, I. Hermans and G. W. Huber, “Production of Linear Octenes from Oligomerization of 1-Butene over Carbon Supported Cobalt Catalysts,” ACS Catalysis 6(6) 3815-3825 (2016).
- Singha Roy, S., R. M. Jacobberger, C. Wan and M. S. Arnold, “Controlling the Density of Pinhole Defects in Monolayer Graphene Synthesized via Chemical Vapor Deposition on Copper,” Carbon 100 1-6 (2016).
- Sorenson, G. P. and M. K. Mahanthappa, “Unexpected Role of Linker Position on Ammonium Gemini Surfactant Lyotropic Gyroid Phase Stability,” Soft Matter 12 2408-2415 (2016).
- Tilka, J., J. Park, Y. Ahn, A. Pateras, K. Sampson, D. Savage, J. R. Prance, C. Simmons, S. Coppersmith, M. Eriksson, M. Holt and P. Evans, “Combing Experiment and Optical Simulation in Coherent X-Ray Nanobeam Characterization of Si/SiGe Semiconductor Heterostructures,” Journal of Applied Physics 120(1) 015304 (2016).
- Tilk, J., Park, J., Sampson, K., Cai, Z., and Evans. P., “Fabrication of Convergent X-ray Nanobeam Diffraction Characterization of Submicron-Thickness SrTiO3 Crystalline Sheets,” APL Materials 4(12):126108 (2016).
- Urso, K., K. Sridharan, B. Jaques, G. Alanko, D. Butt, M. Meyer, P. Xu and B. Tyburska-Püschel, “High-Temperature Corrosion Testing of Uranium Silicide Surrogates,” Nuclear Technology 196(1) 100-110 (2016).
- Yu, M., A. B. Yankovich, A. Kaczmarowski, D. Morgan and P. M. Voyles, “Integrated Computational and Experimental Structure Refinement for Nanoparticles,” ACS Nano, 10(4) 4031-4038, (2016).
- Xia, X., W. Sun, A. A. Luo and D. S. Stone, “Precipitation Evolution and Hardening in MgSmZnZr Alloys,” Acta Materialia 111 335-347 (2016).
- Zhang, P., J. J. Maldonis, M. F. Besser, M. J. Kramer and P. M. Voyles, “Medium-Range Structure and Glass Forming Ability in Zr–Cu–Al Bulk Metallic Glasses,” Acta Materialia 109 103-114 (2016).
- Zhang, P., L. He, M. F. Besser, Z. Liu, J. Schroers, M. J. Kramer and P. M. Voyles, “Applications and Limitations of Electron Correlation Microscopy to Study Relaxation Dynamics in Supercooled Liquids,” Ultramicroscopy, in press (2016).
- Zhang, P., Z. Wang, J. H. Perepezko and P. M. Voyles, “Elastic and Inelastic Mean Free Paths of 200 KeV Electrons in Metallic Glasses,” Ultramicroscopy 171 89-95 (2016).
Research, 2015
- Alba-Rubio, A., A. Plauck, E. Stangland, M. Mavrikakis and J. Dumesic, “Direct Synthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide Over Au–Pd Catalysts Prepared by Electroless Deposition,” Catalysis Letters 145(12) 2057-2065 (2015).
- Alley, O. J., M. Y. Wu, G. L. Johns, T. J. Dawidczyk, J. M. Hardigree, N. Markovic, M. S. Arnold and H. E. Katz, “Negative polarity of phenyl-C-61 butyric acid methyl ester adjacent to donor macromolecule domains,” Applied Physics Letters 106(3) 033301 (2015).
- Bukusoglu, E., X. Wang, J. A. Martinez‐Gonzalez, J. J. de Pablo and N. L. Abbott, “Stimuli‐Responsive Cubosomes Formed from Blue Phase Liquid Crystals,” Advanced Materials 27(43) 6892-6898 (2015).
- Camera, K. L., J. Gómez-Zayas, D. Yokoyama, M. Ediger and C. K. Ober, “Photopatterning of Indomethacin Thin Films: a Solvent-Free Vapor-Deposited Photoresist,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7(42) 23398-23401 (2015).
- Carter, M. C., D. S. Miller, J. Jennings, X. Wang, M. K. Mahanthappa, N. L. Abbott and D. M. Lynn, “Synthetic Mimics of Bacterial Lipid A Trigger Optical Transitions in Liquid Crystal Microdroplets at Ultralow Picogram-per-Milliliter Concentrations,” Langmuir 31(47) 12850-12855 (2015).
- Christianson, J. R. and J. Schmidt, “Structural heterogeneity and dynamics of dyes on TiO2: implications for charge transfer across organic–inorganic interfaces,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17(5) 3731-3740 (2015).
- Crooks, J. A., M. D. Stilwell, P. M. Oliver, Z. Zhong and D. B. Weibel, “Decoding the Chemical Language of Motile Bacteria by Using High-Throughput Microfluidic Assays,” ChemBioChem 16(15) 2151-2155 (2015).
- Davoody, A. and I. Knezevic, “Study of the Forster resonance energy transfer in composite films of carbon nanotubes,” Proc. SPIE 9358, Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices IV 93589358OT (2015).
- Diestra-Cruz, H., E. Bukusoglu, N. L. Abbott and A. Acevedo, “Hierarchical Microstructures Formed by Bidisperse Colloidal Suspensions within Colloid-in-Liquid Crystal Gels,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(2015).
- Evans, P. G. and J. W. Spalenka, “Epitaxy of Small Organic Molecules,” Handbook of Crystal Growth Vol. IIIeds. T. Nishinaga and T. F. Kuech, Elsevier, 509-554 (2015).
- Forghani, K., Y. Guan, A. Wood, S. Babcock, L. Mawst and T. F. Kuech, “The Effect of the Bi Precursors,(CH3) 3Bi and (C2H5) 3Bi, on the Metal‐Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of GaAs1‐yBiy Films,” Chemical Vapor Deposition 21 (7-8-9) 166-175 (2015).
- Gujral, A., K. A. O’Hara, M. F. Toney, M. L. Chabinyc and M. Ediger, “Structural characterization of vapor-deposited glasses of an organic hole transport material with x-ray scattering,” Chemistry of Materials 27(9) 3341-3348 (2015).
- Guo, X., U. Manna, N. L. Abbott and D. M. Lynn, “Covalent Immobilization of Caged Liquid Crystal Microdroplets on Surfaces,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7(48) 26892-26903 (2015).
- He, L., A. Gujral, M. Ediger and P. Voyles, “Fluctuation Electron Microscopy Study of Medium-Range Packing Order in Ultrastable Indomethacin Glass Thin Films,” MRS Proceedings Vol. 1757, Cambridge Univ Press, mrsf14-1757, (2015).
- Herron, M., M. J. Schurr, C. J. Murphy, J. F. McAnulty, C. J. Czuprynski and N. L. Abbott, “Gallium-Loaded Dissolvable Microfilm Constructs that Provide Sustained Release of Ga3+ for Management of Biofilms,”Advanced Healthcare Materials 4(18) 2849-2859 (2015).
- Heylman, K.D., E.H. Horak, K.A. Knapper and R.H. Goldsmith, “Photothermal microresonator absorption microscopy with backscatter detection,” Proc. SPIE 9554, Nanoimaging and Nanospectroscopy III 95549554OU (2015).
- Heylman, K. D., K. A. Knapper, E. H. Horak and R. H. Goldsmith, “Photothermal imaging of individual carbon nanofibers with optical microresonators,” Proc. SPIE 9331, Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging VIII 9331 9331OG (2015).
- Ho, J.-J., D. R. Skoff, A. Ghosh and M. T. Zanni, “Structural Characterization of Single-Stranded DNA Monolayers Using Two-Dimensional Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119(33) 10586-10596 (2015).
- Holden, M. T., M. C. Carter, C.-H. Wu, J. Wolfer, E. Codner, M. R. Sussman, D. M. Lynn and L. M. Smith, “Photolithographic Synthesis of High-Density DNA and RNA Arrays on Flexible, Transparent, and Easily Subdivided Plastic Substrates,” Analytical Chemistry 87(22) 11420-11428 (2015).
- Jacobberger, R. M., B. Kiraly, M. Fortin-Deschenes, P. L. Levesque, K. M. McElhinny, G. J. Brady, R. Rojas Delgado, S. Singha Roy, A. Mannix, M. G. Lagally, P. G. Evans, P. Desjardins, R. Martel, M. C. Hersam, N. P. Guisinger and M. S. Arnold, “Direct oriented growth of armchair graphene nanoribbons on germanium,” Nat Commun 6 (2015).
- Jacobberger, R. M., P. L. Levesque, F. Xu, M.-Y. Wu, S. Choubak, P. Desjardins, R. Martel and M. S. Arnold, “Tailoring the Growth Rate and Surface Facet for Synthesis of High-Quality Continuous Graphene Films from CH4 at 750° C via Chemical Vapor Deposition,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(21) 11516-11523 (2015).
- Jacobberger, R. M., R. Machhi, J. Wroblewski, B. Taylor, A. L. Gillian-Daniel and M. S. Arnold, “Simple Graphene Synthesis via Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Journal of Chemical Education 92(11) 1903-1907 (2015).
- Joo, Y., G. J. Brady, M. J. Shea, M. B. Oviedo, C. Kanimozhi, S. K. Schmitt, B. M. Wong, M. S. Arnold and P. Gopalan, “Isolation of Pristine Electronics Grade Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes by Switching the Rigidity of the Wrapping Polymer Backbone on Demand,” ACS Nano 9(10) 10203-10213 (2015).
- Kaczmarowski, A., S. Yang, I. Szlufarska and D. Morgan, “Genetic algorithm optimization of defect clusters in crystalline materials,” Computational Materials Science 98 234-244 (2015).
- Kim, H., K. Forghani, Y. Guan, G. Luo, A. Anand, D. Morgan, T. Kuech, L. Mawst, Z. Lingley and B. Foran, “Strain-compensated GaAs1− yPy/GaAs1− zBiz/GaAs1− yPy quantum wells for laser applications,” Semiconductor Science and Technology 30(9) 094011 (2015).
- Kim, H. J., D. H. Jackson, J. Lee, Y. Guan, T. F. Kuech and G. W. Huber, “Enhanced Activity and Stability of TiO2-coated Cobalt/Carbon Catalysts for Electrochemical Water Oxidation,” ACS Catalysis 5(6) 3463-3469 (2015).
- Kim, T., L. J. Mawst, Y. Kim, K. Kim, J. Lee and T. F. Kuech, “13.2% efficiency double-hetero structure single-junction InGaAsN solar cells grown by MOVPE,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 33(2) 021205 (2015).
- Kim, Y.-K., G. Cukrov, J. Xiang, S.-T. Shin and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Domain walls and anchoring transitions mimicking nematic biaxiality in the oxadiazole bent-core liquid crystal C7,” Soft Matter 11(20) 3963-3970 (2015).
- Leite, B., R. Dziedzic, L. Cruz, A. Gillian-Daniel, C. Nielsen and L. De La Fuente, “Microcontact Printing of Thiols: Changing the Way Cell Attachment is Investigated,” Microscopy Today 23(05) 24-29 (2015).
- Li, J., K. Forghani, Y. Guan, W. Jiao, W. Kong, K. Collar, T.-H. Kim, T. F. Kuech and A. S. Brown, “GaAs1− yBiyRaman signatures: illuminating relationships between the electrical and optical properties of GaAs1− yBiy and Bi incorporation,” AIP Advances 5(6) 067103 (2015).
- Lin, T.-Y., T. M. Santos, W. S. Kontur, T. J. Donohue and D. B. Weibel, “A cardiolipin-deficient mutant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides has an altered cell shape and is impaired in biofilm formation,” Journal of Bacteriology JB. 197(21) 3446-3455 (2015).
- Luo, G., S. Yang, J. Li, M. Arjmand, I. Szlufarska, A. S. Brown, T. F. Kuech and D. Morgan, “First-principles studies on molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaAs1− xBix,” Physical Review B 92(3) 035415 (2015).
- Ma, C. D., L. Adamiak, D. S. Miller, X. Wang, N. C. Gianneschi and N. L. Abbott, “Liquid Crystal Interfaces Programmed with Enzyme‐Responsive Polymers and Surfactants,” Small 11(43) 5747-5751 (2015).
- Manna, U. and D. M. Lynn, “Fabrication of Liquid‐Infused Surfaces Using Reactive Polymer Multilayers: Principles for Manipulating the Behaviors and Mobilities of Aqueous Fluids on Slippery Liquid Interfaces,”Advanced Materials 27(19) 3007-3012 (2015).
- Manna, U. and D. M. Lynn, “Synthetic Surfaces with Robust and Tunable Underwater Superoleophobicity,”Advanced Functional Materials 25(11) 1672-1681 (2015).
- Mawst, L. J., A. Rajeev, J. D. Kirch, T. W. Kim, D. Botez, B. Zutter, P. Buelow, K. Schulte, T. F. Kuech, A. Wood, S. E. Babcock and T. Earles, “Quantum-Cascade-Laser Active Regions on Metamorphic Buffer Layers,” Proc. SPIE 9370, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices Xii 9370 93700E-93700E-93715 (2015).
- McElhinny, K., G. Gopalakrishnan, D. Savage, J. C. Silva-Martínez, M. Lagally, M. Holt and P. Evans, “Fabrication of flat SiGe heterostructure nanomembrane windows via strain-relief patterning,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48(1) 015306 (2015).
- Mehlenbacher, R. D., T. J. McDonough, M. Grechko, M.-Y. Wu, M. S. Arnold and M. T. Zanni, “Energy transfer pathways in semiconducting carbon nanotubes revealed using two-dimensional white-light spectroscopy,” Nat Commun 6 (2015).
- Mortenson, D. E., J. D. Steinkruger, D. F. Kreitler, D. V. Perroni, G. P. Sorenson, L. Huang, R. Mittal, H. G. Yun, B. R. Travis, M. K. Mahanthappa, K. T. Forest and S. H. Gellman, “High-resolution structures of a heterochiral coiled coil,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(43) 13144-13149 (2015).
- Mushenheim, P. C., R. R. Trivedi, S. S. Roy, M. S. Arnold, D. B. Weibel and N. L. Abbott, “Effects of confinement, surface-induced orientations and strain on dynamical behaviors of bacteria in thin liquid crystalline films,” Soft Matter 11 6821-6831 (2015).
- Oudenhoven, T. A., Y. Joo, J. E. Laaser, P. Gopalan and M. T. Zanni, “Dye aggregation identified by vibrational coupling using 2D IR spectroscopy,” The Journal of Chemical Physics 142(21) 212449 (2015).
- Peng, C. and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Chirality amplification and detection by tactoids of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals,” Soft Matter 11 7257-7263 (2015).
- Perepezko, J. H., T. W. Glendenning and J.-Q. Wang, “Nanocalorimetry measurements of metastable states,”Thermochimica Acta 603 24-28 (2015).
- Perroni, D., C. Baez-Cotto, G. P. Sorenson and M. K. Mahanthappa, “Linker Length-Dependent Control of Gemini Surfactant Aqueous Lyotropic Gyroid Phase Stability,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6(6) 993-998 (2015).
- Rahimi, M., T. F. Roberts, J. C. Armas-Pérez, X. Wang, E. Bukusoglu, N. L. Abbott and J. J. de Pablo, “Nanoparticle self-assembly at the interface of liquid crystal droplets,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(17) 5297-5302 (2015).
- Rajendram, M., L. Zhang, B. J. Reynolds, G. K. Auer, H. H. Tuson, K. V. Ngo, M. M. Cox, A. Yethiraj, Q. Cui and D. B. Weibel, “Anionic Phospholipids Stabilize RecA Filament Bundles in Escherichia coli,” Molecular Cell 60(3) 374-384 (2015).
- Roy, S. S., N. S. Safron, M.-Y. Wu and M. S. Arnold, “Evolution, kinetics, energetics, and environmental factors of graphene degradation on silicon dioxide,” Nanoscale 7(14) 6093-6103 (2015).
- Sadati, M., A. I. Apik, J. C. Armas-Perez, J. Martinez-Gonzalez, J. P. Hernandez-Ortiz, N. L. Abbott and J. J. de Pablo, “Liquid Crystal Enabled Early Stage Detection of Beta Amyloid Formation on Lipid Monolayers,”Advanced Functional Materials 25(38) 6050-6060 (2015).
- Schulte, K., M. Strand and T. Kuech, “Evolution of epilayer tilt in thick InxGa1−xAs metamorphic buffer Layers grown by Hydride vapor phase epitaxy,” Journal of Crystal Growth 426 283-286 (2015).
- Smith, T. J., C.-x. Wang and N. L. Abbott, “Influence of Self-Assembling Redox Mediators on Charge Transfer at Hydrophobic Electrodes,” Langmuir 31(39) 10638-10648 (2015).
- Surampudi, S., M.-L. Yeh, M. Siegler, J. M. Hardigree, T. Kasl, H. Katz and R. Klausen, “Increased carrier mobility in end-functionalized oligosilanes,” Chemical Science 6 1905 (2015).
- Tan, L. N. and N. L. Abbott, “Dynamic Anchoring Transitions at Aqueous-Liquid Crystal Interfaces Induced by Specific and Non-Specific Binding of Vesicles to Proteins,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 449 452-461 (2015).
- Trivedi, R. R., R. Maeda, N. L. Abbott, S. E. Spagnolie and D. B. Weibel, “Bacterial transport of colloids in liquid crystalline environments,” Soft Matter 11(43) 8404-8408 (2015).
- Upadhyay, S. P., K. M. Lupo, A. N. Marquard, J. D. Ng, D. M. Bates and R. H. Goldsmith, “Fluorescent Dendrimeric Molecular Catalysts Demonstrate Unusual Scaling Behavior at the Single-Molecule Level,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(34) 19703-19714 (2015).
- Wang, L., K. G. Gutierrez-Cuevas, H. K. Bisoyi, J. Xiang, G. Singh, R. S. Zola, S. Kumar, O. D. Lavrentovich, A. Urbas and Q. Li, “NIR light-directing self-organized 3D photonic superstructures loaded with anisotropic plasmonic hybrid nanorods,” Chemical Communications 51 15039-15042 (2015).
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- Wood, A., Y. Guan, K. Forghani, A. Anand, T. Kuech and S. Babcock, “Unexpected bismuth concentration profiles in metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy-grown Ga(As1− xBix)/GaAs superlattices revealed by Z-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging,” APL Materials 3(3) 036108 (2015).
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- Zhang, L., S. S. Roy, C. R. English, R. J. Hamers, M. S. Arnold and T. L. Andrew, “Observing Electron Extraction by Monolayer Graphene Using Time-Resolved Surface Photoresponse Measurements,” ACS Nano9(3) 2510-2517 (2015).
- Zhang, L., S. S. Roy, R. J. Hamers, M. S. Arnold and T. L. Andrew, “Molecular Orientation-Dependent Interfacial Energetics and Built-in Voltage Tuned by a Template Graphene Monolayer,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(1) 45-54 (2015).
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Facilities-Supported, 2015
- Alba‐Rubio, A. C., C. Sener, S. H. Hakim, T. M. Gostanian and J. A. Dumesic, “Synthesis of Supported RhMo and PtMo Bimetallic Catalysts by Controlled Surface Reactions,” ChemCatChem 7(23) 3881-3886 (2015).
- Bagci, P. O., Y.-C. Wang and S. Gunasekaran, “A Simple and Green Route for Room-Temperature Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles and Selective Colorimetric Detection of Cysteine,” Journal of Food Science 80(9) 2071-2078 (2015).
- Bolshakova, I., S. Belyaev, M. Bulavin, V. Brudnyi, V. Chekanov, V. Coccorese, I. Duran, S. Gerasimov, R. Holyaka and N. Kargin, “Experimental evaluation of stable long term operation of semiconductor magnetic sensors at ITER relevant environment,” Nuclear Fusion 55(8) 083006 (2015).
- Chang, C.-C., J. Kirch, C. Boyle, C. Sigler, L. Mawst, D. Botez, B. Zutter, P. Buelow, K. Schulte and T. Kuech, “Planarized process for resonant leaky-wave coupled phase-locked arrays of mid-IR quantum cascade lasers,”SPIE OPTO International Society for Optics and Photonics 938213 (2015).
- Foote, R. H., D. R. Ward, J. Prance, J. K. Gamble, E. Nielsen, B. Thorgrimsson, D. Savage, A. Saraiva, M. Friesen and S. Coppersmith, “Transport through an impurity tunnel coupled to a Si/SiGe quantum dot,” Applied Physics Letters 107 103112 (2015).
- Fox, E. P., C. K. Bui, J. E. Nett, N. Hartooni, M. M. Mui, D. R. Andes, C. J. Nobile and A. D. Johnson, “An Expanded Regulatory Network Temporally Controls Candida albicans Biofilm Formation,” Molecular Microbiology 96(6) 1226-1239 (2015).
- Goodman, S. L., K. D. Wendt, M. S. Kostrna and C. Radi, “Capsule-Based Processing and Handling of Electron Microscopy Specimens and Grids,” Microscopy Today 23(05) 30-37 (2015).
- Guan, J., Y. C. Wang and S. Gunasekaran, “Using L‐Arginine‐Functionalized Gold Nanorods for Visible Detection of Mercury (II) Ions,” Journal of Food Science 80(4) N828-N833 (2015).
- Hakim, S. H., C. Sener, A. C. Alba-Rubio, T. M. Gostanian, B. J. O’Neill, F. H. Ribeiro, J. T. Miller and J. A. Dumesic, “Synthesis of supported bimetallic nanoparticles with controlled size and composition distributions for active site elucidation,” Journal of Catalysis 328 75-90 (2015).
- Jackson, D. H., B. J. O’Neill, J. Lee, G. W. Huber, J. A. Dumesic and T. F. Kuech, “Tuning Acid-Base Properties Using Mg-Al Oxide Atomic Layer Deposition,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7(30) 16573-16580 (2015).
- Johnson, A. and C. Brace, “Heat transfer within hydrodissection fluids: An analysis of thermal conduction and convection using liquid and gel materials,” International Journal of Hyperthermia 31(5) 551-559 (2015).
- Kim, T., S. Chitteni-Pattu, B. L. Cox, E. A. Wood, S. J. Sandler and M. M. Cox, “Directed Evolution of RecA Variants with Enhanced Capacity for Conjugational Recombination,” PLoS Genet 11(6) e1005278 (2015).
- Kim, Y. T., J. P. Chada, Z. Xu, Y. J. Pagan-Torres, D. C. Rosenfeld, W. L. Winniford, E. Schmidt and G. W. Huber, “Low-temperature oligomerization of 1-butene with H-ferrierite,” Journal of Catalysis 323 33-44 (2015).
- Kratochvil, M. J., Y. Tal-Gan, T. Yang, H. E. Blackwell and D. M. Lynn, “Nanoporous Superhydrophobic Coatings that Promote the Extended Release of Water-Labile Quorum Sensing Inhibitors and Enable Long-Term Modulation of Quorum Sensing in Staphylococcus aureus,” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 1(10) 1039-1049 (2015).
- Lado, J. J., R. E. Pérez-Roa, J. J. Wouters, M. I. Tejedor-Tejedor, C. Federspill and M. A. Anderson, “Continuous cycling of an asymmetric capacitive deionization system: An evaluation of the electrode performance and stability,” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3(4) 2358-2367 (2015).
- Lee, J., S. P. Burt, C. A. Carrero, A. C. Alba-Rubio, I. Ro, B. J. O’Neill, H. J. Kim, D. H. Jackson, T. F. Kuech and I. Hermans, “Stabilizing cobalt catalysts for aqueous-phase reactions by strong metal-support interaction,”Journal of Catalysis 330 19-27 (2015).
- Ma, C. D., C. Wang, C. Acevedo-Vélez, S. H. Gellman and N. L. Abbott, “Modulation of hydrophobic interactions by proximally immobilized ions,” Nature 517(7534) 347-350 (2015).
- Maier, B. R., B. L. Garcia-Diaz, B. Hauch, L. C. Olson, R. L. Sindelar and K. Sridharan, “Cold Spray Deposition of Ti2AlC Coatings for Improved Nuclear Fuel Cladding,” Journal of Nuclear Materials 466 712-717 (2015).
- Maldonis, J. J., P. Zhang, M. Besser, M. Kramer and P. M. Voyles, “Medium-Range Structure of Zr-Cu-Al Bulk Metallic Glasses from Structural Refinement Based on Fluctuation Microscopy,” Microscopy and Microanalysis21(S3) 1659-1660 (2015).
- Nakashima, D., T. Ushikubo, N. T. Kita, M. K. Weisberg, M. E. Zolensky and D. S. Ebel, “Late formation of a comet Wild 2 crystalline silicate particle, Pyxie, inferred from Al–Mg chronology of plagioclase,” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 410 54-61 (2015).
- Nett, J. E., R. Zarnowski, J. Cabezas-Olcoz, E. G. Brooks, J. Bernhardt, K. Marchillo, D. F. Mosher and D. R. Andes, “Host Contributions to Construction of Three Device-Associated Candida albicans Biofilms,” Infection and Immunity 83(12) 4630-4638 (2015).
- Petrova, V., S. H. Chen, E. T. Molzberger, E. Tomko, S. Chitteni-Pattu, H. Jia, Y. Ordabayev, T. M. Lohman and M. M. Cox, “Active displacement of RecA filaments by UvrD translocase activity,” Nucleic Acids Researchgkv186 (2015).
- Piechura, J. R., T.-L. Tseng, H.-F. Hsu, R. T. Byrne, T. A. Windgassen, S. Chitteni-Pattu, J. R. Battista, H.-W. Li and M. M. Cox, “Biochemical characterization of RecA variants that contribute to extreme resistance to ionizing radiation,” DNA Repair 26 30-43 (2015).
- Prance, J., B. Van Bael, C. Simmons, D. Savage, M. Lagally, M. Friesen, S. Coppersmith and M. Eriksson, “Identifying single electron charge sensor events using wavelet edge detection,” Nanotechnology 26(21) 215201 (2015).
- Raman, N., K. Marchillo, M.-R. Lee, A. L. Rodríguez López, D. R. Andes, S. P. Palecek and D. M. Lynn, “Intraluminal Release of an Antifungal β-Peptide Enhances the Antifungal and Anti-Biofilm Activities of Multilayer-Coated Catheters in a Rat Model of Venous Catheter Infection,” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2(1) 112-121 (2015).
- Samad, L., M. Cabán-Acevedo, M. J. Shearer, K. Park, R. J. Hamers and S. Jin, “Direct Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis of Phase-Pure Iron Pyrite (FeS2) Thin Films,” Chemistry of Materials 27(8) 3108-3114 (2015).
- Sanaty-Zadeh, A., A. Luo and D. Stone, “Comprehensive study of phase transformation in age-hardening of Mg–3Nd–0.2 Zn by means of scanning transmission electron microscopy,” Acta Materialia 94 294-306 (2015).
- Schmitt, S. K., A. W. Xie, R. M. Ghassemi, D. J. Trebatoski, W. L. Murphy and P. Gopalan, “Polyethylene Glycol Coatings on Plastic Substrates for Chemically Defined Stem Cell Culture,” Advanced Healthcare Materials4(10) 1555-1564 (2015).
- Sin, Y., Z. Lingley, M. Peterson, M. Brodie, S. C. Moss, T. W. Kim, H. Kim, Y. Guan, K. Forghani and L. J. Mawst, “Time-resolved PL and TEM studies of MOVPE-grown bulk dilute nitride and bismide quantum well heterostructure,” Proc. SPIE 9358, Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices IV93580I-93580I-93512 (2015).
- Slane, J., J. Vivanco, W. Rose, H.-L. Ploeg and M. Squire, “Mechanical, material, and antimicrobial properties of acrylic bone cement impregnated with silver nanoparticles,” Materials Science and Engineering: C 48 188-196 (2015).
- Speetjens, F. W. and M. K. Mahanthappa, “Synthesis and Rheological Characterization of Poly(vinyl acetate-b-vinyl alcohol-b-vinyl acetate) Triblock Copolymer Hydrogels,” Macromolecules 48(15) 5412-5422 (2015).
- Sundramoorthy, A., Y.-C. Wang and S. Gunasekaran, “Low-temperature solution process for preparing flexible transparent carbon nanotube film for use in flexible supercapacitors,” Nano Research 8(10) 3430-3445 (2015).
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Research, 2014
- Arjmand, M., J. Deng, N. Swaminathan, D. Morgan and I. Szlufarska, “Effects of confinements on morphology of InxGa1-xAs thin film grown on sub-micron patterned GaAs substrate: Elastoplastic phase field model,”Journal of Applied Physics 116(11) 13 (2014).
- Bai, Y., R. Abbasi, C. Wang and N. L. Abbott, “Liquid Crystals Anchored on Mixed Monolayers of Chiral versus Achiral Molecules: Continuous Change in Orientation as a Function of Enantiomeric Excess,” Angewandte Chemie 126 8217-8221 (2014).
- Brady, G. J., Y. Joo, S. S. Roy, P. Gopalan and M. S. Arnold, “High performance transistors via aligned polyfluorene-sorted carbon nanotubes,” Applied Physics Letters 104(8) 083107 (2014).
- Brady, G. J., Y. Joo, M.-Y. Wu, M. J. Shea, P. Gopalan and M. S. Arnold, “Polyfluorene-Sorted, Carbon Nanotube Array Field-Effect Transistors with Increased Current Density and High On/Off Ratio,” ACS nano8(11) 11614-11621 (2014).
- Brewer, A. S. and M. S. Arnold, “Field-effect measurements of mobility and carrier concentration of Cu2S colloidal quantum dot thin films after ligand exchange,” Thin Solid Films 567 91-95 (2014).
- Bukusoglu, E., S. Pal, J. J. de Pablo and N. L. Abbott, “Colloid-in-Liquid Crystal Gels Formed via Spinodal Decomposition,” Soft Matter 10 1602-1610 (2014).
- Carlton, R. J., Y. M. Zayas-Gonzalez, U. Manna, D. M. Lynn and N. L. Abbott, “Surfactant-Induced Ordering and Wetting Transitions of Droplets of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals “Caged” Inside Partially Filled Polymeric Capsules,” Langmuir 30 14944-14953 (2014).
- Challa, P., V. Borshch, O. Parri, C. Imrie, S. Sprunt, J. Gleeson, O. Lavrentovich and A. Jákli, “Twist-bend nematic liquid crystals in high magnetic fields,” Physical Review E 89(6) 060501 (2014).
- Chang, A., E. Zech, T. Kim, Y. Lin, L. Mawst and R. Goldman, “Influence of Sb incorporation on InGaAs (Sb) N/GaAs band alignment,” Applied Physics Letters 105(14) 142105 (2014).
- Christianson, J. R., D. Zhu, R. J. Hamers and J. R. Schmidt, “Mechanism of N2 reduction to NH3 by aqueous solvated electrons,” J Phys Chem B 118(1) 195-203 (2014).
- Davoody, A., E. Ramayya, L. Maurer and I. Knezevic, “Ultrathin GaN nanowires: Electronic, thermal, and thermoelectric properties,” PHYSICAL REVIEW B Phys Rev B 89 115313 (2014).
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- Dziedzic, R. M., A. L. Gillian-Daniel, G. M. Petersen and K. J. Martínez-Hernández, “Microwave Synthesis of Zinc Hydroxy Sulfate Nanoplates and Zinc Oxide Nanorods in the Classroom,” Journal of Chemical Education91 1710-1714 (2014).
- Forghani, K., Y. Guan, A. Wood, A. Anand, S. Babcock, L. Mawst and T. Kuech, “Self-limiting growth when using trimethyl bismuth (TMBi) in the metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) of GaAs1-yBiy,” Journal of Crystal Growth 395 38-45 (2014).
- Forghani, K., Y. X. Guan, M. Losurdo, G. F. Luo, D. Morgan, S. E. Balocock, A. S. Brown, L. J. Mawst and T. F. Kuecht, “GaAs1-y-zPyBiz, an alternative reduced band gap alloy system lattice-matched to GaAs,” Applied Physics Letters 105(11) 5 (2014).
- Gao, M., Y. K. Kim, C. Zhang, V. Borshch, S. Zhou, H. S. Park, A. Jákli, O. D. Lavrentovich, M. G. Tamba and A. Kohlmeier, “Direct observation of liquid crystals using cryo‐TEM: Specimen preparation and low‐dose imaging,”Microscopy research and technique 77 754-772 (2014).
- Goel, M., E. N. G. Marsh, Z. Chen and N. L. Abbott, “Comparison of the Influence of Humidity and D-Mannitol on the Organization of Tetra ethylene Glycol-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers and Immobilized Antimicrobial Peptides,” Langmuir 30 7143-7151 (2014).
- Grechko, M., Y. Ye, R. D. Mehlenbacher, T. J. McDonough, M.-Y. Wu, R. M. Jacobberger, M. S. Arnold and M. T. Zanni, “Diffusion Assisted Photoexcitation Transfer in Coupled Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Thin Films,”ACS nano 8(6) 5383-5394 (2014).
- Hemling, M., J. A. Crooks, P. M. Oliver, K. Brenner, J. Gilbertson, G. C. Lisensky and D. B. Weibel, “Microfluidics for High School Chemistry Students,” Journal of Chemical Education 91(1) 112-115 (2014).
- Huang, C. S., M. Kim, B. M. Wong, N. S. Safron, M. S. Arnold and P. Gopalan, “Raman Enhancement of a Dipolar Molecule on Graphene,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118(4) 2077-2084 (2014).
- Hunter, J. T. and N. L. Abbott, “Adsorbate-induced anchoring transitions of liquid crystals on surfaces presenting metal salts with mixed anions,” ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 6(4) 2362-2369 (2014).
- Ireland, R. M., Y. Liu, J. W. Spalenka, S. Jaiswal, K. Fukumitsu, S. Oishi, H. Saito, M. Ryosuke, P. G. Evans and H. E. Katz, “Device isolation in hybrid field-effect transistors by semiconductor micropatterning using picosecond lasers,” Phys. Rev. Applied 2 044006 (2014).
- Jain, R., D. Calderon, P. R. Kierski, M. J. Schurr, C. J. Czuprynski, C. J. Murphy, J. F. McAnulty and N. L. Abbott, “Raman spectroscopy enables non-invasive biochemical characterization and identification of the stage of healing of a wound,” Analytical Chemistry 86(8) 3764-3772 (2014).
- Johnson, P. S., J. García-Lastra, C. K. Kennedy, N. J. Jersett, I. Boukahil, F. Himpsel and P. L. Cook, “Crystal fields of porphyrins and phthalocyanines from polarization-dependent 2p-to-3d multiplets,” The Journal of Chemical Physics 140(11) 114706 (2014).
- Johnson, P. S., M. Goel, N. L. Abbott and F. J. Himpsel, “Helical vs. All-Trans Conformation of OEG-Terminated Alkanethiol SAMs,” Langmuir 30 10263 (2014).
- Johnson, P. S., C. Huang, M. Kim, N. S. Safron, M. S. Arnold, B. M. Wong, P. Gopalan and F. J. Himpsel, “Orientation of a monolayer of dipolar molecules on graphene from X-ray absorption spectroscopy,” Langmuir30(9) 2559-2565 (2014).
- Joo, Y., G. J. Brady, M. S. Arnold and P. Gopalan, “Dose-controlled, floating evaporative self-assembly and alignment of semiconducting carbon nanotubes from organic solvents,” Langmuir 30(12) 3460-3466 (2014).
- Joo, Y., J. W. Spalenka, K. M. McElhinny, S. K. Schmitt, P. G. Evans and P. Gopalan, “Structured Layer of Rhenium Dye on SiO2 and TiO2 Surfaces by Langmuir-Blodgett Technique,” Langmuir 30 6104 (2014).
- Joshi, A. A., J. K. Whitmer, O. Guzman, N. L. Abbott and J. J. de Pablo, “Measuring Liquid Crystal Elastic Constants with Free Energy Perturbations,” Soft Matter 10 882-893 (2014).
- Kim, T., K. Forghani, L. Mawst, T. Kuech, S. LaLumondiere, Y. Sin, W. Lotshaw and S. Moss, “Properties of ‘bulk’GaAsSbN/GaAs for multi-junction solar cell application: Reduction of carbon background concentration,”Journal of Crystal Growth 393 70-74 (2014).
- Kim, T., K. Kim, J. Lee, T. Kuech, L. Mawst, N. Wells, S. LaLumondiere, Y. Sin, W. Lotshaw and S. Moss, “Impact of thermal annealing on bulk InGaAsSbN materials grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy,”Applied Physics Letters 104(5) 051915-051911 – 051915-051915 (2014).
- Kim, T., Y. Kim, K. Kim, J. Lee, T. F. Kuech and L. J. Mawst, “1.25 eV GaAsSbN / Ge double-junction solar cell growth by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy for high efficiency multi-junction solar cell application,” IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 4(3) 981-985 (2014).
- Kim, T. W., T. F. Kuech and L. J. Mawst, “Impact of growth temperature and substrate orientation on dilute-nitride-antimonide materials grown by MOVPE for multi-junction solar cell application,” Journal of Crystal Growth 405 87-91 (2014).
- Kim, Y., K. Kim, T. W. Kim, L. J. Mawst, T. F. Kuech, C. Z. Kim, W.-K. Park and J. Lee, “InGaAsNSb/Ge double-junction solar cells grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition,” Solar Energy 102 126-130 (2014).
- Krishnamurthy, S. and P. V. Kamat, “CdSe–Graphene Oxide Light‐Harvesting Assembly: Size‐Dependent Electron Transfer and Light Energy Conversion Aspects,” ChemPhysChem 15 2129-2135 (2014).
- Laaser, J. E., J. R. Christianson, T. A. Oudenhoven, Y. Joo, P. Gopalan, J. R. Schmidt and M. T. Zanni, “Dye Self-Association Identified by Intermolecular Couplings between Vibrational Modes As Revealed by Infrared Spectroscopy, and Implications for Electron Injection,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118(11) 5854-5861 (2014).
- Laaser, J. E., D. R. Skoff, J. J. Ho, Y. Joo, A. L. Serrano, J. D. Steinkruger, P. Gopalan, S. H. Gellman and M. T. Zanni, “Two-dimensional sum-frequency generation reveals structure and dynamics of a surface-bound peptide,” J Am Chem Soc 136(3) 956-962 (2014).
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- Li, J., T.-H. Kim, K. Forghani, W. Jiao, W. Kong, K. Collar, T. F. Kuech and A. S. Brown, “Growth of GaAs1− xBix by molecular beam epitaxy: Trade-offs in optical and structural characteristics,” Journal of Applied Physics116(4) 043524 (2014).
- Mawst, L. J., J. D. Kirch, T. Kim, T. Garrod, C. Boyle, D. Botez, B. Zutter, K. L. Schulte, T. F. Kuech, P. M. Bouzi, C. F. Gmachl and T. Earles, “Low-Strain, Quantum-Cascade-Laser Active Regions Grown on Metamorphic Buffer Layers for Emission in the 3.0–4.0 μm Wavelength Region,” IET Optoelectronics 8(2) 25-32 (2014).
- Miller, D. S., X. Wang and N. L. Abbott, “Design of Functional Materials based on Liquid Crystalline Droplets,”Chemistry of Materials 26(1) 496-506 (2014).
- Muller, J. P., B. S. Aytar, Y. Kondo, D. M. Lynn and N. L. Abbott, “Influence of the phase state of self‐assembling redox mediators on their electrochemical activity,” AIChE Journal 60(4) 1381-1392 (2014).
- Mushenheim, P. and N. L. Abbott, “Hierarchical Organization in Liquid Crystal-in-Liquid Crystal Emulsions,” Soft Matter 10 8627-8634 (2014).
- Mushenheim, P. C., R. R. Trivedi, H. H. Tuson, D. B. Weibel and N. L. Abbott, “Dynamic self-assembly of motile bacteria in liquid crystals,” Soft Matter 10(1) 88-95 (2014).
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- Sin, Y., Z. Lingley, S. LaLumondiere, N. Wells, W. Lotshaw, S. C. Moss, T. W. Kim, L. J. Mawst and T. F. Kuech (2014). Variable-temperature carrier dynamics in bulk (In) GaAsNSb materials grown by MOVPE for multi-junction solar cells. SPIE OPTO, International Society for Optics and Photonics.
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- Wang, X., D. S. Miller, J. J. de Pablo and N. L. Abbott, “Organized Assemblies of Colloids Formed at the Poles of Micrometer-Sized Droplets of Liquid Crystal,” Soft Matter 10 8821 (2014).
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Facilities-Supported, 2014
- Alba Rubio, A. C., B. O’Neill, F. Shi, C. Akatay, C. Canlas, T. Li, R. E. Winans, J. W. Elam, E. A. Stach and P. M. Voyles, “Pore structure and bifunctional catalyst activity of overlayers applied by atomic layer deposition on copper nanoparticles,” ACS Catalysis 4 1554-1557 (2014).
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- Cabán-Acevedo, M., N. S. Kaiser, C. R. English, D. Liang, B. J. Thompson, H.-E. Chen, K. J. Czech, J. C. Wright, R. J. Hamers and S. Jin, “Ionization of High-Density Deep Donor Defect States Explains the Low Photovoltage of Iron Pyrite Single Crystals,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 17163-17179 (2014).
- d’Abzac, F. X., A. D. Czaja, B. L. Beard, J. J. Schauer and C. M. Johnson, “Iron Distribution in Size-Resolved Aerosols Generated by UV-Femtosecond Laser Ablation: Influence of Cell Geometry and Implications for In Situ Isotopic Determination by LA-MC-ICP-MS,” Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 38(3) 293-309 (2014).
- Decato, S., T. Bemis, E. Madsen and S. Mecozzi, “Synthesis and characterization of perfluoro-tert-butyl semifluorinated amphiphilic polymers and their potential application in hydrophobic drug delivery,” Polymer Chemistry 5 6461-6471 (2014).
- Efremov, M. Y., “Effect of free surface roughness on the apparent glass transition temperature in thin polymer films measured by ellipsometry,” Review of Scientific Instruments 85(12) 123901 (2014).
- Faber, M. S., R. Dziedzic, M. A. Lukowski, N. S. Kaiser, Q. Ding and S. Jin, “High-Performance Electrocatalysis Using Metallic Cobalt Pyrite (CoS2) Micro-and Nanostructures,” Journal of the American Chemical Society136(28) 10053-10061 (2014).
- Faber, M. S., M. A. Lukowski, Q. Ding, N. S. Kaiser and S. Jin, “Earth-Abundant Metal Pyrites (FeS2, CoS2, NiS2, and Their Alloys) for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution and Polysulfide Reduction Electrocatalysis,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118(37) 21347-21356 (2014).
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- He, L., J. Chu, C.-L. Li, C.-M. Lee, Y.-C. Chen, P. Liaw and P. Voyles, “Effects of annealing on the compositional heterogeneity and structure in zirconium-based bulk metallic glass thin films,” Thin Solid Films 561 87-92 (2014).
- Huang, K. and I. Szlufarska, “Green-Kubo relation for friction at liquid-solid interfaces,” Physical Review E 89(3) 032119 (2014).
- Jackson, D. H. K., B. A. Dunn, Y. X. Guan and T. F. Kuech, “Tungsten hexacarbonyl and hydrogen peroxide as precursors for the growth of tungsten oxide thin films on titania nanoparticles,” AIChE Journal 60(4) 1278-1286 (2014).
- Jiang, C., N. Swaminathan, D. Morgan and I. Szlufarska, “Effect of grain boundary stresses on sink strength,”Materials Research Letters 2 100-106 (2014).
- Lado, J. J., R. E. Pérez-Roa, J. J. Wouters, M. Isabel Tejedor-Tejedor and M. A. Anderson, “Evaluation of operational parameters for a capacitive deionization reactor employing asymmetric electrodes,” Separation and Purification Technology 133 236-245 (2014).
- Lee, J., D. H. Jackson, T. Li, R. E. Winans, J. A. Dumesic, T. F. Kuech and G. W. Huber, “Enhanced stability of cobalt catalysts by atomic layer deposition for aqueous-phase reactions,” Energy & Environmental Science 7(5) 1657-1660 (2014).
- Li, G.-f., Y. Honda, H.-x. Liu, K.-i. Matsuda, M. Arita, T. Uemura, M. Yamamoto, Y. Miura, M. Shirai and T. Saito, “Effect of nonstoichiometry on the half-metallic character of Co2MnSi investigated through saturation magnetization and tunneling magnetoresistance ratio,” Physical Review B 89(1) 014428 (2014).
- Mishra, M., C. Tangpatjaroen and I. Szlufarska, “Plasticity‐Controlled Friction and Wear in Nanocrystalline SiC,”Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97(4) 1194-1201 (2014).
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- O’Neill, B. J., C. Sener, D. H. Jackson, T. F. Kuech and J. A. Dumesic, “Control of Thickness and Chemical Properties of Atomic Layer Deposition Overcoats for Stabilizing Cu/γ‐Al2O3 Catalysts,” ChemSusChem 7(12) 3247-3251 (2014).
- Raman, N., M.-R. Lee, S. P. Palecek and D. M. Lynn, “Polymer Multilayers Loaded with Antifungal β-Peptides Kill Planktonic Candida albicans and Reduce Formation of Fungal Biofilms on the Surfaces of Flexible Catheter Tubes,” Journal of Controlled Release 191 54-62 (2014).
- Schmitt, A. K. and M. K. Mahanthappa, “Characteristics of Lamellar Mesophases in Strongly Segregated Broad Dispersity ABA Triblock Copolymers,” Macromolecules 47(13) 4346-4356 (2014).
- Schulte, K. and T. Kuech, “A model for arsenic anti-site incorporation in GaAs grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy,” Journal of Applied Physics 116(24) 243504 (2014).
- Schwartz, T. J., R. L. Johnson, J. Cardenas, A. Okerlund, N. A. Da Silva, K. Schmidt‐Rohr and J. A. Dumesic, “Engineering Catalyst Microenvironments for Metal‐Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Biologically Derived Platform Chemicals,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 12718-12722 (2014).
- Shea, M. J., R. D. Mehlenbacher, M. T. Zanni and M. S. Arnold, “Experimental measurement of the binding configuration and coverage of chirality-sorting polyfluorenes on carbon nanotubes,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5(21) 3742-3749 (2014).
- Slane, J., J. Vivanco, D. Ebenstein, M. Squire and H.-L. Ploeg, “Multiscale characterization of acrylic bone cement modified with functioβnalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2014).
- Sorenson, G. P., A. K. Schmitt and M. K. Mahanthappa, “Discovery of a Tetracontinuous, Aqueous Lyotropic Network Phase with Unusual 3D–Hexagonal Symmetry,” Soft Matter 10 8229-8235 (2014).
- Speetjens, F. W., M. C. Carter, M. Kim, P. Gopalan, M. K. Mahanthappa and D. M. Lynn, “Post-fabrication Placement of Arbitrary Chemical Functionality on Microphase-Separated Thin Films of Amine-Reactive Block Copolymers,” ACS Macro Letters 3 1178-1182 (2014).
- Sweat, D. P., M. Kim, A. K. Schmitt, D. V. Perroni, C. G. Fry, M. K. Mahanthappa and P. Gopalan, “Phase Behavior of Poly (4-hydroxystyrene-block-styrene) Synthesized by Living Anionic Polymerization of an Acetal Protected Monomer,” Macromolecules 47(18) 6302-6310 (2014).
- Wang, F., J.-H. Seo, Z. Li, A. Kvit, Z. Ma and X. Wang, “Cl-Doped ZnO Nanowires with Metallic Conductivity and Their Application for High-Performance Photoelectrochemical Electrodes,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces6(2) 1288-1293 (2014).
- Wang, X., M. Khafizov and I. Szlufarska, “Effect of surface strain on oxygen adsorption on Zr (0001) surface,”Journal of Nuclear Materials 445(1) 1-6 (2014).
- Wu, X., D. Ward, J. Prance, D. Kim, J. K. Gamble, R. Mohr, Z. Shi, D. Savage, M. Lagally, M. Friesen, S. Coppersmith and M. Eriksson, “Two-axis control of a singlet-triplet qubit with an integrated micromagnet,”Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111(33) 11938-11942 (2014).
- Yankovich, A. B., A. V. Kvit, X. Li, F. Zhang, V. Avrutin, H. Liu, N. Izyumskaya, Ü. Özgür, B. Van Leer, H. Morkoç and P. M. Voyles, “Thickness Variations and Absence of Lateral Compositional Fluctuations in Aberration-Corrected STEM Images of InGaN LED Active Regions at Low Dose,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 20(3) 864-868 (2014).
- Zhang, P., M. Besser, M. Kramer and P. Voyles (2014). Medium-range Order of Zr54Cu38Al8 Bulk Metallic Glass. MRS Proceedings, Cambridge Univ Press.
Research, 2013
- Abbott, N. L., “Colloid Science Collides with Liquid Crystals,” Science 342(6164) 1326-1327 (2013).
- Agarwal, A., S. Sidiq, S. Setia, E. Bukusoglu, J. J. de Pablo, S. K. Pal and N. L. Abbott, “Colloid‐in‐Liquid Crystal Gels that Respond to Biomolecular Interactions,” Small 9(16) 2785-2792 (2013).
- Arnold, M. S., J. L. Blackburn, J. J. Crochet, S. K. Doorn, J. G. Duque, A. Mohite and H. Telg, “Recent developments in the photophysics of single-walled carbon nanotubes for their use as active and passive material elements in thin film photovoltaics,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15(36) 14896-14918 (2013).
- Aytar, B. S., J. P. Muller, Y. Kondo, N. L. Abbott and D. M. Lynn, “Spatial Control of Cell Transfection Using Soluble or Solid-Phase Redox Agents and a Redox-Active Ferrocenyl Lipid,” ACS applied materials & interfaces 5(17) 8283-8288 (2013).
- Aytar, B. S., J. P. E. Muller, Y. Kondo, Y. Talmon, N. L. Abbott and D. M. Lynn, “Redox-Based Control of the Transformation and Activation of siRNA Complexes in Extracellular Environments Using Ferrocenyl Lipids,”Journal of the American Chemical Society 135(24) 9111-9120 (2013).
- Bindl, D. J., A. J. Ferguson, M. Y. Wu, N. Kopidakis, J. L. Blackburn and M. S. Arnold, “Free Carrier Generation and Recombination in Polymer-Wrapped Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Films and Heterojunctions,”Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4(21) 3550-3559 (2013).
- Borshch, V., Y. K. Kim, J. Xiang, M. Gao, A. Jakli, V. P. Panov, J. K. Vij, C. T. Imrie, M. G. Tamba, G. H. Mehl and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Nematic twist-bend phase with nanoscale modulation of molecular orientation,” Nature Communications 4 (2013).
- Carlton, R. J., J. T. Hunter, D. S. Miller, R. Abbasi, P. C. Mushenheim, L. Na Tan and N. L. Abbott, “Chemical and biological sensing using liquid crystals,” Liquid Crystals Reviews 1(1) 29-51 (2013).
- Chang, C. C., D. Botez, L. Wan, P. F. Nealey, S. Ruder and T. F. Kuech, “Fabrication of large-area, high-density Ni nanopillar arrays on GaAs substrates using diblock copolymer lithography and electrodeposition,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 31(3) 031801 (2013).
- Cui, Q., L. L. Zhang, Z. Wu and A. Yethiraj, “Generation and sensing of membrane curvature: Where materials science and biophysics meet,” Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 17(4) 164-174 (2013).
- Evans, P., G. Chahine, R. Grifone, V. Jacques, J. Spalenka and T. Schülli, “Compact ultrahigh vacuum sample environments for x-ray nanobeam diffraction and imaging,” Review of Scientific Instruments 84(11) 113903 (2013).
- Forghani, K., A. Anand, L. J. Mawst and T. F. Kuech, “Low temperature growth of GaAs1-yBiy epitaxial layers,”Journal of Crystal Growth 380 23-27 (2013).
- Forney, B. S., C. Baguenard and C. A. Guymon, “Effects of Controlling Polymer Nanostructure Using Photopolymerization within Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Templates,” Chemistry of Materials 25(15) 2950-2960 (2013).
- Forney, B. S., C. Baguenard and C. A. Guymon, “Improved stimuli-response and mechanical properties of nanostructured poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-dimethylsiloxane) hydrogels generated through photopolymerization in lyotropic liquid crystal templates,” Soft Matter 9(31) 7458-7467 (2013).
- Gillian-Daniel, A. L., R. J. Gordon, B. L. Taylor and J. J. McCarthy, “Bringing students to the mountain: developing partnerships to introduce students to cutting-edge research,” Proceedings of SPIE 8729 87290C (2013).
- Himpsel, F. J., P. L. Cook, G. de la Torre, J. M. Garcia-Lastra, R. Gonzalez-Moreno, J. H. Guo, R. J. Hamers, C. X. Kronawitter, P. S. Johnson, J. E. Ortega, D. Pickup, M. E. Ragoussi, C. Rogero, A. Rubio, R. E. Ruther, L. Vayssieres, W. Yang and I. Zegkinoglou, “Design of solar cell materials via soft X-ray spectroscopy,” Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 190 2-11 (2013).
- Huang, Y., T. W. Kim, S. Xiong, L. Mawst, T. F. Kuech, P. F. Nealey, Y. Dai, Z. Wang, W. Guo and D. Forbes, “InAs Nanowires Grown by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) employing PS/PMMA Diblock Copolymer Nanopatterning,” Nano letters 13(12) 5979-5984 (2013).
- Hunter, J. T. and N. L. Abbott, “Dynamics of the chemo-optical response of supported films of nematic liquid crystals,” Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 183 71-80 (2013).
- Ireland, R. M., T. J. Dawidczyk, P. Cottingham, T. McQueen, G. Johns, N. Markovic, L. S. Zhang, P. Gopalan and H. E. Katz, “Effects of Pulsing and Interfacial Potentials on Tellurium-Organic Heterostructured Films,” Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 5(5) 1604-1611 (2013).
- Ireland, R. M., L. S. Zhang, P. Gopalan and H. E. Katz, “Tellurium Thin Films in Hybrid Organic Electronics: Morphology and Mobility,” Advanced Materials 25(31) 4358-4364 (2013).
li>Jiao, W. Y., W. Kong, J. C. Li, K. Collar, T. H. Kim and A. S. Brown, “The relationship between depth-resolved composition and strain relaxation in InAlN and InGaN films grown by molecular beam epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 103(16) 162102 (2013).
- Johnson, P. S., P. L. Cook, I. Zegkinoglou, J. M. Garcia-Lastra, A. Rubio, R. E. Ruther, R. J. Hamers and F. J. Himpsel, “Electronic structure of Fe- vs. Ru-based dye molecules,” Journal of Chemical Physics 138(4) 8 (2013).
- Kim, T. W., T. J. Garrod, L. J. Mawst, T. F. Kuech, S. D. LaLumondiere, Y. Sin, W. T. Lotshaw and S. C. Moss, “Characteristics of bulk InGaAsSbN/GaAs grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE),” Journal of Crystal Growth 370 163-167 (2013).
- Kim, Y. K., S. V. Shiyanovskii and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Morphogenesis of defects and tactoids during isotropic-nematic phase transition in self-assembled lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals,” Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 25(40) 404202 (2013).
- Krishnamurthy, S. and P. V. Kamat, “Galvanic Exchange on Reduced Graphene Oxide: Designing a Multifunctional Two-Dimensional Catalyst Assembly,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117(1) 571-577 (2013).
- Kuech, T. F., L. J. Mawst and A. S. Brown, “Mixed Semiconductor Alloys for Optical Devices,” Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 4 187-209 (2013).
- Lavrentovich, O. D., “Designing Dupin cyclides in micro and macro worlds,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(1) 5-6 (2013).
- Lee, G., R. J. Carlton, F. Araoka, N. L. Abbott and H. Takezoe, “Amplification of the Stereochemistry of Biomolecular Adsorbates by Deracemization of Chiral Domains in Bent-Core Liquid Crystals,” Advanced Materials 25(2) 245-249 (2013).
- Manna, U., M. C. D. Carter and D. M. Lynn, “”Shrink-to-Fit” Superhydrophobicity: Thermally-Induced Microscale Wrinkling of Thin Hydrophobic Multilayers Fabricated on Flexible Shrink-Wrap Substrates,” Advanced Materials25(22) 3085-3089 (2013).
- Manna, U., M. J. Kratochvil and D. M. Lynn, “Superhydrophobic Polymer Multilayers that Promote the Extended, Long‐Term Release of Embedded Water‐Soluble Agents,” Advanced Materials 25(44) 6405-6409 (2013).
- Manna, U. and D. M. Lynn, “Patterning and Impregnation of Superhydrophobic Surfaces Using Aqueous Solutions,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5(16) 7731-7736 (2013).
- Manna, U. and D. M. Lynn, “Restoration of Superhydrophobicity in Crushed Polymer Films by Treatment with Water: Self‐Healing and Recovery of Damaged Topographic Features Aided by an Unlikely Source,” Advanced Materials 25(36) 5104-5108 (2013).
- Manna, U., Y. M. Zayas‐Gonzalez, R. J. Carlton, F. Caruso, N. L. Abbott and D. M. Lynn, “Liquid Crystal Chemical Sensors That Cells Can Wear,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52(52) 14011-14015 (2013).
- Mannebach, E. M., J. W. Spalenka, P. S. Johnson, Z. H. Cai, F. J. Himpsel and P. G. Evans, “High Hole Mobility and Thickness-Dependent Crystal Structure in alpha,omega-Dihexylsexithiophene Single-Monolayer Field-Effect Transistors,” Advanced Functional Materials 23(5) 554-564 (2013).
- Marshall, C. J., N. Agarwal, J. Kalia, V. A. Grosskopf, N. A. McGrath, N. L. Abbott, R. T. Raines and E. V. Shusta, “Facile Chemical Functionalization of Proteins through Intein-Linked Yeast Display,” Bioconjugate Chemistry 24(9) 1634-1644 (2013).
- Mehlenbacher, R. D., M. Y. Wu, M. Grechko, J. E. Laaser, M. S. Arnold and M. T. Zanni, “Photoexcitation Dynamics of Coupled Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Thin Films,” Nano Letters 13(4) 1495-1501 (2013).
- Miller, D. S. and N. L. Abbott, “Influence of droplet size, pH and ionic strength on endotoxin-triggered ordering transitions in liquid crystalline droplets,” Soft Matter 9(2) 374-382 (2013).
- Miller, D. S., R. J. Carlton, P. C. Mushenheim and N. L. Abbott, “Introduction to Optical Methods for Characterizing Liquid Crystals at Interfaces,” Langmuir 29(10) 3154-3169 (2013).
- Miller, D. S., X. G. Wang, J. Buchen, O. D. Lavrentovich and N. L. Abbott, “Analysis of the Internal Configurations of Droplets of Liquid Crystal Using Flow Cytometry,” Analytical Chemistry 85(21) 10296-10303 (2013).
- Mondiot, F., X. G. Wang, J. J. de Pablo and N. L. Abbott, “Liquid Crystal-Based Emulsions for Synthesis of Spherical and Non-Spherical Particles with Chemical Patches,” Journal of the American Chemical Society135(27) 9972-9975 (2013).
- Ould-Moussa, N., C. Blanc, C. Zamora-Ledezma, O. D. Lavrentovich, I. I. Smalyukh, M. F. Islam, A. G. Yodh, M. Maugey, P. Poulin, E. Anglaret and M. Nobili, “Dispersion and orientation of single-walled carbon nanotubes in a chromonic liquid crystal,” Liquid Crystals 40(12) 1628-1635 (2013).
- Pickup, D. F., I. Zegkinoglou, B. Ballesteros, C. R. Ganivet, J. M. Garcia-Lastra, P. L. Cook, P. S. Johnson, C. Rogero, F. de Groot, A. Rubio, G. de la Torre, J. E. Ortega and F. J. Himpsel, “Influence of Axial and Peripheral Ligands on the Electronic Structure of Titanium Phthalocyanines,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117(9) 4410-4420 (2013).
- Ruther, R. E., Q. Cui and R. J. Hamers, “Conformational Disorder Enhances Electron Transfer Through Alkyl Monolayers: Ferrocene on Conductive Diamond,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 135(15) 5751-5761 (2013).
- Schulte, K., A. Wood, R. Reedy, A. Ptak, N. Meyer, S. Babcock and T. Kuech, “Heteroepitaxy of GaAs on (001)⇒ 6° Ge substrates at high growth rates by hydride vapor phase epitaxy,” Journal of Applied Physics113(17) 174903 (2013).
- Schulte, K. L., T. J. Garrod, T. W. Kim, J. Kirch, S. Ruder, L. J. Mawst and T. F. Kuech, “Metalorganic vapor phase growth of quantum well structures on thick metamorphic buffer layers grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy,” Journal of Crystal Growth 370 293-298 (2013).
- Sin, Y., S. LaLumondiere, W. Lotshaw, S. C. Moss, T. W. Kim, K. Forghani, L. J. Mawst, T. F. Kuech, R. Tatavarti and A. Wibowo, “Carrier dynamics in bulk 1eV InGaAsNSb materials and epitaxial lift off GaAs-InAlGaP layers grown by MOVPE for multi-junction solar cells,” Proceedings of SPIE 8620(III-V Tandem Materials and Devices) 86201L (2013).
- Singh, S., M. D. Ediger and J. J. de Pablo, “Ultrastable glasses from in silico vapour deposition,” Nature Materials 12(2) 139-144 (2013).
- Skoff, D. R., J. E. Laaser, S. S. Mukherjee, C. T. Middleton and M. T. Zanni, “Simplified and economical 2D IR spectrometer design using a dual acousto-optic modulator,” Chemical Physics 422 8-15 (2013).
- Spalenka, J. W., P. Gopalan, H. E. Katz and P. G. Evans, “Electron mobility enhancement in ZnO thin films via surface modification by carboxylic acids,” Applied Physics Letters 102(4) 5 (2013).
- Szlufarska, I., K. Ramesh and D. Warner, “Simulating Mechanical Behavior of Ceramics Under Extreme Conditions,” Annual Review of Materials Research 43 131-156 (2013).
- Turiv, T., I. Lazo, A. Brodin, B. I. Lev, V. Reiffenrath, V. G. Nazarenko and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Effect of Collective Molecular Reorientations on Brownian Motion of Colloids in Nematic Liquid Crystal,” Science342(6164) 1351-1354 (2013).
- Tuson, H. H., M. F. Copeland, S. Carey, R. Sacotte and D. B. Weibel, “Flagellum Density Regulates Proteus mirabilis Swarmer Cell Motility in Viscous Environments,” Journal of Bacteriology 195(2) 368-377 (2013).
- Whitmer, J. K., A. A. Joshi, T. F. Roberts and J. J. de Pablo, “Liquid-crystal mediated nanoparticle interactions and gel formation,” J Chem Phys 138(19) 194903-194901 – 194903-194910 (2013).
- Whitmer, J. K., T. F. Roberts, R. Shekhar, N. L. Abbott and J. J. de Pablo, “Modeling the polydomain-monodomain transition of liquid crystal elastomers,” Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 87(2) 020502 (2013).
- Wu, M. Y., R. M. Jacobberger and M. S. Arnold, “Design length scales for carbon nanotube photoabsorber based photovoltaic materials and devices,” Journal of Applied Physics 113(20) 204504 (2013).
- Xiang, J. and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Blue-phase-polymer-templated nematic with sub-millisecond broad-temperature range electro-optic switching,” Applied Physics Letters 103(5) 051112-051111 – 051112-051114 (2013).
- Zech, E. S., A. S. Chang, A. J. Martin, J. C. Canniff, Y. H. Lin, J. M. Millunchick and R. S. Goldman, “Influence of GaAs surface termination on GaSb/GaAs quantum dot structure and band offsets,” Applied Physics Letters103(8) 082107 (2013).
- Zhu, D., L. H. Zhang, R. E. Ruther and R. J. Hamers, “Photo-illuminated diamond as a solid-state source of solvated electrons in water for nitrogen reduction,” Nature Materials 12(9) 836-841 (2013).
Facilities-Supported, 2013
- Broderick, A. H., A. S. Breitbach, R. Frei, H. E. Blackwell and D. M. Lynn, “Surface‐Mediated Release of a Small‐Molecule Modulator of Bacterial Biofilm Formation: A Non‐Bactericidal Approach to Inhibiting Biofilm Formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa,” Advanced healthcare materials 2(7) 993-1000 (2013).
- Efremov, M. Y., C. Thode and P. F. Nealey, “Demonstration of glass transition temperature shift in thin supported polystyrene films by internal reference method,” Review of Scientific Instruments 84(2) (2013).
- Gopalakrishnan, G., M. V. Holt, K. M. McElhinny, J. W. Spalenka, D. A. Czaplewski, T. U. Schulli and P. G. Evans, “Thermal Diffuse Scattering as a Probe of Large-Wave-Vector Phonons in Silicon Nanostructures,”Physical Review Letters 110(20) 205503 (2013).
- Jackson, D. H. K., D. Wang, J. M. R. Gallo, A. J. Crisci, S. L. Scott, J. A. Dumesic and T. F. Kuech, “Amine Catalyzed Atomic Layer Deposition of (3-Mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane for the Production of Heterogeneous Sulfonic Acid Catalysts,” Chemistry of Materials 25(19) 3844-3851 (2013).
- Krystofiak, E. S., E. C. Mattson, P. M. Voyles, C. J. Hirschmugl, R. M. Albrecht, M. Gajdardziska-Josifovska and J. A. Oliver, “Multiple Morphologies of Gold-Magnetite Heterostructure Nanoparticles are Effectively Functionalized with Protein for Cell Targeting,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 19(4) 821-834 (2013).
- Moss, R. E., R. E. Perez-Roa and M. A. Anderson, “Effects of pH on Phosphate Adsorption to Hematite as Studied with Cyclic Voltammetry and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160(2) H105-H112 (2013).
- Moss, R. E., R. E. Perez-Roa and M. A. Anderson, “Electrochemical response of titania, zirconia, and alumina electrodes to phosphate adsorption,” Electrochimica Acta 104 314-321 (2013).
- O’Neill, B. J., D. H. K. Jackson, A. J. Crisci, C. A. Farberow, F. Y. Shi, A. C. Alba-Rubio, J. L. Lu, P. J. Dietrich, X. K. Gu, C. L. Marshall, P. C. Stair, J. W. Elam, J. T. Miller, F. H. Ribeiro, P. M. Voyles, J. Greeley, M. Mavrikakis, S. L. Scott, T. F. Kuech and J. A. Dumesic, “Stabilization of Copper Catalysts for Liquid-Phase Reactions by Atomic Layer Deposition,” Angewandte Chemie 125(51) 14053-14057 (2013).
- Ostapenko, T., Y. A. Nastishin, P. J. Collings, S. N. Sprunt, O. D. Lavrentovich and J. T. Gleeson, “Aggregation, pretransitional behavior, and optical properties in the isotropic phase of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals studied in high magnetic fields,” Soft Matter 9(39) 9487-9498 (2013).
- Renner, L. D., P. Eswaramoorthy, K. S. Ramamurthi and D. B. Weibel, “Studying Biomolecule Localization by Engineering Bacterial Cell Wall Curvature,” PLOS ONE 8(12) e84143 (2013).
- Saurer, E. M., C. M. Jewell, D. A. Roenneburg, S. L. Bechler, J. R. Torrealba, T. A. Hacker and D. M. Lynn, “Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Promote Stent-Mediated Delivery of DNA to Vascular Tissue,” Biomacromolecules14(5) 1696-1704 (2013).
- Stava, E., M. R. Yu, H. C. Shin, H. Shin, D. J. Kreft and R. H. Blick, “Rapid fabrication and piezoelectric tuning of micro- and nanopores in single crystal quartz,” Lab on a Chip 13(1) 156-160 (2013).
- Swiecicki, J. M., O. Sliusarenko and D. B. Weibel, “From swimming to swarming: Escherichia coli cell motility in two-dimensions,” Integrative Biology 5(12) 1490-1494 (2013).
- Tocce, E. J., S. J. Liliensiek, A. H. Broderick, Y. Jiang, K. C. Murphy, C. J. Murphy, D. M. Lynn and P. F. Nealey, “The influence of biomimetic topographical features and the extracellular matrix peptide RGD on human corneal epithelial contact guidance,” Acta Biomaterialia 9(2) 5040-5051 (2013).
- Tuson, H. H. and D. B. Weibel, “Bacteria-surface interactions,” Soft Matter 9(17) 4368-4380 (2013).
- Wouters, J. J., J. J. Lado, M. I. Tejedor-Tejedor, R. Perez-Roa and M. A. Anderson, “Carbon fiber sheets coated with thin-films of SiO2 and γ-Al2 O3 as electrodes in capacitive deionization: Relationship between properties of the oxide films and electrode performance,” Electrochimica Acta 112 763-773 (2013).
Research, 2012
- Aytar, B. S., J. P. E. Muller, S. Golan, Y. Kondo, Y. Talmon, N. L. Abbott and D. M. Lynn, “Chemical oxidation of a redox-active, ferrocene-containing cationic lipid: Influence on interactions with DNA and characterization in the context of cell transfection,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 387 56-64 (2012).
- Azarin, S. M., E. A. Larson, J. M. Almodovar-Cruz, J. J. de Pablo and S. P. Palecek, “Effects of 3D microwell culture on growth kinetics and metabolism of human embryonic stem cells,” Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 59(2) 88-96 (2012).
- Azarin, S. M., X. J. Lian, E. A. Larson, H. M. Popelka, J. J. de Pablo and S. P. Palecek, “Modulation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in human embryonic stem cells using a 3-D microwell array,” Biomaterials 33(7) 2041-2049 (2012).
- Bai, Y. Q. and N. L. Abbott, “Enantiomeric Interactions between Liquid Crystals and Organized Monolayers of Tyrosine-Containing Dipeptides,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 134(1) 548-558 (2012).
- Buck, M. E. and D. M. Lynn, “Azlactone-functionalized polymers as reactive platforms for the design of advanced materials: Progress in the last ten years,” Polymer Chemistry 3(1) 66-80 (2012).
- Cardiel, A. C., M. C. Benson, L. M. Bishop, K. M. Louis, J. C. Yeager, Y. Z. Tan and R. J. Hamers, “Chemically Directed Assembly of Photoactive Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Heterojunctions via the Copper-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition “Click” Reaction,” Acs Nano 6(1) 310-318 (2012).
- Carlton, R. J., J. K. Gupta, C. L. Swift and N. L. Abbott, “Influence of Simple Electrolytes on the Orientational Ordering of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals at Aqueous Interfaces,” Langmuir 28(1) 31-36 (2012).
- Carlton, R. J., C. D. Ma, J. K. Gupta and N. L. Abbott, “Influence of Specific Anions on the Orientational Ordering of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals at Aqueous Interfaces,” Langmuir 28(35) 12796-12805 (2012).
- Hernandez, S. I., J. A. Moreno-Razo, A. Ramirez-Hernandez, E. Diaz-Herrera, J. P. Hernandez-Ortiz and J. J. de Pablo, “Liquid crystal nanodroplets, and the balance between bulk and interfacial interactions,” Soft Matter8(5) 1443-1450 (2012).
- Iglesias, W., N. L. Abbott, E. K. Mann and A. Jakli, “Improving Liquid-Crystal-Based Biosensing in Aqueous Phases,” Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 4(12) 6883-6889 (2012).
- Imhoff, S. D., J. Ilavsky, F. Zhang, P. Jemian, P. G. Evans and J. H. Perepezko, “Kinetic transition in the growth of Al nanocrystals in Al-Sm alloys,” Journal of Applied Physics 111(6) 9 (2012).
- Jacobsen, H., B. Puchala, T. F. Kuech and D. Morgan, “Ab initio study of the strain dependent thermodynamics of Bi doping in GaAs,” Physical Review B 86(8) 10 (2012).
- Johnson, P. S., P. L. Cook, X. S. Liu, W. L. Yang, Y. Q. Bai, N. L. Abbott and F. J. Himpsel, “Imide Photodissociation Investigated by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116(24) 7048-7054 (2012).
- Kim, T., T. J. Garrod, K. Kim, J. Lee, L. J. Mawst, T. Kuech, S. LaLumondiere, Y. Sin, W. Lotshaw and S. Moss (2012). Characteristics of bulk InGaAsN and InGaAsSbN material grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) for solar cell application. SPIE OPTO, International Society for Optics and Photonics.
- Kim, T. W., T. J. Garrod, K. Kim, J. J. Lee, S. D. LaLumondiere, Y. Sin, W. T. Lotshaw, S. C. Moss, T. F. Kuech, R. Tatavarti and L. J. Mawst, “Narrow band gap (1 eV) InGaAsSbN solar cells grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy,” Applied Physics Letters 100(12) 4 (2012).
- Kim, Y. K., B. Senyuk and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Molecular reorientation of a nematic liquid crystal by thermal expansion,” Nature Communications 3 (2012).
- Kirley, M. P., B. Novakovic, N. Sule, M. J. Weber, I. Knezevic and J. H. Booske, “Effect of sputtered lanthanum hexaboride film thickness on field emission from metallic knife edge cathodes,” Journal of Applied Physics111(6) (2012).
- Lavrentovich, O. D., “Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy,” Characterization of Materials (2012).
- Lavrentovich, O. D., “Looking at the world through liquid crystal glasses,” Multi-scale and high-contrast PDE: from modelling, to mathematical analysis, to inversion 577 25-46 (2012).
- Lee, Y. L. and D. Morgan, “Ab initio and empirical defect modeling of LaMnO3 +/-delta for solid oxide fuel cell cathodes,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14(1) 290-302 (2012).
- Liu, Y., D. M. Cheng, I. H. Lin, N. L. Abbott and H. R. Jiang, “Microfluidic sensing devices employing in situ-formed liquid crystal thin film for detection of biochemical interactions,” Lab on a Chip 12(19) 3746-3753 (2012).
- Lowe, A. M. and N. L. Abbott, “Liquid Crystalline Materials for Biological Applications,” Chemistry of Materials24(5) 746-758 (2012).
- Mawst, L., D. Botez and T. Kuech (2012). Metamorphic buffer layers for mid-infrared emitting semiconductor lasers. Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials & Devices (COMMAD), 2012 Conference on, IEEE.
- Moreno-Razo, J. A., E. J. Sambriski, N. L. Abbott, J. P. Hernandez-Ortiz and J. J. de Pablo, “Liquid-crystal-mediated self-assembly at nanodroplet interfaces,” Nature 485(7396) 86-89 (2012).
- Muller, J. P. E., B. S. Aytar, Y. Kondo, D. M. Lynn and N. L. Abbott, “Incorporation of DOPE into lipoplexes formed from a ferrocenyl lipid leads to inverse hexagonal nanostructures that allow redox-based control of transfection in high serum,” Soft Matter 8(24) 6608-6619 (2012).
- Paoprasert, P., S. Kandala, D. P. Sweat, R. Ruther and P. Gopalan, “Versatile grafting chemistry for creation of stable molecular layers on oxides,” Journal of Materials Chemistry 22(3) 1046-1053 (2012).
- Park, H. S. and O. D. Lavrentovich (2012). CARS Microscopy Study of Liquid Crystals. Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy. J. X. Cheng and X. S. Xie, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, LLC: 457-478.
- Ramayya, E. B., L. N. Maurer, A. H. Davoody and I. Knezevic, “Thermoelectric properties of ultrathin silicon nanowires,” Physical Review B 86(11) 11 (2012).
- Renner, L. D. and D. B. Weibel, “MinD and MinE Interact with Anionic Phospholipids and Regulate Division Plane Formation in Escherichia coli,” Journal of Biological Chemistry 287(46) 38835-38844 (2012).
- Schulte, K. L., W. L. Rance, R. C. Reedy, A. J. Ptak, D. L. Young and T. F. Kuech, “Controlled formation of GaAs pn junctions during hydride vapor phase epitaxy of GaAs,” Journal of Crystal Growth 352(1) 253-257 (2012).
- Singh, S., M. Chopra and J. J. de Pablo, “Density of States-Based Molecular Simulations,” Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vol 3 3 369-394 (2012).
- Sule, N. and I. Knezevic, “Phonon-limited electron mobility in graphene calculated using tight-binding Bloch waves,” Journal of Applied Physics 112(5) (2012).
- Tan, L. N., V. J. Orler and N. L. Abbott, “Ordering Transitions Triggered by Specific Binding of Vesicles to Protein-Decorated Interfaces of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals,” Langmuir 28(15) 6364-6376 (2012).
- Tomar, V., S. I. Hernandez, N. L. Abbott, J. P. Hernandez-Ortiz and J. J. de Pablo, “Morphological transitions in liquid crystal nanodroplets,” Soft Matter 8(33) 8679-8689 (2012).
- Tucker, M. H., A. J. Crisci, B. N. Wigington, N. Phadke, R. Alamillo, J. P. Zhang, S. L. Scott and J. A. Dumesic, “Acid-Functionalized SBA-15-Type Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas and Their Use in the Continuous Production of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural,” Acs Catalysis 2(9) 1865-1876 (2012).
- Xiang, J. and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Liquid Crystal Structures for Transformation Optics,” Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 559 106-114 (2012).
- Zhou, S., Y. A. Nastishin, M. Omelchenko, L. Tortora, V. Nazarenko, O. Boiko, T. Ostapenko, T. Hu, C. Almasan and S. Sprunt, “Elasticity of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals probed by director reorientation in a magnetic field,” Physical review letters 109(3) 037801 (2012).
Facilities-Supported, 2012
- Broderick, A. H., M. R. Lockett, M. E. Buck, Y. Yuan, L. M. Smith and D. M. Lynn, “In situ Synthesis of Oligonucleotide Arrays on Surfaces Coated with Crosslinked Polymer Multilayers,” Chemistry of Materials 24(5) 938-945 (2012).
- Broderick, A. H. and D. M. Lynn (2012). Covalent Layer-by-Layer Assembly Using Reactive Polymers. Functional Polymers by Post-Polymerization Modification: Concepts, Practical Guidelines, and Applications. P. Theato and H. A. Klok. New York, Wiley-VCH: 371-406.
- Broderick, A. H., U. Manna and D. M. Lynn, “Covalent Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Water-Permeable and Water-Impermeable Polymer Multilayers on Highly Water-Soluble and Water-Sensitive Substrates,” Chemistry of Materials 24(10) 1786-1795 (2012).
- Cho, E., A. Brown and T. F. Kuech, “Chemical Characterization of DNA-Immobilized InAs Surfaces Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure,” Langmuir 28(32) 11899-11907 (2012).
- Cho, E., E. N. Yitamben, E. V. Iski, N. P. Guisinger and T. F. Kuech, “Atomic-Scale Investigation of Highly Stable Pt Clusters Synthesized on a Graphene Support for Catalytic Applications,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C116(49) 26066-26071 (2012).
- Dedigama, A., M. Angelo, P. Torrione, T. H. Kim, S. Wolter, W. Lampert, A. Atewologun, M. Edirisoorya, L. Collins, T. F. Kuech, M. Losurdo, G. Bruno and A. Brown, “Hemin-Functionalized InAs-Based High Sensitivity Room Temperature NO Gas Sensors,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116(1) 826-833 (2012).
- Efremov, M. Y., A. V. Kiyanova, J. Last, S. S. Soofi, C. Thode and P. F. Nealey, “Glass transition in thin supported polystyrene films probed by temperature-modulated ellipsometry in vacuum,” Physical Review E86(2) (2012).
- Lo, J. Y., S. Dhar, B. Yu, M. A. Brooke, T. F. Kuech, N. M. Jokerst and N. Ramanujam (2012). Diffuse reflectance spectral imaging for breast tumor margin assessment. SPIE BiOS, International Society for Optics and Photonics.
- Mahathaninwong, N., Y. Zhou, S. Babcock, T. Plookphol, J. Wannasin and S. Wisutmethangoon, “Creep rupture behavior of semi-solid cast 7075-T6 Al alloy,” Materials Science and Engineering: A 556 107-113 (2012).
- Paulson, C. A., S. Jha, X. Song, M. Rathi, S. E. Babcock, L. Mawst and T. F. Kuech, “The effect of helium ion implantation on the relaxation of strained InGaAs thin films,” Thin Solid Films 520(6) 2147-2154 (2012).
- Stava, E., M. R. Yu, H. C. Shin, H. Shin, J. Rodriguez and R. H. Blick, “Mechanical actuation of ion channels using a piezoelectric planar patch clamp system,” Lab on a Chip 12(1) 80-87 (2012).
- Tocce, E. J., A. H. Broderick, K. C. Murphy, S. J. Liliensiek, C. J. Murphy, D. M. Lynn and P. F. Nealey, “Functionalization of reactive polymer multilayers with RGD and an antifouling motif: RGD density provides control over human corneal epithelial cell-substrate interactions,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 100A(1) 84-93 (2012).
- Wiedmann, M. K., D. H. K. Jackson, Y. J. Pagan-Torres, E. Cho, J. A. Dumesic and T. F. Kuech, “Atomic layer deposition of titanium phosphate on silica nanoparticles,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 30(1) (2012).
Research, 2011
- Spalenka, J. W., E. M. Mannebach, D. J. Bindl, M. S. Arnold and P. G. Evans, “Spectral resolution of states relevant to photoinduced charge transfer in modified pentacene/ZnO field-effect transistors,” Applied Physics Letters 99(19) (2011).
- Xiong, W., J. E. Laaser, R. D. Mehlenbacher and M. T. Zanni, “Adding a dimension to the infrared spectra of interfaces using heterodyne detected 2D sum-frequency generation (HD 2D SFG) spectroscopy,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108(52) 20902-20907 (2011).
- Bechler, S. L. and D. M. Lynn, “Design and synthesis of a fluorescently end‐labeled poly (β‐amino ester): Application to the characterization of degradable polyelectrolyte multilayers,” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 49(7) 1572-1581 (2011).
- Buck, M. E. and D. M. Lynn, “Layer‐by‐Layer Fabrication of Covalently Crosslinked and Reactive Polymer Multilayers Using Azlactone‐Functionalized Copolymers: A Platform for the Design of Functional Biointerfaces,”Advanced Engineering Materials 13(10) B343-B352 (2011).
- Hamers, R. J., X. Wang, R. Franking, R. Ruther and C. Stavis, “Infrared spectroscopy for characterization of biomolecular interfaces,” Biointerface Characterization by Advanced IR Spectroscopy 57 (2011).
- Himpsel, F., “Photon‐in photon‐out soft X‐ray spectroscopy for materials science,” physica status solidi (b)248(2) 292-298 (2011).
- Huang, M., F. Cavallo, F. Liu and M. G. Lagally, “Nanomechanical architecture of semiconductor nanomembranes,” Nanoscale 3(1) 96-120 (2011).
- Izmitli, A., C. Schebor, M. P. McGovern, A. S. Reddy, N. L. Abbott and J. J. de Pablo, “Effect of trehalose on the interaction of Alzheimer’s Aβ-peptide and anionic lipid monolayers,” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1808(1) 26-33 (2011).
- Jha, S., M. K. Wiedmann, T. Kuan, X. Song, S. Babcock and T. Kuech, “Growth behavior and defect reduction in heteroepitaxial InAs and GaSb on GaAs using block copolymer lithography,” Journal of Crystal Growth 315(1) 91-95 (2011).
- King, W. J. and W. L. Murphy, “Bioinspired conformational changes: an adaptable mechanism for bio-responsive protein delivery,” Polymer Chemistry 2(3) 476-491 (2011).
- King, W. J., M. W. Toepke and W. L. Murphy, “Facile formation of dynamic hydrogel microspheres for triggered growth factor delivery,” Acta biomaterialia 7(3) 975-985 (2011).
- King, W. J., M. W. Toepke and W. L. Murphy, “A general route for the synthesis of functional, protein-based hydrogel microspheres using tailored protein charge,” Chemical Communications 47(1) 526-528 (2011).
- Laaser, J. E., W. Xiong and M. T. Zanni, “Time-domain SFG spectroscopy using mid-IR pulse shaping: practical and intrinsic advantages,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115(11) 2536-2546 (2011).
- Peng, G., S. Seo, R. E. Ruther, R. J. Hamers, M. Mavrikakis and P. G. Evans, “Molecular-Scale Structure of a Nitrobenzene Monolayer on Si (001),” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115(7) 3011-3017 (2011).
- Saurer, E. M., R. M. Flessner, M. E. Buck and D. M. Lynn, “Fabrication of covalently crosslinked and amine-reactive microcapsules by reactive layer-by-layer assembly of azlactone-containing polymer multilayers on sacrificial microparticle templates,” Journal of materials chemistry 21(6) 1736-1745 (2011).
- Sun, B., R. M. Flessner, E. M. Saurer, C. M. Jewell, N. J. Fredin and D. M. Lynn, “Characterization of pH-induced changes in the morphology of polyelectrolyte multilayers assembled from poly (allylamine) and low molecular weight poly (acrylic acid),” Journal of colloid and interface science 355(2) 431-441 (2011).
- Yu, M., M. Huang, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally and R. H. Blick, “Local-wetting-induced deformation of rolled-up Si/Si-Ge nanomembranes: a potential route for remote chemical sensing,” Nanotechnology, IEEE Transactions on 10(1) 21-25 (2011).
- Zhu, Y. and P. J. Bertics, “Chemoattractant-induced Signaling via the Ras–ERK and PI3K–Akt networks, along with leukotriene C4 release, is dependent on the tyrosine kinase lyn in IL-5–and IL-3–primed human blood eosinophils,” The Journal of Immunology 186(1) 516-526 (2011).
IRG 1 – 2010
- “Single-crystal nanomembrane-based fast flexible electronics”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (accepted), (2010).
- Cavallo, F.; Lagally, M. G., “Semiconductors turn soft: inorganic nanomembranes”, Soft Matter 6 (3), 439-455 (2010). Link
- Chen, F.; Ramayya, E. B.; Euaruksakul, C.; Himpsel, F. J.; Celler, G. K.; Ding, B.; Knezevic, I.; Lagally, M. G., “Quantum Confinement, Surface Roughness, and the Conduction Band structure of Ultrathin Silicon Membranes”, ACS Nano 4 (4), 2466-2474 (2010). Link
- Chen, L.; Yang, H.; Qiang, Z.; Pang, H.; Sun, L.; Ma, Z.; Pate, R.; Stiff-Roberts, A.; Gao, S.; Xu, J.; Brown, G. J.; Zhou, W., “Colloidal quantum dot absorption enhancement in flexible Fano filters”, Applied Physics Letters 96, 083111 (2010). Link
- Jiang, H. Q.; Chen, F.; Lagally, M. G.; Denes, F. S., “New Strategy for Synthesis and Functionalization of Carbon Nanoparticles”, Langmuir 26 (3), 1991-1995 (2010). Link
- Paoprasert, P.; Laaser, J. E.; Xiong, W.; Franking, R. A.; Hamers, R. J.; Zanni, M. T.; Schmidt, J. R.; Gopalan, P., “Bridge-Dependent Interfacial Electron Transfer from Rhenium-Bipyridine Complexes to TiO2 Nanocrystalline Thin Films”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (21), 9898-9907 (2010). Link
- Qin, G.; Yuan, H.-C.; Celler, G. K.; Zhou, W.; Ma, J.; Ma, Z., “RF model of flexible microwave single-crystalline silicon nanomembrane PIN diodes on plastic substrate”, Microelectronics Journal (in press), (2010). Link
- Ryu, H. J.; Aksamija, Z.; Paskiewicz, D. M.; Scott, S. A.; Lagally, M. G.; Knezevic, I.; Eriksson, M. A., “Thermoelectric power factor enhancement in gated silicon nanostructures”, Physical Review Letters, submitted (2010).
- Seo, J.-H.; Yuan, H.-C.; Sun, L.; Zhou, W.; Ma, Z., “Single-crystal silicon nanomembrane transfer techniques and their application toward flexible microwave systems”, Journal of Information Display (in press), (2010).
- Thalakulam, M.; Simmons, C. B.; Rosemeyer, B. M.; Savage, D. E.; Lagally, M. G.; Friesen, M.; Coppersmith, S. N.; Eriksson, M. A., “Fast tunnel rates in Si/SiGe one-electron single and double quantum dots”, Applied Physics Letters 96, 183104 (2010). Link
- Yu, M.; Huang, J.; Ballweg, H.; Shin, A.; Schendel, E.; Dent, H.; Savage, D. E.; Lagally, M.; Williams, J. C.; Blick, R. H., “Topography attracted neuron growth through arrays of semiconductor nanomembrane tubes”, Nano Letters, submitted (2010).
- Yu, M.; Shin, H.; Stava, E.; Kreft, D.; Blick, R. H., “Microfabrication and dynamic tuning of small and smooth pores in crystalline quartz”, Biomedical Microdevices, submitted (2010).
- Zhang, Y.; Yu, M. R.; Savage, D. E.; Lagally, M. G.; Blick, R. H.; Liu, F., “Effect of surface bonding on semiconductor nanoribbon wiggling structure”, Applied Physics Letters 96, 111904 (2010). Link
IRG 2 – 2010
- Hamers, R. J., “Immobilization of Biomolecules at Semiconductor Interfaces”, Functionalization of Semiconductor Surfaces, Tao, F.; Bernasek, S.L.: VCH Publishers, (2010). Link
- Hamers, R. J.; Stavis, C.; Pokhrel, A.; Cooperrider, M.; Franking, R.; Ruther, R.; Wang, X.; Zheng, H.; Carlisle, J. A.; Butler, J. E., “Characterization of Molecular and Biomolecular Layers on Diamond Thin Films by Reflection-Absorption Infared Spectroscopy”, Diamond and Related Materials (submitted), (2010).
- Laaser, J. E.; Xiong, W.; Zanni, M. T., “Advances in SFG Spectroscopy made possible by mid-IR pulse shaping and time-domain data collection”, (submitted), (2010).
- Paoprasert, P.; Spalenka, J. W.; Peterson, D. L.; Ruther, R.; Hamers, R. J.; Evans, P. G.; Gopalan, P., “Grafting of poly(3-hexylthiophene) brushes on oxides using click chemistry”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (13), 2651-2658 (2010). Link
- Paoprasert, P.; Sweat, D. P.; Gopalan, P., “Versatile grafting chemistry for creation of stable molecular layers on oxides”, Langmuir (submitted), (2010).
- Seo, S.; Euaruksakul, C.; Savage, D. E.; Lagally, M. G.; Evans, P. G., “Nanostructure formation in the initial roughening of a thin silicon sheet”, Physical Review B 81, 041302 (2010). Link
- Sichel, R. J.; Grigoriev, A.; Do, D. H.; Baek, S. H.; Jang, H. W.; Folkman, C. M.; Eom, C. B.; Cai, Z. H.; Evans, P. G., “Anisotropic relaxation and crystallographic tilt in BiFeO3 on miscut SrTiO3 (001)”, Applied Physics Letters 96, 051901 (2010). Link
- Spalenka, J. W.; Paoprasert, P.; Franking, R.; Hamers, R. J.; Gopalan, P.; Evans, P. G., “Molecular control of pentacene/ZnO photoinduced charge transfer”, Applied Physics Letters (submitted), (2010).
- Thompson, N. J.; Jandl, A. C.; Spalenka, J. W.; Evans, P. G., “Thin films of a ferroelectric phenazine/chloranilic acid organic cocrystal”, Applied Physics Letters (submitted), (2010).
- Wang, X. Y.; Landis, E. C.; Franking, R.; Hamers, R. J., “Surface Chemistry for Stable and Smart Molecular and Biomolecular Interfaces via Photochemical Grafting of Alkenes”, Accounts of Chemical Research 43 (9), 1205-1215 (2010). Link
- Wang, X. Y.; Ruther, R. E.; Streifer, J. A.; Hamers, R. J., “UV-Induced Grafting of Alkenes to Silicon Surfaces: Photoemission versus Excitons”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (12), 4048-4049 (2010). Link
IRG 3 – 2010
- Agarwal, A.; Weis, T. L.; Schurr, M. J.; Faith, N. G.; Czuprynski, C. J.; McAnulty, J. F.; Murphy, C. J.; Abbott, N. L., “Surfaces modified with nanometer-thick silver-impregnated polymeric films that kill bacteria but support growth of mammalian cells”, Biomaterials 31 (4), 680-690 (2010). Link
- Bai, Y.; Liu, X.; Abbott, N. L.; Himpsel, F. J., “Immobilization of the epidermal growth factor receptor characterized via the orbitals of amide, imide, and amine bonds”, Langmuir, submitted (2010).
- Buck, M. E.; Lynn, D. M., “Functionalization of Fibers Using Azlactone-Containing Polymers: Layer-by-Layer Fabrication of Reactive Thin Films on the Surfaces of Hair and Cellulose-Based Materials”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2 (5), 1421-1429 (2010). Link
- Buck, M. E.; Lynn, D. M., “Reactive layer-by-layer assembly of suspended thin films and semi-permeable membranes at interfaces created between aqueous and organic phases”, Advanced Materials 22 (9), 994-998 (2010). Link
- de Pablo, J. J., Izmitli, A., Schebor, C., McGovern, M. P., Reddy, A. S. & Abbott, N. L. “Effect of Trehalose on the Interaction of Alzheimer’s A-β-peptide and Anionic Lipid Monolayers”, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, in press (2010).
- de Pablo, J. J.; Moreno-Razo, J. A.; Abbott, N. L., “Structure of the Solvent-Surfactant Boundary of a Nematice Liquid-Crystal Droplet”, Nature, submitted (2010).
- Fraser, S. A.; Lyman, A.; Mallon, K. S.; Ting, J.; Murphy, C. J.; Nealey, P. F., “The effect of nanoscale topography in compliant gels on corneal epithelial cell behaviors”, Biomaterials (submitted), (2010).
- Izmitli, A.; Schebor, C.; Reddy, S.; Abbott, N. L.; de Pablo, J. J., “Folding and insertion of Amylin into beta-amyloid into model bilayer membranes”, (submitted), (2010).
- Kalia, J.; Raines, R. T., “Advances in Bioconjugation”, Current Organic Chemistry 14 (2), 138-147 (2010). Link
- Kinsinger, M. I.; Buck, M. E.; Abbott, N. L.; Lynn, D. M., “Immobilization of Polymer-Decorated Liquid Crystal Droplets on Chemically Tailored Surfaces”, Langmuir 26 (12), 10234-10242 (2010). Link
- Kinsinger, M. I.; Buck, M. E.; Meli, M. V.; Abbott, N. L.; Lynn, D. M., “Langmuir films of flexible polymers transferred to aqueous/liquid crystal interfaces induce uniform azimuthal alignment of the liquid crystal”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 341 (1), 124-135 (2010). Link
- Metallo, C. M.; Azarin, S. M.; Moses, L. E.; Ji, L.; de Pablo, J. J.; Palecek, S. P., “Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Keratinocytes Exhibit an Epidermal Transcription Program and Undergo Epithelial Morphogenesis in Engineered Tissue Constructs”, Tissue Engineering Part A 16 (1), 213-223 (2010). Link
- Mohr, J. C.; Zhang, J. H.; Azarin, S. M.; Soerens, A. G.; de Pablo, J. J.; Thomson, J. A.; Lyons, G. E.; Palecek, S. P.; Kamp, T. J., “The microwell control of embryoid body size in order to regulate cardiac differentiation of human embryonic stem cells”, Biomaterials 31 (7), 1885-1893 (2010). Link
- Ozer, B. H.; Wiepz, G. J.; Bertics, P. J., “Activity and cellular localization of an oncogenic glioblastoma multiforme-associated EGF receptor mutant possessing a duplicated kinase domain”, Oncogene 29 (6), 855-864 (2010). Link
- Reddy, A. S.; Chopra, M.; de Pablo, J. J., “GNNQQNY-Investigation of Early Steps during Amyloid Formation”, Biophysical Journal 98 (6), 1038-1045 (2010). Link
- Reddy, A. S.; Wang, L.; Lin, Y. S.; Ling, Y.; Chopra, M.; Zanni, M. T.; Skinner, J. L.; de Pablo, J. J., “Solution Structures of Rat Amylin Peptide: Simulation, Theory, and Experiment”, Biophysical Journal 98 (3), 443-451 (2010). Link
- Riggleman, R. A.; Douglas, J. F.; de Pablo, J. J., “Antiplasticization and the elastic properties of glass-forming polymer liquids”, Soft Matter 6 (2), 292-304 (2010). Link
- Riggleman, R. A.; Lee, H. N.; Ediger, M. D.; de Pablo, J. J., “Heterogeneous dynamics during deformation of a polymer glass”, Soft Matter 6 (2), 287-291 (2010). Link
- Saurer, E. M.; Flessner, R. M.; Buck, M. E.; Lynn, D. M., “Fabrication of Covalently Crosslinked and Amine-Reactive Microcapsules by Reactive Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Azlactone-Containing Polymer Multilayers on Sacrificial Microparticle Templaces”, submitted (2010).
- Singh, S.; de Pablo, J. J., “Stable glasses of trehalose; insights from molecular simulations”, (submitted), (2010).
- Woys, A. M.; Lin, Y. S.; Reddy, A. S.; Xiong, W.; de Pablo, J. J.; Skinner, J. L.; Zanni, M. T., “2D IR Line Shapes Probe Ovispirin Peptide Conformation and Depth in Lipid Bilayers”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (8), 2832-2838 (2010).Link
Seeds – 2010
- Auer, G.; Tuson, H. H.; Renner, L. D.; Hasebe, M.; Huang, K. C.; Weibel, D. B., “CLAMP: cell length analysis of mechanical properties”, (submitted), (2010).
- Dong, L.; Stone, D. S.; Lakes, R. S., “Sharp low frequency dissipative effects in tetragonal BaTiO3 ceramics”, Journal of Applied Physics 107, 023514 (2010). Link
- Dong, L.; Stone, D. S.; Lakes, R. S., “Softening of bulk modulus and negative Poisson ratio in barium titanate ceramic near the Curie point”, Philosophical Magazine Letters 90 (1), 23-33 (2010). Link
- Eun, Y.-J.; Utada, A.; Takeuchi, S.; Weibel, D. B., “High throughput amplification and analysis of bacteria in picoliter hydrogel particles”, ACS Chemical Biology (in press), (2010).
- Flickinger, S.; Copeland, M. F.; Braasch, A.; Eun, Y.-J.; Downes, E.; Weibel, D. B., “Patterned hydrogels for studying small molecule signaling between bacterial communities”, submitted (2010).
- King, W. J.; Pytel, N. J.; Ng, K.; Murphy, W. L., “Triggered Drug Release from Dynamic Microspheres via a Protein Conformational Change”, Macromolecular Bioscience 10 (6), 580-584 (2010). Link
- Kuech, T. F.; Mawst, L. J., “Nanofabrication of III-V semiconductors employing diblock copolymer lithography”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, 183001 (2010). Link
- Liu, Y.; Szlufarska, I., “Effect of trace moisture on friction”, Applied Physics Letters 96, 101902 (2010). Link
- Melgarejo, Z. H.; Resto, P. J.; Stone, D. S.; Suarez, O. M., “Study of Particle-Matrix Interaction in Al/AlB2 Composite via Nanoindentation”, Materials Characterization 61 (2), 135-140 (2010). Link
- Renner, L. D.; Weibel, D. B., “Cardiolipin microdomains localize to negatively curved regions of Escherichia coli membranes”, (submitted), (2010).
- Stone, D. S., “Bubble raft movies (videos) and pictures “, web page, http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~stone/bubble%20raft%20movies.htm (2010). (accessed: March 1, 2010). Link
Education – 2010
- Crone, W. C.; Dunwoody, S.; Rediske, R.; Ackerman, S.; Zenner Petersen, G. M.; Yaros, R. A., “Informal Science Education: A Practicum for Graduate Students”, Innovative Higher Education (in review), (2010).
- Monzack, E. M.; Zenner Petersen, G. M., “Using an Informal Cardiovascular System Activity to Study the Effectiveness of Science Education in Unexpected Places”, Research in Science Education, published online (2010). Link
- Zenner Petersen, G. M. “From concept to engagement: perspectives and recommendations on successful education-outreach efforts”. American Physical Society Forum on Education Newsletter, invited (2010).
- Zenner Petersen, G. M., “Offering engaging educational programs for kids at the K-12 age level: examples, perspectives and recommendations”, MRS Bulletin, invited (2010).
Facilities – 2010
- Christ, K. V.; Williamson, K. B.; Masters, K. S.; Turner, K. T., “Measurement of single-cell adhesion strength using a microfluidic assay”, Biomedical Microdevices 12 (3), 443-455 (2010). Link
- Fredin, N. J.; Flessner, R. M.; Jewell, C. M.; Bechler, S. L.; Buck, M. E.; Lynn, D. M., “Characterization of Nanoscale Transformations in Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Fabricated from Plasmid DNA Using Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy in Combination with Atomic Force Microscopy”, Microscopy Research and Technique 73 (9), 834-844 (2010). Link
- Gomopoulos, N.; Saini, G.; Efremov, M.; Nealey, P. F.; Nelson, K.; Fytas, G., “Nondestructive Probing of Mechanical Anisotropy in Polyimide Films on Nanoscale”, Macromolecules 43 (3), 1551-1555 (2010). Link
- King, W. J.; Murphy, W. L., “Bioinspired conformational changes: an adaptable mechanism for bio-responsive drug delivery”, Polymer Chemistry (in press), (2010). Link
- McGuire, L. M.; Friesen, M.; Slinker, K. A.; Coppersmith, S. N.; Eriksson, M. A., “Valley splitting in a Si/SiGe quantum point contact”, New Journal of Physics 12, 033039 (2010). Link
- Price, J. L.; Hadley, E. B.; Steinkruger, J. D.; Gellman, S. H., “Detection and Analysis of Chimeric Tertiary Structures by Backbone Thioester Exchange: Packing of an alpha Helix against an alpha/beta-Peptide Helix”, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 49 (2), 368-371 (2010). Link
- Sun, B.; Liu, X. H.; Buck, M. E.; Lynn, D. M., “Azlactone-functionalized polymers as reactive templates for parallel polymer synthesis: synthesis and screening of a small library of cationic polymers in the context of DNA delivery”, Chemical Communications 46 (12), 2016-2018 (2010). Link
- Sun, B.; Lynn, D. M., “Release of DNA from Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Fabricated Using ‘Charge-Shifting’ Cationic Polymers: Tunable Temporal Control and Sequential, Multi-Agent Release”, Journal of Controlled Release (in press), (2010). Link
IRG 1 – 2009
- Chen, L.; Qiang, Z.; Yang, H.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W., “Polarization and angular dependent transmissions on transferred nanomembrane Fano filters”, Optical Express 17 (10), 8396-8406 (2009). Link
- Chen, L.; Yang, H.; Qiang, Z.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z.; Xu, J.; Brown, G. J.; Zhou, W., “Angle and polarization dependent characteristics of colloidal quantum dot absorption in Fano filters on flexible substrates”, SPIE Photonics West 2009, San Jose, CA, (2009). Link
- Chen, L.; Yang, H.; Qiang, Z.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z.; Xu, J.; Zhou, W., “Measured colloidal quantum dot absorption enhancement in Fano filters on flexible substrates”, ECS Transactions, Semiconductor and Plasmonics-Active Nanostructures for Photonic Devices and Systems, Vienna, Austria, (2009).
- Euaruksakul, C.; Chen, F.; Tanto, B.; Ritz, C. S.; Paskiewicz, D. M.; Himpsel, F. J.; Savage, D. E.; Liu, Z.; Yao, Y.; Liu, F.; Lagally, M. G., “Relationships between strain and band structure in Si(001) and Si(110) nanomembranes”, Physical Review B 80, 115323 (2009). Link
- Harb, M.; Peng, W.; Sciaini, G.; Hebeisen, C. T.; Ernstorfer, R.; Eriksson, M. A.; Lagally, M. G.; Kruglik, S. G.; Miller, R. J. D., “Excitation of longitudinal and transverse coherent acoustic phonons in nanometer free-standing films of (001)-Si”, Physical Review B 79, 094301 (2009). Link
- Huang, M.-H.; Ritz, C. S.; Novakovic, B.; Yu, D.; Zhang, Y.; Flack, F. S.; Savage, D. E.; Evans, P. G.; Knezevic, I.; Liu, F.; Lagally, M. G., “Mechano-electronic superlattices in silicon nanoribbons”, ACS Nano 3 (3), 721-727 (2009). Link
- Kim-Lee, H. J.; Savage, D. E.; Ritz, C. S.; Lagally, M. G.; Turner, K. T., “Control of Three-Dimensional Island Growth with Mechanically Responsive Single-Crystal Nanomembrane Substrates”, Physical Review Letters 102, 226103 (2009). Link
- Kim-Lee, H.-J.; Turner, K. T., “Adhesion control using structured interfaces: Effects of geometry and loading direction”, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Savannah, GA, (2009).
- Knezevic, I.; Ramayya, E. B.; Vasileska, D.; Goodnick, S. M., “Diffusive transport in quasi-2D and quasi-1D electron systems”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 6 (8), 1725-1753 (2009). Link
- Liu, F.; Lagally, M. G.; Zang, J., “Nanomechanical Architectures-Mechanics-Driven Fabrication Based on Crystalline Membranes”, MRS Bulletin 34 (3), 190-195 (2009). Link
- Marcus, M. S.; Simmons, J. M.; Baker, S. E.; Hamers, R. J.; Eriksson, M. A., “Predicting the Results of Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Suspended Carbon Nanotubes”, Nano Letters 9 (5), 1806-1811 (2009). Link
- Oehrlein, S. M.; Jacobson, R. B.; Flack, F. S.; Lagally, M. G.; Kershner, R. J., “Optically actuated micromanipulation of silicon nanomembranes”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7400, 74000X (2009). Link
- Pang, H.; Celler, G. K.; Ma, Z., “Flexible hybrid-oriented complementary single-crystal Si thin-film transistors”, Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts, International Symposium on Silicon on Insulator Technology and Devices, San Francisco, CA, Abstract 938 (2009).
- Pang, H.; Celler, G. K.; Ma, Z., “Process and characterization of hybrid-oriented complementary single-crystal Si thin-film transistors on a plastic substrate”, ECS Transactions, Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices, San Francisco, CA, (2009).
- Qin, G. X.; Yuan, H. C.; Celler, G. K.; Zhou, W. D.; Ma, Z., “Flexible microwave PIN diodes and switches employing transferrable single-crystal Si nanomembranes on plastic substrates”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 234006 (2009).Link
- Qin, G.; Zhou, H.; Ramayya, E. B.; Ma, Z.; Knezevic, I., “Electron mobility in scaled silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors on off-axis substrates”, Applied Physics Letters 94, 073504 (2009). Link
- Ramayya, E. B.; Knezevic, I., “Ultrascaled Silicon Nanowires as Efficient Thermoelectric Materials”, Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, Beijing, China, 129-132 (2009).
- Scott, S. A.; Peng, W. N.; Kiefer, A. M.; Jiang, H. Q.; Knezevic, I.; Savage, D. E.; Eriksson, M. A.; Lagally, M. G., “Influence of Surface Chemical Modification on Charge Transport Properties in Ultrathin Silicon Membranes”, ACS Nano 3 (7), 1683-1692 (2009).Link
- Stava, E.; Yu, M.; Kim, H.-S.; Shin, H.-C.; Blick, R. H., “Planar lipid bilayer formation on a laser-drilled quartz substrate”, Biophysical Journal 96 (3), 315a (2009). Link
- Sumant, A. V.; Auciello, O.; Yuan, H.-C.; Ma, Z.; Carpick, R. W.; Mancini, D. C., “Large area low temperature ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films and integration with CMOS devices for monolithically integrated diamond MEMS/NEMS-CMOS systems”, Proceedings of SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, Orlando, FL, 7318, 731817 (2009). Link
- Tan, L.; Allen, T. R.; Hunn, J. D.; Miller, J. H., “EBSD for microstructure and property characterization of the SiC-coating in TRISO fuel particles”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 372 (2-3), 400-404 (2008). Link
- Yang, H.; Chuwongin, S.; Qiang, Z.; Chen, L.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W., “Resonance control of membrane reflectors with effective index engineering”, Applied Physics Letters 94, 023110 (2009). Link
- Yang, H.; Pang, H.; Qiang, Z.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W., “Surface-normal Fano filters based on transferred silicon nanomembranes on glass substrates”, Electronics Letters Special Supplement: Silicon Photonics, (2009).
- Yang, W.; Yang, H.; Pang, H.; Qin, G.; Berggren, J.; Hammar, M.; Soref, R.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W., “Crystalline silicon nanomembrane stacking for large area flexible photodetectors”, IEEE 6th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, San Francisco, CA, (2009).
- Yu, M. R.; Kim, H. S.; Blick, R. H., “Laser drilling of nano-pores in sandwiched thin glass membranes”, Optics Express 17 (12), 10044-10049 (2009). Link
- Yuan, H. C.; Qin, G. X.; Celler, G. K.; Ma, Z., “Bendable high-frequency microwave switches formed with single-crystal silicon nanomembranes on plastic substrates”, Applied Physics Letters 95, 043109 (2009). Link
- Yuan, H.-C.; Shin, J.; Qin, G.; Sun, L.; Bhattacharya, P.; Lagally, M. G.; Celler, G. K.; Ma, Z., “Flexible photodetectors on plastic substrates by use of printing transferred single-crystal germanium membranes”, Applied Physics Letters 94, 013102 (2009).Link
- Zhou, W.; Ma, Z.; Yang, H.; Qiang, Z.; Qin, G.; Pang, H.; Chen, L.; Yang, W.; Chuwongin, S.; Zhao, D., “Flexible photonic-crystal Fano filters based on transferred semiconductor nanomembranes”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 234007 (2009). Link
IRG 2 – 2009
- Do, D.-H.; Grigoriev, A.; Kim, D. M.; Eom, C.-B.; Evans, P. G.; Dufresne, E. M., “In situ x-ray probes for piezoelectricity in epitaxial ferroelectric capacitors”, Integrated Ferroelectrics 101 (1), 174-181 (2009). Link
- Grabow, L. C.; Uhlrich, J. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Mavrikakis, M., “Effectiveness of in situ NH3 annealing treatments for the removal of oxygen from GaN surfaces”, Surface Science 603 (2), 387-399 (2009). Link
- Grigoriev, A.; Sichel, R. J.; Jo, J. Y.; Choudhury, S.; Chen, L.-Q.; Lee, H. N.; Landahl, E. C.; Adams, B. W.; Dufresne, E. M.; Evans, P. G., “Stability of the unswitched polarization state of ultrathin epitaxial Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 in large electric fields”, Physical Review B 80, 014110 (2009). Link
- Park, B.-N.; Uhlrich, J. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Evans, P. G., “Electrical properties of GaN/poly(3-hexylthiophene) interfaces”, Journal of Applied Physics 106, 013713 (2009). Link
- Park, B.; Paoprasert, P.; Gopalan, P.; Kuech, T. F.; Evans, P. G., “Dynamics of photoinduced charge transfer between pentacene and a C60-terminated self assembled monolayer”, Applied Physics Letters 94, 073302 (2009). Link
- Park, J. H.; Kirch, J.; Mawst, L. J.; Liu, C. C.; Nealey, P. F.; Kuech, T. F., “Controlled growth of InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum dots on InP substrates employing diblock copolymer lithography”, Applied Physics Letters 95, 113111 (2009). Link
- Peng, G.; Strange, M.; Thygesen, K. S.; Mavrikakis, M., “Conductance of Conjugated Molecular Wires: Length Dependence, Anchoring Groups, and Band Alignment”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (49), 20967-20973 (2009). Link
- Seo, S.; Evans, P. G., “Molecular structure of extended defects in monolayer-scale pentacene thin films”, Journal of Applied Physics 106 (10), 6 (2009). Link
- Uhlrich, J. J.; Franking, R.; Hamers, R. J.; Kuech, T. F., “Sulfide Treatment of ZnO Single Crystals and Nanorods and the Effect on P3HT-ZnO Photovoltaic Device Properties”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (50), 21147-21154 (2009). Link
- Uhlrich, J. J.; Kuech, T. F., “A photoelectron spectroscopy study of sulfide-treated ZnO nanorods and single crystals”, Materials Reasearch Society Symposium Proceedings 1114E, G08-10 (2009).
- Uhlrich, J. J.; Olson, D. C.; Hsu, J. W. P.; Kuech, T. F., “Surface chemistry and surface electronic properties of ZnO single crystals and nanorods”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 27 (2), 328-335 (2009). Link
- Xiong, W.; Laaser, J. E.; Paoprasert, P.; Franking, R. A.; Hamers, R. J.; Gopalan, P.; Zanni, M. T., “Transient 2D IR Spectroscopy of Charge Injection in Dye-Sensitized Nanocrystalline Thin Films”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (50), 18040-18041 (2009). Link
IRG 3 – 2009
- Buck, M. E.; Breitbach, A. S.; Belgrade, S. K.; Blackwell, H. E.; Lynn, D. M., “Chemical modification of reactive multilayered films fabricated from poly(2-alkenyl azlactrone)s: Design of surfaces that prevent or promote mammalian cell adhesion and bacterial biofilm growth”, Biomacromolecules 10 (6), 1564-174 (2009). Link
- Buzzi, F. L.; Ting, Y.-H.; Wendt, A. E., “Energy distributions of bombarding ions in plasma etching of dielectrics”, Plasma Sources Science and Technology 18, 025009 (2009). Link
- Cheng, D. M.; Sridharamurthy, S. S.; Hunter, J. T.; Park, J. S.; Abbott, N. L.; Jiang, H. R., “A sensing device using liquid crystal in a micropillar array supporting structure”, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 18 (5), 973-982 (2009). Link
- Cook, P. L.; Johnson, P. S.; Liu, X. S.; Chin, A. L.; Himpsel, F. J., “Radiation damage in biomimetic dye molecules for solar cells”, Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (21), 194701 (2009). Link
- Cook, P. L.; Liu, X. S.; Yang, W. L.; Himpsel, F. J., “X-ray absorption spectroscopy of biomimetic dye molecules for solar cells”, Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (19), 214702 (2009). Link
- DeTercero, M. D.; Abbott, N. L., “Ordering transitions in liquid crystals permit imaging of spatial and temporal patterns formed by proteins penetrating into lipid-laden interfaces”, Chemical Engineering Communications 196 (1), 234-251 (2009).
- Fredin, N. J.; Broderick, A. H.; Buck, M. E.; Lynn, D. M., “Nano-imprinted thin films of reactive, azlactone-containing polymers: Combining methods for the topographic patterning of cell substrates with opportunities for facile post-fabrication chemical functionalization”, Biomacromolecules 10 (4), 994-1003 (2009). Link
- Gupta, J. K.; Abbott, N. L., “Principles for manipulation of the lateral organization of aqueous-soluble surface-active molecules at the liquid crystal-aqueous interface”, Langmuir 25 (4), 2026-2033 (2009). Link
- Gupta, J. K.; Sivakumar, S.; Caruso, F.; Abbott, N. L., “Size-dependent ordering of liquid crystals observed in polymeric capsules with micrometer and smaller diameters”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48 (9), 1652-1655 (2009). Link
- Gupta, J. K.; Zimmerman, J. S.; de Pablo, J. J.; Caruso, F.; Abbott, N. L., “Characterization of adsorbate-induced ordering transitions of liquid crystals within monodisperse droplets”, Langmuir 25 (16), 9016-9024 (2009). Link
- Jha, P. K.; Solis, F. J.; de Pablo, J. J.; Olvera de la Cruz, M., “Nonlinear effects in the nanophase segregation of polyelectrolyte gels”, Macromolecules 42 (16), 6284-6289 (2009). Link
- Last, J. A.; Liliensiek, S. J.; Nealey, P. F.; Murphy, C. J., “Determining the mechanical properties of human corneal basement membranes with atomic force microscopy”, Journal of Structural Biology 167 (1), 19-24 (2009). Link
- Lee, H. N.; Riggleman, R. A.; de Pablo, J. J.; Ediger, M. D., “Deformation-induced mobility in polymer glasses during multistep creep experiments and simulations”, Macromolecules 42 (12), 4328-4336 (2009). Link
- Lenertz, L. Y.; Gavala, M. L.; Hill, L. M.; Bertics, P. J., “Cell signaling via the P2X(7) nucleotide receptor: linkage to ROS production, gene transcription, and receptor trafficking”, Purinergic Signalling 5, 175-187 (2009). Link
- Liliensiek, S. J.; Nealey, P. F.; Murphy, C. J., “Characterization of Endothelial Basement Membrane Nanotopography in Rhesus Macaque as a Guide for Vessel Tissue Engineering”, Tissue Engineering Part A 15 (9), 2643-2651 (2009). Link
- Lin, I. H.; Meli, M. V.; Abbott, N. L., “Ordering transitions in micro meter-thick films of nematic liquid crystals driven by self-assembly of ganglioside GM(1)”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 336 (1), 90-99 (2009). Link
- Pal, S. K.; Agarwal, A.; Abbott, N. L., “Chemically Responsive Gels Prepared from Microspheres Dispersed in Liquid Crystals”, Small 5 (22), 2589-2596 (2009). Link
- Reddy, A. S.; Izmitli, A.; de Pablo, J. J., “Effect of trehalose on amyloid beta (29-40)-membrane interaction”, Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 085101 (2009). Link
- Riggleman, R. A.; Toepperwein, G. N.; Papakonstantopoulos, G. J.; Barrat, J.-L.; de Pablo, J. J., “Entanglement network in nanoparticle reinforced polymers”, Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 244903 (2009). Link
- Riggleman, R. A.; Toepperwein, G. N.; Papakonstantopoulos, G. J.; de Pablo, J. J., “Dynamics of a glassy polymer nanocomposite during active deformation”, Macromolecules 42 (10), 3632-3640 (2009). Link
- Sivakumar, S.; Wark, K. L.; Gupta, J. K.; Abbott, N. L.; Caruso, F., “Liquid crystal emulsions as the basis of biological sensors for the optical detection of bacteria and viruses”, Advanced Functional Materials 19 (14), 2260-2265 (2009). Link
- Soofi, S. S.; Last, J. A.; Liliensiek, S. J.; Nealey, P. F.; Murphy, C. J., “The elastic modulus of Matrigel (TM) as determined by atomic force microscopy”, Journal of Structural Biology 167 (3), 216-219 (2009). Link
- Yin, D. W.; de la Cruz, M. O.; de Pablo, J. J., “Swelling and collapse of polyelectrolyte gels in equilibrium with monovalent and divalent electrolyte solutions”, Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 194907 (2009). Link
Seeds – 2009
- Arroyo y de Dompablo, M. E.; Lee, Y.-L.; Morgan, D., “First principles investigation of oxygen vacancies in columbite MNb2O6 (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu)”, Chemistry of Materials 22 (3), 906-913 (2009). Link
- Jakes, J. E.; Frihart, C. R.; Beecher, J. F.; Moon, R. J.; Resto, P. J.; Melgarejo, Z. H.; Suarez, O. M.; Baumgart, H.; Elmustafa, A. A.; Stone, D. S., “Nanoindentation near the edge”, Journal of Materials Research 24 (3), 1016-1031 (2009). Link
- Jha, S.; Liu, C. C.; Kuan, T. S.; Babcock, S. E.; Nealey, P. F.; Park, J. H.; Mawst, L. J.; Kuech, T. F., “Defect reduction in epitaxial GaSb grown on nanopatterned GaAs substrates using full wafer block copolymer lithography”, Applied Physics Letters 95 (6), (2009). Link
- King, W. J.; Mohammed, J. S.; Murphy, W. L., “Modulating growth factor release from hydrogels via a protein conformational change”, Soft Matter 5 (12), 2399-2406 (2009). Link
- Kuech, T. F.; Jha, S.; Kuan, T. S.; Babcock, S. E.; Mawst, L. J., “Defect reduction in large lattice mismatch epitaxial growth through block copolymer full wafer patterning”, IEEE International Conference on Indium Phosphide & Related Materials, 63-64 (2009). Link
- Lee, Y.-L.; Kleis, J.; Rossmeisl, J.; Morgan, D., “Ab initio defect energetics in LaBO3 perovskite solid oxide fuel cell materials”, ECS Transactions 25 (2), 2761-2767 (2009).
- Lee, Y.-L.; Kleis, J.; Rossmeisl, J.; Morgan, D., “Ab initio energetics of LaBO3(001) (B=Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni) for solid oxide fuel cell cathodes”, Physical Review B 80, 224101 (2009). Link
- Lee, Y.-L.; Morgan, D., “Prediction of surface oxygen vacancy concentrations of (La1-xSrx)MnO3”, ECS Transactions 25 (2), 2769-2774 (2009).
- Liu, Y.; Szlufarska, I., “Competition between strain and chemistry effects on adhesion of Si and SiC”, Physical Review B 79 (9), 5 (2009). Link
- Mawst, L. J.; Park, J. H.; Rathi, M. K.; Kuech, T. F.; Verma, V. B.; Coleman, J. J., “Selective MOCVD growth of InGaAs/GaAs and InGaAs/InP quantum dots employing diblock copolymer nanopatterning”, Proceedings of SPIE, 7224, 722407-15 (2009). Link
- Mawst, L.; Park, J. H.; Kirch, J.; Liu, C. C.; Rathi, M.; Nealey, P.; Kuech, T., “Controlled growth of InGaAs/InGaAsP/InP quantum dots using diblock copolymer lithography6 and selective area MOCVD growth”, LEOS 2009 22nd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 739-40 (2009).
- Mohammed, J. S.; Murphy, W. L., “Bioinspired Design of Dynamic Materials”, Advanced Materials 21 (23), 2361-2374 (2009).Link
- Moralimohan, A.; Eun, Y. J.; Bhattacharyya, B.; Weibel, D. B., “Dissecting microbiological systems using materials science”, Trends in Microbiology 17 (3), 100-108 (2009). Link
- Park, J. H.; Kirch, J.; Liu, C.-C.; Rathi, M. K.; Mawst, L. J.; Nealey, P. F.; Kuech, T. F., “Selective growth and characterization of InGaAs quantum dots on patterned InP substrates utilizing a diblock copolymer template”, IEEE International Conference on Indium Phosphide & Related Materials, 52-54 (2009). Link
- Rathi, M. K.; Tsvid, G.; Shin, J. C.; Khandekar, A. A.; Botez, D.; Kuech, T. F., “Surface states passivation for and regrowth around nanoposts formed for the fabrication of InP-based intersubband quantum box lasers”, IEEE International Conference on Indium Phosphide & Related Materials, 83-86 (2009). Link
- Román-Leshkov, Y.; Dumesic, J. A., “Solvent effects on fructose dehydration to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in biphasic systems saturated with inorganic salts”, Topics in Catalysis 52 (3), 297-303 (2009). Link
- Santiago, D. I.; Acevedo, A.; Rinaldi, C., “Suspensions of magnetic nanoparticles in polymer liquid crystals: A new type of ferronematic”, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 07B512 (2009). Link
- Xi, H.; Sun, Y.; Yu, L., “Diffusion-controlled and diffusionless crystal growth in liquid o-terphenyl near its glass transition temperature”, Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 094508 (2009). Link
Education – 2009
- Cadwell, K. D.; Zenner, G. M.; Chesler, N. C.; Crone, W. C., “Teaching undergraduate engineering students auxiliary design skills via online video modules and active learning exercises”, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2009 Annual Conference and Exposition, Austin, TX, 518, 1-11 (2009).
- Cadwell, K. D.; Zenner, G. M.; Chesler, N. C.; Crone, W. C., “Teaching undergraduate engineering students auxiliary design skills via online video modules and active learning exercises”, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2009 Annual Conference and Exposition, Austin, TX, 518, 1-11 (2009).
- Crone, W. C.; Duncan, K. A.; Anderson, M.; Meshoulam, D.; Sims, M.; Luster, K.; Johnson, A.; Williamson, H.; Hood, E.; Zenner, G. M., “Interacting with the Public Using Images of the Nanoscale”, Proceedings of the 2009 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Albuquerque, NM, 197, 1-5 (2009).
- Crone, W. C.; Rediske, R.; Ackerman, S.; Dunwoody, S., “Engaging Science and Engineering Graduate Students with Informal Science Education”, Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference and Exposition for the American Society for Engineering Education, Austin, TX, 1205, 1-9 (2009).
Facilities – 2009
- Chen, P.; Chen, W. V.; Yu, P. K. L.; Tang, C. W.; Lau, K. M.; Mawst, L. J.; Paulson, C.; Kuech, T. F.; Lau, S. S., “Effects of hydrogen implantation damage on the performance of InP/InGaAs/InP p-i-n photodiodes transferred on silicon”, Applied Physics Letters 94, 012101 (2009). Link
- Ding, R.; Klein, L. J.; Friesen, M. G.; Eriksson, M. A.; Wendt, A. E., “Sidewall damage in plasma etching of Si/SiGe heterostructures”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 27 (4), 836-843 (2009). Link
- Gaertner, C. A.; Serrano-Ruiz, J. C.; Braden, D. J.; Dumesic, J. A., “Catalytic coupling of carboxylic acids by ketonization as a processing step in biomass conversion”, Journal of Catalysis 266 (1), 71-78 (2009). Link
- Gartner, C. A.; Serrano-Ruiz, J. C.; Braden, D. J.; Dumesic, J. A., “Catalytic Upgrading of Bio-Oils by Ketonization”, Chemsuschem 2 (12), 1121-1124 (2009). Link
- Gomopoulos, N.; Cheng, W.; Efremov, M.; Nealey, P. F.; Fytas, G., “Out-of-Plane Longitudinal Elastic Modulus of Supported Polymer Thin Films”, Macromolecules 42 (18), 7164-7167 (2009). Link
- Han, E.; Stuen, K. O.; Leolukman, M.; Liu, C. C.; Nealey, P. F.; Gopalan, P., “Perpendicular Orientation of Domains in Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymer Thick Films by Controlled Interfacial Interactions”, Macromolecules 42 (13), 4896-4901 (2009). Link
- Hirai, T.; Leolukman, M.; Jin, S.; Goseki, R.; Ishida, Y.; Kakimoto, M. A.; Hayakawa, T.; Ree, M.; Gopalan, P., “Hierarchical Self-Assembled Structures from POSS-Containing Block Copolymers Synthesized by Living Anionic Polymerization”, Macromolecules 42 (22), 8835-8843 (2009). Link
- Hirai, T.; Leolukman, M.; Liu, C. C.; Han, E.; Kim, Y. J.; Ishida, Y.; Hayakawa, T.; Kakimoto, M.; Nealey, P. F.; Gopalan, P., “One-Step Direct-Patterning Template Utilizing Self-Assembly of POSS-Containing Block Copolymers”, Advanced Materials 21 (43), 4334-+ (2009). Link
- Horne, W. S.; Johnson, L. M.; Ketas, T. J.; Klasse, P. J.; Lu, M.; Moore, J. P.; Gellman, S. H., “Structural and biological mimicry of protein surface recognition by alpha/beta-peptide foldamers”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (35), 14751-14756 (2009). Link
- Huang, J. Y. T.; Mawst, L. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Song, X.; Babcock, S. E.; Kim, C. S.; Vurgaftman, I.; Meyer, J. R.; Holmes, J., A. L., “Design and characterization of strained InGaAs/GaAsSb type-II ‘W’ quantum wells on InP substrates for mid-IR emission”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 025108 (2009). Link
- Hudalla, G. A.; Murphy, W. L., “Using ‘Click’ Chemistry to Prepare SAM Substrates to Study Stem Cell Adhesion”, Langmuir 25 (10), 5737-5746 (2009). Link
- Hwang, J.; Clausen, A. M.; Cao, H. B.; Voyles, P. M., “Reverse Monte Carlo structural model for a zirconium-based metallic glass incorporating fluctuation microscopy medium-range order data”, Journal of Materials Research 24 (10), 3121-3129 (2009).Link
- Jongpaiboonkit, L.; Franklin-Ford, T.; Murphy, W. L., “Mineral-coated polymer microspheres for controlled protein binding and release”, Advanced Materials 21 (19), 1960-1963 (2009). Link
- Kang, H. M.; Kim, Y. J.; Gopalan, P.; Nealey, P. F., “Control of the critical dimensions and line edge roughness with pre-organized block copolymer pixelated photoresists”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 27 (6), 2993-2997 (2009). Link
- Kaufman, L.; Pereprezko, J. H.; Hildal, K.; Farmer, J.; Day, D.; Yang, N.; Branagan, D., “Transformation, stability and Pourbaix diagrams of high performance corrosion resistant (HPCRM) alloys”, CALPHAD 33 (1), 89-99 (2009). Link
- Kim, Y. J.; Kang, H. M.; Leolukman, M.; Nealey, P. F.; Gopalan, P., “Synthesis of Photoacid Generator-Containing Patternable Diblock Copolymers by Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Transfer Polymerization”, Chemistry of Materials 21 (14), 3030-3032 (2009). Link
- King Heiden, T. C.; Wiecinski, P. N.; Mangham, A. N.; Metz, K. M.; Nesbit, D.; Pedersen, J. A.; Hamers, R. J.; Heideman, W.; Peterson, R. E., “Quantum dot nanotoxicity assessment using the zebrafish embryo”, Environmental Science and Technology 43 (5), 1605-1611 (2009). Link
- Koepsel, J. T.; Murphy, W. L., “Patterning Discrete Stem Cell Culture Environments via Localized Self-Assembled Monolayer Replacement”, Langmuir 25 (21), 12825-12834 (2009). Link
Kunkes, E. L.; Gurbuz, E. I.; Dumesic, J. A., “Vapour-phase C-C coupling reactions of biomass-derived oxygenates over Pd/CeZrOx catalysts”, Journal of Catalysis 266 (2), 236-249 (2009). Link
- Kunkes, E. L.; Soares, R. R.; Simonetti, D. A.; Dumesic, J. A., “An integrated catalytic approach for the production of hydrogen by glycerol reforming coupled with water-gas shift”, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 90 (3-4), 693-698 (2009). Link
- Lau, Y. K. A.; Chernak, D. J.; Bierman, M. J.; Jin, S., “Formation of PbS Nanowire Pine Trees Driven by Screw Dislocations”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (45), 16461-16471 (2009). Link
- Leolukman, M.; Paoprasert, P.; Mandel, I.; Diaz, S. J.; McGee, D. J.; Gopalan, P., “Linear-Dendritic Block Copolymer Hosts for the Encapsulation of Electro-Optic Chromophores via H-Bonding”, Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry 47 (19), 5017-5026 (2009). Link
- Liu, F.; Lagally, M. G.; Zang, J., “Nanomechanical Architectures-Mechanics-Driven Fabrication Based on Crystalline Membranes”, MRS Bulletin 34 (3), 190-195 (2009).
- Liu, G. L.; Ji, S. X.; Stuen, K. O.; Craig, G. S. W.; Nealey, P. F.; Himpsel, F. J., “Modification of a polystyrene brush layer by insertion of poly(methyl methacrylate) molecules”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 27 (6), 3038-3042 (2009). Link
- Lo, C.-W.; Jiang, H., “Photo patterning and degradation study of dexran-glycidyl methacrylate hydrogels”, Polymer Engineering and Science 50 (2), 232-239 (2009). Link
- Marconnet, A. M.; He, M.; Sengele, S.; Ferrier, N. J.; van der Weide, D. W.; Madhaven, V.; Nelson, N.; Booske, J. H., “Microfabricated silicon high frequency waveguide couplers and antennas”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 56 (4), (2009).Link
- Metz, K. M.; Mangham, A. N.; Bierman, M. J.; Jin, S.; Hamers, R. J.; Pedersen, J. A., “Engineered nanomaterial transformation under oxidative environmental conditions: Development of an in vitro biomimetic assay”, Environmental Science and Technology 43 (5), 1598-1604 (2009). Link
- Morin, S. A.; La, Y. H.; Liu, C. C.; Streifer, J. A.; Hamers, R. J.; Nealey, P. F.; Jin, S., “Assembly of Nanocrystal Arrays by Block-Copolymer-Directed Nucleation”, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 48 (12), 2135-2139 (2009). Link
- Nanstad, R. K.; McClintock, D. A.; Hoelzer, D. T.; Tan, L.; Allen, T. R., “High temperature irradiation effects in selected Generation IV structural alloys”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 392 (2), 331-340 (2009). Link
- Olson, L. C.; Ambrosek, J. W.; Sridharan, K.; Anderson, M. H.; Allen, T. R., “Materials corrosion in molten LiF-NaF-KF salt”, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 130 (1), 67-73 (2009). Link
- Pallecchi, I.; Ferrando, V.; Tarantini, C.; Putti, M.; Ferdeghini, C.; Zhu, Y.; Voyles, P. M.; Xi, X. X., “Increased in-field critical current density in neutron irradiated MgB2 films”, Superconductor Science and Technology 22, 015023 (2009). Link
- Park, J. H.; Liu, C.-C.; Rathi, M. K.; Mawst, L. J.; Nealey, P. F.; Kuech, T. F., “Nano-scale selective growth and optical characteristics of quantum dots on III-V substrates prepared by diblock copolymer nano-patterning”, Journal of Nanophotonics 3, 031604 (2009). Link
- Rodrigues, D.; Jiang, J. Y.; Zhu, Y.; Voyles, P.; Larbalestier, D. C.; Hellstrom, E. E., “Flux Pinning Optimization of MgB2 Bulk Samples Prepared Using High-Energy Ball Milling and Addition of TaB2”, Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 19 (3), 2797-2801 (2009). Link
- Saurer, E. M.; Jewell, C. M.; Kuchenreuther, J. M.; Lynn, D. M., “Assembly of erodible, DNA-containing thin films on the surfaces of polymer microparticles: Toward a layer-by-layer approach to the delivery of DNA to antigen-presenting cells”, Acta Biomaterialia 5 (3), 913-924 (2009). Link
- Sengele, S.; Jiang, H.; Booske, J. H.; Kory, C. L.; van der Weide, D. W.; Ives, R. L., “Microfabrication and characterization of a selectively metalized w-band, meander-line TWT circuit”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 56 (4), (2009). Link
- Serrano-Ruiz, J. C.; Dumesic, J. A., “Catalytic Processing of Lactic Acid over Pt/Nb2O5”, Chemsuschem 2 (6), 581-586 (2009).Link
- Serrano-Ruiz, J. C.; Dumesic, J. A., “Catalytic upgrading of lactic acid to fuels and chemicals by dehydration/hydrogenation and C-C coupling reactions”, Green Chemistry 11 (8), 1101-1104 (2009).
- Simmons, C. B.; Thalakulam, M.; Rosemeyer, B. M.; Van Bael, B. J.; Sackmann, E. K.; Savage, D. E.; Lagally, M. G.; Joynt, R.; Friesen, M.; Coppersmith, S. N.; Eriksson, M. A., “Charge Sensing and Controllable Tunnel Coupling in a Si/SiGe Double Quantum Dot”, Nano Letters 9 (9), 3234-3238 (2009). Link
- Smith, C. I.; Bowfield, A.; Cuquerella, M. C.; Mansley, C. P.; Farrell, T.; Harrison, P.; Martin, D. S.; Fernig, D. G.; Edwards, C.; Butler, J. E.; Hamers, R. J.; Sun, B.; Wang, X.; Weightman, P., “Detection of DNA hybridisation on a functionalised diamond surfaces”, Europhyics Letters 85, 18006 (2009). Link
- Tan, L.; Allen, T. R., “Localized corrosion of magnetite on ferritic-martensitic steels exposed to supercritical water”, Corrosion Science 51 (11), 2503-2507 (2009). Link
- Tan, L.; Allen, T. R.; Barringer, E., “Effect of microstructure on the corrosion of CVD-SiC exposed to supercritical water”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 394 (1), 95-101 (2009). Link
- Totolin, V.; Sarmadi, M.; Manolache, S. O.; Denes, F. S., “Low Pressure, Nonequilibrium-Plasma-Assisted Generation of Flame Retardant Cotton”, Aatcc Review 9 (6), 32-37 (2009).
- Truitt, J. L.; Slinker, K. A.; Lewis, K. L. M.; Savage, D. E.; Tahan, C.; Klein, L. J.; Chu, J. O.; Mooney, P. M.; Tyryshkin, A. M.; van der Weide, D. W.; Joynt, R.; Coppersmith, S. N.; Friesen, M.; Eriksson, M. A., “Si/SiGe Quantum Devices, Quantum Wells, and Electron-Spin Coherence”, Topics in Applied Physics, vol. 115: Electron Spin Resonance and Related Phenomena in Low-Dimensional Structures, Fanciulli, M.: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 101-127 (2009). Link
- West, R. M.; Braden, D. J.; Dumesic, J. A., “Dehydration of butanol to butene over solid acid catalysts in high water environments”, Journal of Catalysis 262 (1), 134-143 (2009). Link
- West, R. M.; Kunkes, E. L.; Simonetti, D. A.; Dumesic, J. A., “Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived carbohydrates to fuels and chemicals by formation and upgrading of mono-functional hydrocarbon intermediates”, Catalysis Today 147 (2), 115-125 (2009). Link
- West, R. M.; Tucker, M. H.; Braden, D. J.; Dumesic, J. A., “Production of alkanes from biomass derived carbohydrates on bi-functional catalysts employing niobium-based supports”, Catalysis Communications 10 (13), 1743-1746 (2009). Link
- Yang, Y.; Dickerson, C. A.; Allen, T. R., “Radiation stability of ZrN under 2.6 MeV proton irradiation”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 392 (2), 200-205 (2009). Link
- Zhang, P. P.; Yang, B.; Rugheimer, P. P.; Roberts, M. M.; Savage, D. E.; Liu, F.; Lagally, M. G., “Influence of germanium on thermal dewetting and agglomeration of the silicon template layer in thin silicon-on-insulator”, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 42 (17), (2009). Link
- Zhu, Y.; Hunte, F.; Zhuang, C. G.; Feng, Q. R.; Gan, Z. Z.; Xi, X. X.; Larbalestier, D. C.; Voyles, P. M., “MgO platelets and high critical field in MgB2 thin films doped with carbon from methane”, Superconductor Science & Technology 22 (12), (2009). Link
IRG 1 – 2008
- Beil, F.W.; Wixforth, A.; Bichler, M.; Wegscheider, W.; Schuh, D.; Blick, R.H., “Shock waves in nanomechanical resonators”, Physical Review Letters 100, 026801 (2008). Link
- Cullen, S.; Ha, S. K.; Lagally, M. G.; Gopalan, P., “Photopatternable substrate-independent poly (glycidyl methacrylate-ran-2-(acryloyloxy) ethyl 2-methylacrylate) polymer films for immobilization of biomolecules”, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 46 (17), 5826-5838 (2008). Link
- Euaruksakul, C.; Li, Z. W.; Zheng, F.; Himpsel, F. J.; Ritz, C. S.; Tanto, B.; Savage, D. E.; Liu, X. S.; Lagally, M. G., “Influence of strain on the conduction band structure of strained silicon nanomembranes”, Physical Review Letters 101, 147403 (2008). Link
- Harb, M.; Ernstorfer, R.; Hebeisen, C.T.; Sciaini, G.; Peng, W.; Dartigalongue, T.; Eriksson, M.A.; Lagally, M.G.; Kruglik, S.G.; Miller, R.J.D., “Electronically driven structure changes of Si captured by femtosecond electron diffraction”, Physical Review Letters 100, 155504 (2008). Link
- Jiang, H.; Jantan, M. K.; Manolache, S.; Denes, F. S.; Lagally, M. G., “Plasma-enhanced synthesis of thin fluoropolymer layers with low Raman and fluorescence backgrounds”, Langmuir 24 (16), 8672-8677 (2008). Link
- Ma, Z.; Yuan, H.-C.; Wang, G.; Pang, H.; Qin, G., “Flexible plastic single-crystal Si CMOS”, 9th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuits Technology (ICSICT’08) Proceedings, Beijing, China, (2008). Link
- Ma, Z.; Zhou, W., “Semiconductor nanomembranes and applications in electronics and photonics”, Proceedings of IEEE 8th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE Nano 2008), Arlington, TX, 191-192 (2008). Link
- Pang, H.; Yuan, H.-C.; Celler, G.K.; Ma, Z.Q., “Complementary TFTs and inverters on flexible plastic substrates using Si(100) nanomembranes”, 2008 Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Digest of Papers, 126-129 (2008).Link
- Prada, M.; Blick, R. H.; Joynt, R., “Singlet-triplet relaxation in two-electron silicon quantum dots”, Physical Review B 77, 115438 (2008). Link
- Qiang, Z.; Chen, L.; Yang, L.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W., “Fano filter modal analysis based on transferred silicon nanomembranes on flexible substrates”, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, 7031, 703109 (2008). Link
- Qiang, Z.; Yang, H.; Chen, L.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W., “Fano filters based on transferred silicon nanomembranes on plastic substrates”, Applied Physics Letters 93, 061106 (2008). Link
- Qiang, Z.; Yang, H.; Chen, L.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W.; Brown, G. J., “Characteristics of surface-normal Fano filters on flexible plastic substrates”, Proceedings of IEEE 8th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE Nano 2008), Arlington, TX, 78-80 (2008). Link
- Qin, H.; Kim, H.S.; Blick, R.H., “Nanopillar arrays on semiconductor membranes as electron emission amplifiers”, Nanotechnology 19, 095504 (2008). Link
- Ramayya, E. B.; Vasileska, D.; Goodnick, S. M.; Knezevic, I., “Cross-sectional dependence of electron mobility and lattice thermal conductivity in silicon nanowires”, Journal of Computational Electronics 7 (3), 319-323 (2008). Link
- Ramayya, E. B.; Vasileska, D.; Goodnick, S. M.; Knezevic, I., “Electron transport in silicon nanowires: The role of acoustic phonon confinement and surface roughness scattering”, Journal of Applied Physics 104, 063711 (2008). Link
- Ramayya, E. B.; Vasileska, D.; Goodnick, S. M.; Knezevic, I., “Thermoelectric properties of silicon nanowires”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO ’08), Arlington, TX, 339-342 (2008). Link
- Shaji, N.; Simmons, C.B.; Klein, L.J.; Qin, H.; Savage, D.E.; Lagally, M.G.; Coppersmith, S.N.; Joynt, R.; Friesen, M.; Blick, R.H.; Eriksson, M.A., “Top-gated few-electron double quantum dot in Si/SiGe”, Physica E 40 (3), 520-523 (2008). Link
- Shaji, N.; Simmons, C.B.; Thalakulam, M.; Klein, L.J.; Qin, H.; Luo, H.; Savage, D.E.; Lagally, M.G.; Rimberg, A.J.; Joynt, R.; Friesen, M.; Blick, R.H.; Coppersmith, S.N.; Eriksson, M.A., “Spin blockade and lifetime-enhanced transport in a few-electron Si/SiGe double quantum dot”, Nature Physics 4 (7), 540-544 (2008). Link
- Toonen, R. C.; Hasselby, C. C.; Blick, R. H., “An ultra-wideband cross-correlation radiometer for mesoscopic experiments”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 57 (12), 2874-2879 (2008). Link
- Yang, H.; Chen, L.; Chuwongin, S.; Qiang, Z.; Zhou, W.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z., “Spectral trimming of Fano reflectors on silicon and glass substrates”, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS’08), Newport Beach, CA, (2008). Link
- Yang, H.; Chen, L.; Qiang, Z.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W., “Characteristics of Fano filters based on transferred silicon nanomembranes on glass and plastic substrates”, Proceedings of Asia Optical Fiber Communication & Optoelectronic Exposition & Conference, Shanghai, China, (2008).
- Yang, H.; Pang, H.; Qiang, Z.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W., “Surface-normal Fano filters based on transferred silicon nanomembranes on glass substrates”, Electronics Letters 44 (14), 858-860 (2008). Link
- Yang, H.; Qiang, Z.; Chen, L.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W., “Surface-normal Fano filters and broadband reflectors based on transferred silicon nanomembranes on glass substrates”, Proceedings of IEEE 8th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE Nano 2008), Arlington, TX, 209-210 (2008). Link
- Yang, H.; Qiang, Z.; Pang, H.; Ma, Z.; Zhou, W.; Lu, M.; Soref, R. A., “Surface-normal Fano filters based on transferred silicon nanomembranes on glass surfaces”, Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics and the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS), San Jose, CA, (2008).
- Yuan, H.-C.; Kelly, M.M.; Savage, D.E.; Lagally, M.G.; Celler, G.K.; Ma, Z.Q., “Thermally processed high-mobility MOS thin-film transistors on transferable single-crystal elastically strain-sharing Si/SiGe/Si nanomembranes”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 55 (3), 810-815 (2008). Link
IRG 2 – 2008
- Colavita, P.E.; Streifer, J.; Sun, B.; Wang, X.; Warf, P.; Hamers, R.J., “Enhancement of photochemical grafting of terminal alkenes via molecular mediators: The role of surface-bound electron acceptors”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (13), 5102-5112 (2008). Link
- Hamers, R. J., “Formation and characterization of organic monolayers on semiconductor surfaces”, Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 1, 707-736 (2008). Link
- Kim, H.; Colavita, P.E.; Paoprasert, P.; Gopalan, P.; Kuech, T.F.; Hamers, R.J., “Grafting of molecular layers to oxidized gallium nitride surfaces via phosphonic acid linkages”, Surface Science 602 (14), 2382-2388 (2008). Link
- King, S. T.; Parihar, S. S.; Pradhan, K.; Johnson-Steigelman, H. T.; Lyman, P. F., “Observation of a (√3x√3)R30˚ reconstruction on ZnO (0001)”, Surface Science Letters 602, L131 (2008). Link
- Lockett, M. R.; Weibel, S. C.; Phillips, M. F.; Shortreed, M. R.; Sun, B.; Hamers, R. J.; Cerrina, F.; Smith, L. M., “Carbon-on-metal films for surface plasmon resonance detection of DNA arrays”, Journal of American Chemical Society 130 (27), 8611-8613 (2008). Link
- Paoprasert, P.; Park, B.; Kim, H.; Colavita, P.; Hamers, R. J.; Evans, P. G.; Gopalan, P., “Dipolar chromophore functional layers in organic field effect transistors”, Advanced Materials 20 (21), 4180-4184 (2008). Link
- Parihar, S.S.; Lyman, P.F., “Surface phase diagram and alloy formation for antimony on Au(110)”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 26 (3), 485-492 (2008). Link
- Park, B.-N.; In, I.; Gopalan, P.; Evans, P.G.; King, S.T.; Lyman, P.F., “Enhanced hole mobility in ambipolar rubrene thin film transistors on polystyrene”, Applied Physics Letters 92, 133302 (2008). Link
- Seo, S.; Grabow, L.C.; Mavrikakis, M.; Hamers, R.J.; Thompson, N.J.; Evans, P.G., “Molecular-scale structural distortion near vacancies in pentacene”, Applied Physics Letters 92, 153313 (2008). Link
- Uhlrich, J.J.; Grabow, L.C.; Mavrikakis, M.; Kuech, T.F., “Practical surface treatments and surface chemistry of n-type and p-type of GaN”, Journal of Electronic Materials 37 (4), 439-447 (2008). Link
IRG 3 – 2008
- Agarwal, A.; Huang, E.; Palecek, S. P.; Abbott, N. L., “Optically responsive and mechanically tunable colloid-in-liquid crystal gels that support growth of fibroblasts”, Advanced Materials 20 (24), 4804-4809 (2008). Link
- Bertics, P. J.; Koziol, C.; Wiepz, G. J., “Signal Transduction”, Middleton’s Allergy: Principles and Practice, Elsevier, 129-148 (2008).
- Cheun, H.; Liu, X.; Himpsel, F. J.; Knaapila, M.; Scherf, U.; Torkkeli, M.; Winokur, M. J., “Polarized optical absorption spectroscopy, NEXAFS, and GIXRD measurements of chain alignment in polyfluorene thin films”, Macromolecules 41 (17), 6463-6472 (2008). Link
- Chopra, M.; Malshe, R.; Reddy, A.S.; de Pablo, J.J., “Improved transition path sampling methods for simulation of rare events”, Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 144104 (2008). Link
- Chopra, M.; Reddy, A. S.; Abbott, N. L.; de Pablo, J. J., “Folding of polyglutamine chains”, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 135102 (2008). Link
- Cullen, S.; Liu, X.; Mandel, I.; Himpsel, F.J.; Gopalan, P., “Polymeric brushes as funtional templates for immobilizing Ribonuclease A: Study of binding kinetics and activity”, Langmuir 24 (3), 913-920 (2008). Link
- Fraser, S.A.; Ting, Y.-H.; Wendt, A.E.; Murphy, C.J.; Nealey, P.F., “Sub-micron and nanoscale feature depth modulates alignment of stromal fibroblasts and corneal epithelial cells in serum-rich and serum-free media”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A 86A (3), 725-735 (2008). Link
- Gupta, J.K.; Meli, M.-V.; Teren, S.; Abbott, N.L., “Elastic energy-driven phase separation of phospholipid monolayers at the nematic liquid crystal-aqueous interface”, Physical Review Letters 100, 048301 (2008). Link
- Hubbard, F. P.; Abbott, N. L., “A small angle neutron scattering study of the thicknesses of vesicle bilayers formed from mixtures of alkyl sulfates and cationic bolaform surfactants”, Soft Matter 4 (11), 2225-2231 (2008). Link
- Jewell, C. M.; Hays, M. E.; Kondo, Y.; Abbott, N. L.; Lynn, D. M., “Chemical activation of lipoplexes formed from DNA and a redox-active, ferrocene-containing cationic lipid”, Bioconjugate Chemistry 19 (11), 2120-2128 (2008). Link
- Karuri, N. W.; Nealey, P. F.; Murphy, C. J.; Albrecht, R. M., “Structural organization of the cytoskeleton in SV40 human corneal epithelial cells cultured on nano- and microscale topography”, Scanning 30 (5), 405-413 (2008). Link
- Kinsinger, M. I.; Buck, M. E.; Campos, F.; Lynn, D. M.; Abbott, N. L., “Dynamic ordering transitions of liquid crystals driven by interfacial complexes formed between polyanions and amphiphilic polyamines”, Langmuir 24 (23), 13231-13236 (2008). Link
- Lockwood, N.A.; Gupta, J.K.; Abbott, N.L., “Self-assembly of amphiphiles, polymers and proteins at interfaces between thermotropic liquid crystals and aqueous phases”, Surface Science Reports 63 (6), 255-293 (2008). Link
- Lowe, A.M.; Bertics, P.J.; Abbott, N.L., “Quantitative methods based on twisted nematic liquid crystals for mapping surfaces patterned with bio/chemical functionality relevant to bioanalytical assays”, Analytical Chemistry 80 (8), 2637-2645 (2008). Link
- Lowe, A.M.; Ozer, B.H.; Wiepz, G.J.; Bertics, P.J.; Abbott, N.L., “Engineering of PDMS surfaces for use in microsystems for capture and isolation of complex and biomedically important proteins: Epidermal growth factor receptor as a model system”, Lab on a Chip 8, 1357-1364 (2008). Link
- Meli, V.; Lin, I.-H.; Abbott, N.L., “Preparation of microscopic and planar oil-water interfaces that are decorated with prescribed densities of insoluble amphiphiles”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (13), 4326-4333 (2008). Link
- Metallo, C.M.; Azarin, S.M.; Ji, L.; de Pablo, J.J.; Palecek, S.P., “Engineering tissue from human embryonic stem cells”, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 12 (3), 709-729 (2008). Link
- Metallo, C.M.; Ji, L.; de Pablo, J.J.; Palecek, S.P., “Retinoic acid and bone morphogenic protein signaling synergize to efficiently direct epithelial differentiation of human embryonic stem cells”, Stem Cells 26 (2), 372-380 (2008). Link
- Metallo, C.M.; Vodyanik, M.A.; de Pablo, J.J.; Slukvin, I.I.; Palecek, S.P., “The response of human embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial cells to shear stress”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering 100 (4), 830-837 (2008). Link
- Park, J.-S.; Abbott, N.L., “Ordering transitions in thermotropic liquid crystals induced by the interfacial assembly and enzymatic processing of oligopeptide- amphiphiles”, Advanced Materials 20 (6), 1185-1190 (2008). Link
- Pizzey, C.L.; Jewell, C.M.; Hays, M.E.; Lynn, D.M.; Abbott, N.L., “Characterization of the nanostructure of complexes formed by a redox-active cationic lipid and DNA”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (18), 5849-5857 (2008). Link
- Quinchia-Rios, B. H.; Abozeid, S.; Guerrero, M.; Bainbridge, B.; Darveau, R.; Compton, T.; Bertics, P. J., “Down-regulation of EGF receptor-dependent signaling by Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide in life-expanded human gingival fibroblasts”, Journal of Periodontal Research 43, 290-304 (2008). Link
- Riggleman, R. A.; de Pablo, J. J., “Antiplasticization and local elastic constants in trehalose and glycerol mixtures”, Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 224504 (2008). Link
- Russell, P.; Gasiorowski, J. Z.; Nealey, P. F.; Murphy, C. J., “Response of human trabecular meshwork cells to topographic cues on the nanoscale level”, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49 (2), 629-635 (2008). Link
- Saha, S.; Ji, L.; de Pablo, J.J.; Palecek, S.P., “TGF{beta}/activin/nodal pathway in inhibition of human embryonic stem cell differentiation by mechanical strain”, Biophysical Journal 94 (10), 4123-4133 (2008). Link
- Sivakumar, S.; Gupta, J.K.; Abbott, N.L.; Caruso, F., “Monodisperse emulsions through templating polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules”, Chemistry of Materials 20 (6), 2063-2065 (2008). Link
- Sridharamurhy, S.S.; Cadwell, K.D.; Abbott, N.L.; Jiang, H., “A microstructure for the detection of vapor-phase analytes based on orientational transitions of liquid crystals”, Smart Materials and Structures 17, 012001 (2008). Link
- Ting, Y.-H.; Park, S.M.; Liu, C.-C.; Liu, X.; Himpsel, F.J.; Nealey, P.F., “Plasma etch removal of poly(methyl methacrylate) in block copolymer lithography”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 26 (5), 1684-1689 (2008). Link
- Yin, D. W.; Horkay, F.; Douglas, J. F.; de Pablo, J. J., “Molecular simulation of the swelling of polyelectrolyte gels by monovalent and divalent counterions”, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 154902 (2008). Link
Seeds – 2008
- Dong, L.; Stone, D. S.; Lakes, R. S., “Broadband viscoelastic spectroscopy measurement of mechanical loss and modulus of polycrystalline BaTiO3 vs. temperature and frequency”, physica status solidi (b) 245 (11), 2422-2432 (2008). Link
- Dong, L.; Stone, D.S.; Lakes, R.S., “Mechanical damping and softening near the Curie point of barium titanate”, 45th meeting, Society of Engineering Science, University of Illinois, (2008).
- Lakes, R.; Wojciechowski, K.W., “Negative compressibility, negative Poisson’s ratio, and stability”, physica status solidi (b) 245 (3), 545-551 (2008). Link
- Lee, Y.-L.; Morgan, D., “Ab initio study of surface and surface oxygen diffusion properties of LAMnO3”, 37th TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, (2008).
- Lee, Y.-L.; Morgan, D., “Ab initio study of surface oxygen reduction reaction propertis of LaBO3 (B=Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni) for solid oxide fuel cells”, 214th Meeting of teh Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, HI, (2008).
- Lee, Y.-L.; Morgan, D., “Oxygen reduction and surface properties of LSM for solid oxide fuel cells”, 214th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, HI, (2008).
- Melgarejo, Z.H.; Suarez, O.M.; Sridharan, K., “Microstructure and properties of functionally graded Al-Mg-B composites fabricated by centrifugal casting”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 39 (7), 1150-1158 (2008). Link
- Sun, Y.; Xi, H.; Ediger, M.D.; Yu, L., “Crystallization near glass transition: Transition from diffusion-controlled to diffusionless crystal growth studied with seven polymorphs”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (18), 5594-5601 (2008). Link
- Sun, Y.; Xi, H.; Ediger, M.D.; Yu, L., “Diffusionless crystal growth from glass has precursor in equilibrium liquid”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (3), 661-664 (2008). Link
Education – 2008
- Cadwell, K. D.; Crone, W. C., “Training undergraduates in the broader context of the research enterprise”, 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 1364, 1-9 (2008).
- Crone, W.C., “A review of “Nanoscale science and engineering education”, edited by A.E. Sweeney & S. Seal, American Scientific Publishers”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 10 (6), 1085-1087 (2008). Link
- Garvey, C.J.; Hammer, D.M.; Praserchoung, S.; Gomar-Nadal, E.; Hines, D.R.; Miller, J.D.; Campbell, D.J., “Demonstrating photolithography with LEGO(r) bricks”, The Chemical Educator 13 (6), 348-350 (2008). Link
Facilities – 2008
- Albrecht, R. M.; Meyer, D. A., “Molecular labeling for correlative microscopy: LM, LSEM, TEM, EF-TEM and HVEM”, Biological Low Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy, Schatten, H.; Pawley, J.B.: Springer Science, (2008).
- Allen, T. R.; Sridharan, K.; Chen, Y.; Tan, L.; Ren, X.; Kruizenga, A., “Materials development and selection for corrosion resistance: A critical issue in supercritical water reactors”, 16th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (16PBNC), Aomori, Japan, (2008).
- Ambrosek, J. W.; Sridharan, K.; Anderson, M.; Allen, T. R., “Material corrosion in liquid KCl-MgCl2 salt”, American Nuclear Society Transactions 98, 1038-1039 (2008).
- Atapattu, D. N.; Albrecht, R. M.; McClenahan, D. J.; Czuprynski, C. J., “Dynamin-2-dependent targeting of Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin to mitochondrial cyclophilin D in bovine lymphoblastoid cells”, Infection and Immunity 76 (11), 5357-5365 (2008). Link
- Bierman, M. J.; Lau, Y. H. A.; Kvit, A. V.; Schmitt, A. L.; Jin, S., “Dislocation driven nanowire growth and Eshelby twist”, Science 320 (5879), 1060-1063 (2008). Link
- Bindeman, I. N.; Fu, B.; Kita, N. T.; Valley, J. W., “Origin and evolution of silicic magmatism at Yellowstone based on Ion microprobe analysis of isotopically zoned zircons”, Journal of Petrology 49 (1), 163-193 (2008). Link
- Bleher, R.; Kandela, I. K.; Meyer, D. A.; Albrecht, R. M., “Immuno-EM using colloidal metal nanoparticles and electron spectroscopic imaging for colocalization at high spatial resolution”, Journal of Microscopy 230 (3), 388-395 (2008). Link
- Bonifas, C. J.; Marconnet, A.; Perry, J.; Booske, J. H.; Cooper, R. F., “Microwave-induced mass transport enhancement in nano-porous aluminum oxide membranes”, Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 42 (1), 13-22 (2008). Link
- Bonifas, C. J.; Thompson, K.; Booske, J. H.; Cooper, R. F., “An examination of athermal, photonic effects on boron diffusion and activation during microwave rapid thermal processing”, Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 42 (1), 23-34 (2008). Link
- Cedeno-Mattei, Y.; Perales-Perez, O.; Tomar, M. S.; Roman, F.; Voyles, P. M.; Stratton, W. G., “Tuning of magnetic properties in cobalt ferrite nanocrystals”, Journal of Applied Physics 103 (7), (2008). Link
- Chandra, A.; Turng, L.S.; Gopalan, P.; Rowell, R.M.; Gong, S., “Study of utilizing thin polymer surface coating on the nanoparticles for melt compounding of polycarbonate/alumina nanocomposites and their optical properties”, Composites Science and Technology 68 (3-4), 768-776 (2008). Link
- Chen, P.; Jing, Y.; Lau, S. S.; Xu, D.; Mawst, L. J.; Alford, T. L.; Paulson, C.; Kuech, T. F., “High crystalline-quality III-V layer transfer onto Si substrate”, Applied Physics Letters 92, 092107 (2008). Link
- Chen, W.; Chen, P.; Pulsifer, J. E.; Alford, T. L.; Kuech, T. F.; Lau, S. S., “Integration of thin layers of single-crystalline InP with flexible substrates”, Applied Physics Letters 92, 212109 (2008). Link
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- Peng, W.; Roberts, M.M.; Nordberg, E.P.; Flack, F.S.; Colavita, P.E.; Hamers, R.J.; Savage, D.E.; Lagally, M.G.; Eriksson, M.A., “Single-crystal silicon/silicon dioxide multilayer heterostructures based on nanomembrane transfer”, Applied Physics Letters 90, 183107 (2007). Link
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IRG 2 – 2007
- Amos, F. F.; Morin, S. A.; Streifer, J. A.; Hamers, R. J.; Jin, S., “Photodetector arrays directly assembled onto polymer substrates from aqueous solution”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129, 14296-14302 (2007). Link
- Clayton, A.J.; Khandekar, A.A.; Kuech, T.F.; Mason, N.J.; Robinson, M.F.; Watkins, S.; Guo, Y., “Growth of AIN by vectored flow epitaxy”, Journal of Crystal Growth 298, 328-331 (2007). Link
- Evans, P. G.; Park, P.; Seo, S.; Zwickey, J.; In, I.; Paoprasert, P.; Gopalan, P., “Design and characterization of pentacene-inorganic interfaces”, Physica B: Condensed Matter 401-402, 686-690 (2007). Link
- Evans, P.G.; Park, P.; Seo, S.; Zwickey, J.; In, I.; Paoprasert, P.; Gopalan, P., “Design and characterization of pentacene-inorganic interfaces”, Physica B: Condensed Matter 401-402, 686-690 (2007). Link
- Fung, R.; Shneerson, V.L.; Lyman, P.F.; Parihar, S.S.; Johnson-Steigelman, H.T.; Saldin, D.K., “Phase and amplitude recovery and diffraction image generation method: structure of Sb/Au(110)-3 x 3R54.7˚ from surface X-ray diffraction”, Acta Crystallographica A63, 239-250 (2007). Link
- Gokhale, A.A.; Kuech, T.F.; Mavrikakis, M., “A theoretical comparative study of the surfactant effect of Sb and Bi on GaN growth”, Journal of Crystal Growth 303 (2), 493-499 (2007). Link
- Kuech, T.F., “Surfactants in semiconductor epitaxy”, Perspectives on Inorganic, Organic and Biological Crystal Growth: From Fundamentals to Applications, AIP Conferences Proceedings, 913, 288-306 (2007). Link
- Park, B.-N.; Paoprasert, P.; In, I.; Zwickey, J.; Gopalan, P.; Evans, P.G., “Functional self-assembled monolayers for optimized photoinduced charge transfer in organic field effect transistors”, Advanced Materials 19 (24), 4353-4357 (2007). Link
- Park, B.-N.; Seo, S.; Evans, P.G., “Channel formation in single-monolayer pentacene thin film transistors”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40, 3506-3511 (2007). Link
- Peng, W.; Roberts, M.M.; Nordberg, E.P.; Flack, F.S.; Colavita, P.E.; Hamers, R.J.; Savage, D.E.; Lagally, M.G.; Eriksson, M.A., “A novel method to fabricate multiple-layer SOI: Single-crystal Si nanomembrane transfer and stacking”, ECS Transactions 6 (4), 333-338 (2007). Link
- Seo, S.; Evans, P.G., “Molecular-scale structure of pentacene interfaces with Si (111)”, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 965, S12-24 (2007). Link
- Tse, K.-Y.; Zhang, L.; Baker, S. E.; Nichols, B. M.; West, R.; Hamers, R. J., “Vertically aligned carbon nanofibers coupled with organosilicon electrolytes: Electrical properties of a high-stability nanostructured electrochemical interface”, Chemistry of Materials 19, 5734-5741 (2007). Link
- Uhlrich, J.; Garcia, M.; Wolter, S.; Brown, A.S.; Kuech, T.F., “Interfacial chemistry and energy band line-up of pentacene with the GaN (0 0 0 1) surface”, Journal of Crystal Growth 300 (1), 204-211 (2007). Link
- Weidkamp, K.P.; Tromp, R.M.; Hamers, R.J., “Epitaxial growth of large pentacene crystals on Si(001) surfaces functionalized with molecular monolayers”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (44), 16489-16497 (2007). Link
IRG 3 – 2007
- Bertics, P.J.; Ozer, B.H.; Wiepz, G.J.; Guadarrama, A.G.; Abbott, N.L.; Lowe, A.M.; Shusta, E.V.; Agarwal, N.; Raines, R.T.; Kalia, J., “Liquid crystal-based analytic technology: Enabling a molecular view of cancer”, BIOforum Europe 12, 42-45 (2007). Link
- Borrok, M.J.; Kiessling, L.L.; Forest, K.T., “Conformational changes of glucose/galactose-binding protein illuminated by open, unliganded and ultra-high resolution ligand-bound structures”, Protein Science 16, 1032-1041 (2007). Link
- Brake, J.M.; Abbott, N.L., “Coupling of the orientations of thermotropic liquid crystals to protein binding events at lipid-decorated interfaces”, Langmuir 23 (16), 8497-8507 (2007). Link
- Buck, M.E.; Zhang, J.; Lynn, D.M., “Layer-by-layer assembly of reactive ultrathin films mediated by click-type reactions of poly(2-alkenyl azlacton)s”, Advanced Materials 19 (22), 3951-3955 (2007). Link
- Cadwell, K.D.; Lockwood, N.A.; Nellis, B.A.; Alf, M.E.; Willis, C.; Abbott, N.L., “Detection of organophosphorous nerve agents using liquid crystals supported on chemically functionalized surfaces”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 128 (1), 91-98 (2007).Link
- Carlson, C.B.; Mowery, P.; Owen, R.M.; Dykhuizen, E.C.; Kiessling, L.L., “Selective tumor cell targeting using low affinity multivalent interactions”, ACS Chemical Biology 2 (2), 119-127 (2007). Link
- Chad, J.M.; Sarathy, K.P.; Gruber, T.D.; Addadi, E.; Kiessling, L.L.; Sanders, D.A.R., “Site-directed mutagenesis of UDP-galactopyranose mutase reveals a critical role for the active-site, conserved arginine residues”, Biochemistry 46 (23), 6723-6732 (2007). Link
- Derda, R.; Orner, B.P.; Li, L.; Lewis, R.L.; Thomson, J.A.; Kiessling, L.L., “Defined substrates for human embryonic stem cell growth identified from surface arrays”, ACS Chmical Biology 2 (5), 347-355 (2007). Link
- Derda, R.; Wherritt, D.; Kiessling, L.L., “Solid-phase synthesis of alkanethiols for the preparation of self-assembled monolayers”, Langmuir 23 (22), 11164-11167 (2007). Link
- Docoslis, A.; Tercero Espinoza, L.A.; Zhang, B.; Cheng, L.-L.; Israel, B.A.; Alexandridis, P.; Abbott, N.L., “Using nonuniform electric fields to accelerate the transpot of viruses to surfaces from media of physiological ionic strength”, Langmuir 23 (7), 3840-3848 (2007). Link
- Doxastakis, M.; Sakai, V.G.; Ohtake, S.; Maranas, J.K.; Pablo, J.J.d., “A molecular view of melting in anhydrous phospholipidic membranes”, Biophysical Journal 92, 147-161 (2007). Link
- Fredin, N.J.; Zhang, J.T.; Lynn, D.M., “Nanometer-scale decomposition of ultrathin multilayered polyelectrolyte films”, Langmuir 23 (5), 2273-2276 (2007). Link
- Govindaraju, T.; Bertics, P.J.; Raines, R.T.; Abbott, N.L., “Using measuremetns of anchoring energies of liquid crystals on surfaces to quantify proteins captured by immobilized ligands”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (36), 11223-11231 (2007). Link
- Guerra, A. N.; Gavala, M. L.; Chung, H. S.; Bertics, P. J., “Nucleotide receptor signalling and the generation of reactive oxygen species”, Purinergic Signalling 3, 39-51 (2007). Link
- Hays, M.E.; Jewell, C.M.; Kondo, Y.; Lynn, D.M.; Abbott, N.L., “Lipoplexes formed by DNA and ferrocenyl lipids: Effect of lipid oxidation state on size, internal dynamics and zeta-potential”, Biophysical Journal 93 (12), 4414-4424 (2007). Link
- Hays, M.E.; Jewell, C.M.; Lynn, D.M.; Abbott, N.L., “Reversible condensation of DNA using a redox-active surfactant”, Langmuir 23 (10), 5609-5614 (2007). Link
- Hubbard Jr, F.P.; Abbott, N.L., “Effect of light on self-assembly of aqueous mixtures of sodium dodecyl sulfate and a cationic, bolaform surfactant containing azobenzene”, Langmuir 23 (9), 4819-4829 (2007). Link
- Jewell, C.M.; Fuchs, S.M.; Flessner, R.M.; Raines, R.T.; Lynn, D.M., “Multilayered films fabricated from an oligoarginine-conjugated protein promote efficient surface-mediated protein transduction”, Biomacromolecules 8 (3), 857-863 (2007). Link
- Kalia, J.; Abbott, N.L.; Raines, R.T., “General method for site-specific protein immobilization by Staudinger ligation”, Bioconjugate Chemistry 18 (4), 1064-1069 (2007). Link
- Kalia, J.; Raines, R.T., “Catalysis of imido group hydrolysis in a maleimide conjugate”, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 17 (22), 6286-6289 (2007). Link
- Kinsinger, M.I.; Sun, B.; Abbott, N.L.; Lynn, D.M., “Reversible control of ordering transitions at aqueous/liquid crystal interfaces using functional amphiphilic polymers”, Advanced Materials 19 (23), 4208-4212 (2007). Link
- Liu, S.C.C.; Nealey, P.F.; Ting, Y.-H.; Wendt, A.E., “Pattern transfer using poly(styrene-block-methyl methacrylate) copolymer films and reactive ion etching”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 25 (6), 1963-1968 (2007). Link
- Liu, X.; Zheng, F.; Jurgensen, A.; Perez-Dieste, V.; Petrovykh, Y.; Abbott, N.L.; Himpsel, F.J., “Self-assembly of biomolecules at surfaces characterized by NEXAFS”, Canadian Journal of Chemistry 85 (10), 793-800 (2007). Link
- Lockwood, N.A.; Meli, M.-V.; Surjosantoso, A.; Kim, E.B.; de Pablo, J.J.; Abbott, N.L., “Characterization of the interactions between synthetic nematic liquid crystals and model cell membranes”, Liquid Crystals 34 (12), 1387-1396 (2007). Link
- Metallo, C.M.; Mohr, J.C.; Detzel, C.J.; De Pablo, J.J.; Van Wie, B.J.; Palecek, S., “Engineering the stem cell microenvironment”, Biotechnology Progress 23 (1), 18-23 (2007).
- Owen, R. M.; Carlson, C. B.; Mowery, P.; Fasella, E.; Kiessling, L. L., “Bifunctional ligands that target cells displaying the avb3 integrin”, ChemBioChem 8 (1), 68-82 (2007). Link
- Pfeiffer, Z. A.; Guerra, A. N.; Hill, L. M.; Gavala, M. L.; Prabhu, U.; Aga, M.; Hall, D. J.; Bertics, P. J., “Nucleotide receptor signaling in murine macrophages is linked to reactive oxygen species generation”, Free Radical Biology and Medicine 42, 1506-1516 (2007). Link
- Puffer, E.B.; Pontrello, J.K.; Hollenbeck, J.J.; Kink, J.A.; Kiessling, L.L., “Activating B cell signaling with defined multivalent ligands”, ACS Chemical Biology 2 (4), 256-262 (2007). Link
- Sun, B.; Jewell, C.M.; Fredin, N.J.; Lynn, D.M., “Assembly of multilayered films using well-defined, end-labeled poly(acrylic acid): Influence of molecular weight on exponential growth in a synthetic weak polyelectrolyte system”, Langmuir 23 (16), 8452-8459 (2007). Link
- Zhang, J.; Fredin, N.J.; Lynn, D.M., “Apparent dewetting of ultrathin multilayered polyelectrolyte films incubated in aqueous environments”, Langmuir 23 (23), 11603-11610 (2007). Link
- Zhang, J.; Lynn, D.M., “Ultrathin multilayered films assembled from ‘charge-shifting’ cationic polymers: Extended, long-term release of plasmid DNA from surfaces”, Advanced Materials 19 (23), 4218-4223 (2007). Link
- Zhang, J.; Montanez, S.I.; Jewell, C.M.; Lynn, D.M., “Multilayered films fabricated from plasmid DNA and a side-chain functionalized poly(beta-amino ester): Surface-type erosion and sequential release of multiple plasmid constructs from surfaces”, Langmuir 23 (22), 11139-11146 (2007). Link
- Zheng, F.; Park, B.-N.; Seo, S.; Evans, P.G.; Himpsel, F.J., “Orientation of pentacene molecules on SiO2: From a monolayer to the bulk”, Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 154702 (2007). Link
Seeds – 2007
- Ediger, M.D.; Harrowell, P.; Yu, L., “Crystal growth kinetics exhibit a fragility-dependent decoupling from viscosity”, Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 034709 (2007). Link
- Lakes, R.S., “Cellular solids with tunable positive or negative thermal expansion of unbounded magnitude”, Applied Physics Letters 90, 221905 (2007). Link
- Lakes, R.S.; Stone, D., “Materials science: Stiffer than diamond”, Nature 445 (7128), 570-571 (2007). Link
- Lee, Y.-L.; Morgan, D., “Ab Initio Study of Oxygen-Vacancy Ordering in Oxygen Conducting Ba2In2O5”, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 972, AA04-06 (2007).
- Slaughter, J.M.; Schmidt, K.; Mecozzi, S., “Synthesis and self-assembly properties of a novel poly(ethylene glycol)-fluorocarbon-phospholipid triblock copolymer”, Tetrahedron Letters 48 (22), 3879-3882 (2007). Link
- Wu, T.; Sun, Y.; Li, N.; de Villiers, M.M.; Yu, L., “Inhibiting surface crystallization of amorphous indomethacin by nanocoating”, Langmuir 23 (9), 5148-5153 (2007). Link
Education – 2007
- Ackerman, S.A.; Dunwoody, S.; Zenner, G.M.; Yaros, R., “Integrating research and education: Strategies for teaching science students about public outreach”, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, (2007). Link
- Cadwell, K.D.; Zenner, G.M.; Kuech, T.F.; Blanchard, J.P.; Crone, W.C., “Training undergraduates in the broader context of the research enterprise”, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Boston, MA, W4.9, (2007).
- Castellini, O.M.; Walejko, G.K.; Holladay, C.E.; Theim, T.J.; Zenner, G.M.; Crone, W.C., “Nanotechnology and the public: Effectively communicating nanoscale science and engineering concepts”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 9 (2), 183-189 (2007).Link
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- D’Amato, M.J.; Lux, K.M.; Walz, K.A.; Kerby, H.W.; Anderegg, B., “Introducing new learning tools into a standard classroom: A multi-tool approach to integrating fuel-cell concepts into introductory college chemistry”, Journal of Chemical Education 84 (2), 248-252 (2007). Link
- Horoszewski, D.N.; Crone, W.C.; Gentry, K.L.; Kim, S.; Ng, H.; Johnson, C.; Lisensky, G.C.; Marmon, J.; Keefer, D.; Horger, J.; Nordell, K.J.; Anmankwah, R., “Low-cost laboratory experiments in nanoscience”, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 233 (CHED252), (2007).
- Lisensky, G.; Lux, K.; Crone, W.C., “A web-based video lab manual for nanoscale science and technology”, Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education, Sweeney, A.E.; Seal, S.: American Scientific Publishers, (2007). Link
- Santos, J.; Crone, W.C.; Zenner, G.M.; Suraez, O.M., “Experiences in advancing materials engineering education in public high school via teachers’ training”, Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Engineering 1 (1), 3-7 (2007). Link
- Whitsett, S.; Ehrlich, J., “It’s a nano, nano world”, Abstracts of Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers, Annual Convention, (2007).
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Facilities – 2007
- Agarwal, A. K.; Atencia, J.; Beebe, D. J.; Jiang, H., “Design of microfluidic impellers capable of bi-directional pumping under a single rotating magnetic actuation”, Technical Digest of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2007), Kobe, Japan, 667-670 (2007). Link
- Agarwal, A. K.; Dong, L.; Beebe, D. J.; Jiang, H., “Autonomously-triggered microfluidic cooling using thermo-responsive hydrogels”, Lab on a Chip 7 (3), 310-315 (2007). Link
- Allen, C.G.; Dorr, J.C.; Khandekar, A.A.; Beach, J.D.; Schick, I.C.; Schick, E.J.; Collins, R.T.; Kuech, T.F., “Microcontact printing of indium metal using salt solution ‘ink'”, Thin Solid Films 515 (17), 6812-6816 (2007). Link
- Allen, T. R.; Tan, L.; Was, G. S.; Kenik, E. A., “Thermal and radiation-induced segregation in model Ni-base alloys”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 361 (2-3), 174-183 (2007). Link
- Barreto, C.; Heintz, J.; Horner, J.; Albrecht, R. M., “Original biomaterials preserved in dinosaur bone”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 12 (Supp 2), 52-53 (2007). Link
- Bierman, M. J.; Lau, Y. H. A.; Jin, S., “Hyperbranched PbS and PbSe nanowires and the effect of hydrogen gas on their synthesis”, Nanotechnology Letters 7 (9), 2907-2912 (2007). Link
- Bierman, M. J.; Van Heuvelen, K. M.; Schmei�er, D.; Brunold, T. C.; Jin, S., “Ferromagnetic semiconducting EuO nanorods”, Advanced Materials 19 (18), 2677-2681 (2007). Link
- Campbell, V.E.; Paoprasert, P.; Mykietin, J.D.; In, I.; McGee, D.J.; Gopalan, P., “Linear and branched fluoroazo-benzene chromophores with increased compatibility in semifluorinated polymers”, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 45 (15), 3166-3177 (2007). Link
- Chandra, A.; Turng, L. S.; Gopalan, P.; Rowell, R. M.; Gong, S. Q., “Semitransparent poly(styrene-r-maleic anhydride)/alumina nanocomposites for optical applications”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 105 (5), 2728-2736 (2007). Link
- Chen, P.; Xu, D.; Mawst, L.J.; Henttinen, K.; Suni, T.; Suni, I.; Kuech, T.F.; Lau, S.S., “Fabrication of InP/SiO2/Si substrate using ion-cutting process and selective chemical etching”, Electrochemical Society Transactions 6 (1), 99-103 (2007). Link
- Chen, W.; Chen, P.; Jing, Y.; Lau, S.S.; Kuech, T.F.; Liu, J.; Wang, X.; Chu, W.-K., “Double-flip transfer of indium phosphide layers via adhesive wafer bonding and ion-cutting process”, Applied Physics Letters 90, 052114 (2007). Link
- Chen, Y.; Sridharan, K.; Allen, T. R., “Effect of yttrium thin film surface modification on corrosion layers formed on 9Cr ODS steel in supercritical water”, 13th Environmental Degradation Of Materials In Nuclear Power Systems, Allen, T.R.; Busby, J.T.; King, P.J.: Canadian Nuclear Society, (2007).
- Chen, Y.; Sridharan, K.; Ukai, S.; Allen, T. R., “Oxidation of 9Cr oxide dispersion strengthened steel exposed in supercritical water”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 371 (1-3), 118-128 (2007). Link
- Cheng, X. D.; Datta, A.; Choi, H.; Zhang, X.; Li, X., “Study on embedding and integration of micro sensors into metal structures for manufacturing applications”, ASME Transaction Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 129 (2), 416-424 (2007). Link
- Cheng, X. D.; Li, X., “Investigation of heat generation in ultrasonic metal welding using micro sensor arrays”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 17, 273-282 (2007). Link
- Chheda, J. N.; Huber, G. W.; Dumesic, J. A., “Liquid-phase catalytic processing of biomass-derived oxygenated hydrocarbons to fuels and chemicals”, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 46 (38), 7164-7183 (2007). Link
- Chheda, J. N.; Roman-Leshkov, Y.; Dumesic, J. A., “Production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and furfural by dehydration of biomass-derived mono- and poly-saccharides”, Green Chemistry 9 (4), 342-350 (2007). Link
- Cho, S.-Y.; Palit, S.; Xu, D.; Tsvid, G.; Jokerst, N.; Mawst, L. J.; Kuech, T. F., “Strain compensated InGaAs/GaAsP single quantum well thin film lasers integrated onto Si substrates”, LEOS 2007, 206h Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 829-830 (2007). Link
- Choi, H.; Konishi, H.; Xu, H.; Li, X., “Embedding of micro thin film sensors in sapphire by diffusion bonding”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 17, 2248-2252 (2007). Link
- Choi, H.; Li, X., “Fabrication and application of micro thin film thermocouples for transient temperature measurement in laser micromachining on nickel substrate”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 136 (1), 118-124 (2007). Link
- Colavita, P. E.; Sun, B.; Tse, K.-Y.; Hamers, R. J., “Photochemical grafting of n-alkenes onto carbon surfaces: The role of photoelectron ejection”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (44), 13554-13565 (2007). Link
- Crone, W. C.; Brock, H.; Creuziger, A., “Nanoindentation and microindentation of CuAlNi shape memory alloy”, Experimental Mechanics 47 (1), 133-142 (2007). Link
- Cullen, S. P.; Mandel, I. C.; Gopalan, P., “Surface-Anchored Poly(2-vinyl-4,4-dimethyl azlactone) Brushes as Templates for Enzyme Immobilization”, Langmuir 24 (23), 13701-13709 (2008). Link
- Ding, R.; Klein, L.J.; Eriksson, M.A.; Wendt, A.E., “Anisotropic fluorocarbon plasma etching of Si/SiGe heterostructures”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 25 (2), 404-409 (2007). Link
- Evans, P. G.; Park, B.; Seo, S.; Zwickey, J.; In, I.; Paoprasert, P.; Gopalan, P., “Design and characterization of pentacene-inorganic interfaces”, Physica B-Condensed Matter 401, 686-690 (2007). Link
- Farahani, F. J.; Zolfaghari, S.; Talebian, A.; Maghsudlu, M.; Azarkeivan, A.; Sarmadi, M.; Shahrabi, A.; Taherkhani, Z., “Assessment of thyroid function in multi-transfused thalassemia patients”, Vox Sanguinis 95, 156-157 (2008).
- Goswami, S.; Slinker, K. A.; Friesen, M.; McGuire, L. M.; Truitt, J. L.; Tahan, C.; Klein, L. J.; Chu, J. O.; Mooney, P. M.; van der Weide, D. W.; Joynt, R.; Coppersmith, S. N.; Eriksson, M. A., “Controllable valley splitting in Si/SiGe quantum devices”, Nature Physics 3, 41-45 (2007). Link
- Grigoriev, A.; Do, D.-H.; Evans, P. G.; Adams, B. W.; Landahl, E.; Dufresne, E. M., “Synchronizing fast electrically driven phenomena with synchrotron x-ray probes”, Review of Scientific Instruments 78, 023105 (2007). Link
- Gupta, G.; Ampornrat, P.; Ren, X.; Sridharan, K.; Allen, T. R.; Was, G. S., “Role of grain boundary engineering in the SCC behavior of ferritic-martensitic alloy HT-9”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 361 (2-3), 160-173 (2007). Link
- Han, E.; In, I.; Park, S.M.; La, Y.-H.; Wang, Y.; Nealey, P.F.; Gopalan, P., “Photopatternable imaging layers for controlling block copolymer microdomain orientation”, Advanced Materials 19 (24), 4448-4452 (2007). Link
- Herschleb, J.; Ananiev, G.; Schwartz, D. C., “A quantile method for sizing optical maps”, Journal of Computational Biology 14 (3), 255-266 (2007). Link
- Huang, J. Y. T.; Xu, D. P.; Song, X.; Babcock, S. E.; Kuech, T. F.; Mawst, L. J., “Growth of strained GaAs1-ySby and GaAs1-y-zSbyNz quantum wells on InP substances”, Journal of Crystal Growth 298, 154-158 (2007). Link
- Huang, J.Y.T.; Xu, D.P.; Mawst, L.J.; Kuech, T.F.; Vurgaftman, I.; Meyer, J.R., “GaAsSbN�GaAsSb�InP type-II ‘W’ quantum wells for mid-IR emission”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 13 (5), 1065-1073 (2007). Link
- Huang, J.Y.T.; Xu, D.P.; Park, J.H.; Mawst, L.J.; Kuech, T.F.; Song, X.; Babcock, S.E.; Vurgaftman, I.; Meyer, J.R., “Characteristics of strained GaAs1−ySby (0.16 ≤ y ≤ 0.69) quantum wells on InP substrates”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40, 7656-7661 (2007). Link
- Jaramillo, R.; Rosenbaum, T. F.; Isaacs, E. D.; Shpyrko, O. G.; Evans, P. G.; Aeppli, G.; Cai, Z., “Microscopic and macroscopic signatures of antiferromagnetic domain walls”, Physical Review Letters 98, 117206 (2007). Link
- Kaiser, M.; Heintz, J.; Kandela, I. K.; Albrecht, R. M., “Tumor cell death induced by membrane melting via immunotargeted, inductively heated core/shell nanoparticles”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 13 (Supp 2), 18-19 (2007). Link
- Kandela, I. K.; Albrecht, R. M., “Fluorescence quenching by colloidal heavy metals nanoparticles: Implications for correlative fluroscence and elctron microscopic studies”, Scanning 29 (4), 152-161 (2007). Link
- Kandela, I. K.; Bleher, R.; Albrecht, R. M., “Multiple correlative immunolabeling in light and elctron microscopy using fluorophores and colloidal metal particles”, Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 55 (10), 983-990 (2007). Link
- Khandekar, A.A.; Yeh, J.-Y.; Mawst, L.J.; Song, X.; Babcock, S.E.; Kuech, T.F., “Effects of Ga and Sb precursor chemistry on the alloy composition in pseudomorphically strained GaAs1-ySby films grown via metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy”, Journal of Crystal Growth 303 (2), 456-465 (2007). Link
- Khandekar, A.A.; Yeh, J.Y.; Mawst, L.J.; Song, X.Y.; Babcock, S.E.; Kuech, T.F., “Growth of strained GaAs1-ySby layers using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy”, Journal of Crystal Growth 298 (1), 154-158 (2007). Link
- Knotts, T. A.; Rathore, N.; Schwartz, D. C.; de Pablo, J. J., “A coarse grain model for DNA”, Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 084901 (2007). Link
- La, Y.-H.; In, I.; Park, S. M.; Meagley, R. P.; Gopalan, P.; Nealey, P. F., “Pixelated chemically amplified resists: Investigation of material structure on the spatial distribution of photoacids and line edge roughness”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 25 (6), 2508-2513 (2007). Link
- Li, H.; Valouev, A.; Schwartz, D. C.; Waterman, M. S.; Li, L., “A quantile method for sizing optical maps”, Journal of Computational Biology 14 (3), 255-266 (2007). Link
- Li, X.; Duan, K.; Cao, G.; Roure, A., “Ultrasonic cavitation based solidificiation processing of bulk Mg matrix nanocomposite”, AFS Transaction, (2007).
- Li, X.; Yang, Y.; Weiss, D., “Ultrasonic cavitation based dispersion of nanoparticles in aluminum melts for solidification processing of bulk aluminum matric nanocomposite: Theoretical study, fabrication and characterization”, AFS Transaction, (2007).
- Liu, N.; Kuech, T.F., “Interfacial chemistry of InP/GaAs bonded pairs”, Journal of Electronic Materials 36 (3), 179-190 (2007).Link
- Lynn, D. M., “Peeling back the layers: Controlled erosion and triggered disassembly of multilayered polyelectrolyte thin films”, Advanced Materials 19 (23), 4118-4130 (2007). Link
- Marcus, M. S.; Shang, L.; Li, B.; Streifer, J. D.; Perkins, E.; Eriksson, M. A.; Hamers, R. J., “Dielectrophoretic manipulation and real-time electrical detection of single-nanowire bridges in aqueous saline solutions”, Small 3 (9), 1610-1617 (2007). Link
- Metz, K.; Goel, D.; Hamers, R. J., “Molecular monolayers enhance the formation of electrocatalytic platinum nanoparticles on vertically aligned carbon nanofiber scaffolds”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (20), 7260-7265 (2007). Link
- Morin, S. A.; Amos, F. F.; Jin, S., “Biomimetic assembly of zinc oxide nanorods on flexible polymers”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129, 13776-13777 (2007). Link
- Perales-Perez, O.; Parra-Palomino, A.; Singhal, R.; Voyles, P. M.; Zhu, Y.; Jia, W.; Tomar, M. S., “Evidence of ferromagnetism in Zn1-xMxO (M = Ni, Cu) nanocrystals for spintronics”, Nanotechnology 18 (31), (2007). Link
- Ren, X.; Sridharan, K.; Allen, T. R., “Corrosion Behavior of Alloys 625 and 718 in Supercritical Water”, Corrosion 63 (7), 603-612 (2007). Link
- Robinson, J.T.; Evans, P.G.; Liddle, J.A.; Dubon, O.D., “Chemical nanomachining of silicon by gold-catalyzed oxidation”, Nano Letters 7 (7), 2009-2013 (2007). Link
- Robinson, J.T.; Walko, D.A.; Arms, D.A.; Tingberg, D.S.; Evans, P.G.; Cao, Y.; Liddle, J.A.; Rastelli, A.; Schmidt, O.G.; Dubon, O.D., “Sculpting semiconductor heteroepitaxial islands: From dots to rods”, Physical Review Letters 98, 106102 (2007). Link
- Roman-Leshkov, Y.; Barrett, C. J.; Liu, Z. Y.; Dumesic, J. A., “Production of dimethylfuran for liquid fuels from biomass-derived carbohydrates”, Nature 447 (7147), 982-U5 (2007). Link
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