The MSREC Honored Scholar Travel Award enabled Nicholas Hagopian to attend the 2024 Microscopy and Microanalysis conference held in Cleveland, Ohio. Hagopian, a PhD student in the Voyles group, conducts research on characterizing materials and …
MRSEC Graduate Student Gives Two Presentations at IMC20
Shuoyuan Huang, a graduate student in Paul Voyles’ lab, recently attended the 20th International Microscopy Congress in Busan, Korea. While there, he presented two talks: “Momentum-Resolved Electron Correlation Microscopy Reveals Structure Dependent Dynamics in Metallic Supercooled Liquids” and “High-speed, Low-dose 4D STEM of Orientation Domains in an Anisotropic Molecular Glass.”
Graduate Student Returns from MRS Conference with Research Insights as well as Great Experiences
With the support of funding from the MRSEC Honored Scholar Travel Award, Shuoyuan Huang traveled to Honolulu Hawaii and presented a talk at the Spring MRS meeting in May, 2022.
MRSEC Travel Award Offers Graduate Student a Chance to Network and Share Research at MRS
Samuel Marks, a University of Wisconsin-Madison Materials Science and Engineering graduate student working in Professor Paul Evans’ lab was supported through the MRSEC Honored Scholar Travel Award to attend the Fall 2021 Materials Research Society (MRS) meeting in Boston. The meeting provided an opportunity to share experimental and computational materials science findings with researchers from around the world.
Poster Showing Control and Tuning of Molecular Organization in Vapor-Deposited Glasses Presented at Gordon Conference by MRSEC Graduate Student
Camille Bishop, a 5th-year graduate student working in Mark Ediger’s group as part of the MRSEC IRG 1, presented her work on liquid crystal-like order in vapor-deposited glasses at the Gordon Conference on Liquid Crystals in New London, NH that took place from July 7th-12th, 2019. The conference brings together researchers in a diverse range of disciplines involving liquid crystal science and technology.
Rolling Call for Proposals for The MRSEC Honored Scholar Travel Award
Download CFP The University of Wisconsin Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) is soliciting proposals to support travel to materials research and educational conferences. A maximum of $1,500 for domestic and $3,000 for international …