UW-Madison Engineering Campus. Image courtesy of Jeff Miller/UW-Madison

UW-Madison College of Engineering Summer Exchange Research Program (SERP)

The Wisconsin MRSEC and UW-Madison College of Engineering have partnered with the Graduate School of Science and Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) to provide cutting edge-research experiences for visiting Tokyo Tech undergraduates, Masters, and PhD level students. The goals of the SERP program are 1) to provide Tokyo Tech and UW-Madison students with skills necessary to work in countries that have cultures and languages that are distinct from their own, and 2) to enhance research collaboration.

The UW-Madison COE SERP program is coordinated with other UW summer research programs in engineering and across the university to give the students a large cohort of diverse peers and exposure to a wider breadth of UW research. The MRSEC, on behalf of COE, evaluates applications based upon academic achievement, letters of recommendation, and research interest. Interested students can contact the SERP coordinators at Tokyo Tech, Ms. Aya KUSUMI (kusumi.a.aa@m.titech.ac.jp) and Ms. Kaori IGUCHI (iguchi.k.ad@m.titech.ac.jp).

Program details for Summer 2017:

  • Preferred program dates: June 1 – August 10, 2017. Deviations from these dates may be negotiated with the faculty host.
  • Online application deadline: February 15, 2017 Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2017. Up to 3 nominees will be accepted.
  • UW-Madison COE SERP participants are responsible for costs of travel, accommodation, and other living costs, including health insurance. UW-Madison may arrange for accommodation with the expectation that the SERP participants will reimburse these costs.

Online Application Instructions:

  • Submit online application for Summer Research Opportunity Program, https://grad.wisc.edu/diversity/srop/ via the Nanotechnology REU link. Note: The stipend, housing, and travel support described on the SROP application webpage does not apply to SERP participants.
  • Documents to include in your online application:
  1. Research Plan (Essays Form). Please identify yourself as a SERP applicant either in the Applicant Information section, or in your Essay. Please also identify 3 College of Engineering professors whose labs you would like to be hosted by. The Experts Guide may be used to identify possible host labs: https://goo.gl/7LwYgG. Interested students are also encouraged to visit individual department websites. A list of COE departments can be found here: https://www.engr.wisc.edu/about/faculty/.
  2. Academic Record (Transcripts Upload)
  3. Contact Information for 2 people willing to provide a recommendation (Request Recommendation 1 and Request Recommendation 2). Recommenders will receive automated requests by email.

UW-Madison SERP Program contacts:

Dr. Erin Gill, emgill@wisc.edu, and Dr. Andrew Greenberg, aegreenb@engr.wisc.edu

At a Glance

Abby Schmidt, left, a freshman civil engineering major, and Katie Radavich, a freshman engineering major, talk while enjoying an evening at the Memorial Union Terrace on Lake Mendota, May 7, 2007 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. ©UW-Madison University Communications 608/262-0067 Photo by: Aaron Mayes Date: 05/07 File#: D200 digital camera frame 2634
Abby Schmidt, left, a freshman civil engineering major, and Katie Radavich, a freshman engineering major, talk while enjoying an evening at the Memorial Union Terrace on Lake Mendota, May 7, 2007 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
©UW-Madison University Communications 608/262-0067
Photo by: Aaron Mayes
Date: 05/07 File#: D200 digital camera frame 2634

Image courtesy of Aaron Mayes/UW-Madison


* Upper level undergraduate, Masters, PhD student enrolled at Tokyo Tech
* 3.0 cumulative GPA
* Language Prerequisite: None

Research Topics

Areas of research undertaken by professors in Materials Science & Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and other UW-Madison Engineering programs
Experts Guide: https://goo.gl/7LwYgG
COE Departments: https://www.engr.wisc.edu/about/faculty/


Nearby student apartments

Program Duration

June – mid August 2017, preferred

Application Deadline(s)

Tokyo Tech Screening – mid January 2017
Online Application Deadline – February 15, 2017