The Wisconsin MRSEC Creates Content

Multiple pictures of science expirements

The Wisconsin MRSEC creates research-inspired educational resources through the collaborative efforts of researchers, teachers, and outreach professionals. These resources are field tested, evaluated, refined, and then disseminated to the public. The UW MRSEC has developed over 125 research-inspired science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) resources, which are both scientifically and pedagogically rigorous. Over 1.75 million people have accessed these resources either in person or online through our MRSEC education website.

Types of Resources

The Wisconsin MRSEC develops a wide range of resources that are freely available on our website including:

Laboratory experiments with written and video instructions in our Video Lab Manual

Educational Kits available through the Institutes for Chemical Education (ICE)

Curriculum developed by teachers in our Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program.

All of our hands-on activities and background information are listed by Topic.

Training videos that demonstrate how to do the outreach activities we have developed.